Panopeus | citadel, archaeological site, fortification, acropolis, ancient ruins

Greece / Voiotia / Daulia /
 citadel, archaeological site, fortification, acropolis, ancient ruins

Ancient Panopeus (or Panopea) was supposedly named after Panopeus, son of Phokos, a hero of the war against Troy. It was the Phokaian city closest to Boiotia and Chaironeia. In 346 BC it was destroyed by Philip II of Macedon, although he fortified it again before his campaign against the Athenians and Thebans in 338 BC. The site represents the Upper City and Akropolis (citadel) of the ancient city, part of which extended to the north and possibly towards modern Agios Vlasios to the northeast. The earliest remains include a Mycenaean-period cyclopian fortification (on the southern edge of the akropolis), while at least part of the site continued to function as a fortress during the Middle Ages.
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Coordinates:   38°29'44"N   22°47'44"E
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