599 Broadway (New York City, New York)

USA / New Jersey / Hoboken / New York City, New York / Broadway, 599
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157-foot, 12-story residential building completed in 1917. Designed by J. Odell Whitenach as a store-and-loft building, it was later converted to offices, and now is used as condominiums. It is clad in beige brick, faced over with beige smooth stucco on the north facade.

The east end of the building's north wall features a 1972 art installation called The Wall, by Forrest Myers, consisting of a field of blue with green girders arranged in a grid. The owner of the building had it removed in 2003 so that he could sell the wall as ad space, but after a long legal struggle it was replaced in 2007 - spiffed up and moved up somewhat so an ad can fit underneath.

The rest of the north elevation is stepped back, with the ground floor painted grey. In the middle section the windows are grouped in pairs, while on the west end, there are two bays of windows in threes. Various windows have been replaced by vents. The Broadway facade is six bays wide, with the end bays spaced apart and containing double-windows on the upper floors. The 2-story base has a pair of large, fluted Ionic pilasters supporting an entablature with a dentiled cornice. Twin entrance in the end bays are set under shallow triangular pediments. At the 3rd floor, the end bays have stone surrounds. A dentiled cornice sets off the top two floors, and the piers end in Corinthian capitals at the top floor. The roof line has a green metal modillioned cornice above a row of dentils.

The western elevation on Mercer Street also has a high base, but with three brick piers with Ionic capitals, dividing the facade into two halves of three windows each. The base is capped by a dentiled cornice. There is little in the way of ornament on the upper floors. The exposed upper part of the south wall is faced in plain smooth stucco with a handful of windows. The ground floor is occupied by American Eagle Outfitters.
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Coordinates:   40°43'31"N   73°59'50"W
This article was last modified 9 years ago