Veliki Preslav - The Inner City | ruined castle, archaeological site, Medieval / Middle Ages, open air museum, interesting place, historic landmark, 100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria

Bulgaria / Sumen / Veliki Preslav /
 ruined castle, archaeological site, Medieval / Middle Ages, open air museum, interesting place, historic landmark, 100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria

The Inner City of the medieval capital of Veliki Preslav, including the imperial and patriarchal palaces of the Second Bulgarian Empire and other structures.
The town of Veliki Preslav is situated on Golyama Kamchia River, 30 km away from Pliska Town, the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire, 20 km away from Shumen Town, the district centre, and 25 km away from the town of Targovishte. The town of Veliki Preslav was established more than 1100 years ago as a town-fortress under the reign of Knyaz Boris I (852 – 889). After the Preslav Council of the Church and the People of 893, it was declared the capital of the Bulgarian state.
Preslav was known as a spiritual and literary centre where the development of the Slavic written language and the Golden Age of Bulgaria during the rule of Tsar Simeon I (who reigned in the period 893 – 927) took place.
In medieval Bulgaria, Preslav became one of the most beautiful and grandeur towns in Southeastern Europe where significant monuments of the culture of Pliska and Preslav were later discovered.
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Coordinates:   43°8'49"N   26°48'50"E
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