Former CAM-2 DEW Line Radar Site

Canada / Nunavut / Oqsuqtooq /
 former air force base, early warning radar

Constructed in the mid-1950's on 1,648 acres of land as an Auxiliary Radar Site in the CAM Sector of the DEW Line, the CAM-2 or Gladman Point radar station went operational for the first time in 1957. In continuous use throughout the life of the DEW Line, the Gladman Point site was eventually deactivated in 1992 as its mission transferred to a co-located North Warning System radar site which had gone operational in October of 1990.

Idle thereafter and largely abandoned, the DEW Line-era infrastructure at CAM-2 was razed and removed or landfilled as part of a territory-wide environmental remediation project at former DEW Line sites which was declared completed here in 2005. To date, neither the former site airfield, its beaching area approaches or its outer roadways are actively maintained.
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Coordinates:   68°39'55"N   97°46'57"W
This article was last modified 8 years ago