Ostrov Vardim PZ under both Directives

Romania / Teleorman / Nasturelu /
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Ostrov Vardim (meaning: Island Vardim) is a protected zone under both Directives: Birds Directive and Habitats Directive with Ordinance No.РД-560 from 05.09.2008.
Area: 1167.55 hectares.


1. Ostrov (Island) Vardim (SPA) - Birds Directive protected area BG0002018
2. Ostrov (Island) Vardim (SCI) - Habitats Directive protected area BG0002018

Vardim island is part of the territory of Bulgaria under the Convention for delimitation of the river border between Bulgaria and Romania, signed in 1908. According to Article 1 of the Convention the state border follows the Danube thalweg (the lowest line of the riverbed).
Third largest Bulgarian Danubian island after Belene Island and Kozloduy Island.
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Coordinates:   43°37'46"N   25°28'51"E
This article was last modified 1 year ago