PJB (Giurgiu)

Romania / Giurgiu / Giurgiu / Piata Unirii

Here's the place where notorious characters of Giurgiu of Romania hang out. Usual fun is drinking beer, smoking, cracking seeds, watching the "jmekeri" riding cars into light poles, discussing subjects ranging from cheap gossip to enlightening areas of art, or better ways of spending this life. It's been the definition of many childhoods. It's influence has spread even beyond childhood, becoming what some would call a lifestyle. It's been a place of joy or depression, envy and deception, bliss, "caterinca", "jmekerie", "buceaga". A place where constructive energy has been released cheering the unknown ways of our ephemeral place in this world.

PJB is somewhat of a promised land. A land we're pleased to occupy, while lacking alternatives. Mount Athos of our small, humble town.

Definitely one of the greatest tourist attractions of Giurgiu.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   43°53'25"N   25°57'56"E


  • Some would even call it a place of worship!...
  • A place where great people were born.
  • yeah, a place where prophets and human-mind enlighters would scratch their backs and friendly call each other 'băi coaie'
  • Wha'? There are truly great people born there.
  • yeah, they should write all over the perk things like: "here, right on this bench, great man/gal' X-ulescu was born" or "in this bush it is highly probable that the greatest (enter something) of our times was conceived" . or "here, from this public fountain, the illustrious X, tried to drink water, act which proved fatal to him, as he managed to get infected with a severe form of hepatitis"
  • Good call. :))
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This article was last modified 12 years ago