Kodori gorge

Russia / Karacaj-Cherkessija / Dombay /
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Kodori Gorge (geo. კოდორის ხეობა (Kodoris Kheoba), აჟარის მუნიციპალიტეტი (Azhara Municipality))- almost the most beautiful and interesting place in the Caucasus. The only road - this gauge otvratnogo quality, going through a high pass. Gradients on this road reach 45 - 50 degrees, there can only pass trucks cross-type high Uralov. From the big tracks before the first village - Sakeni - about half a day to go. Especially beautiful mountain forest on ingurskoy side trails and views of the mountains with the pass. Already since the beginning of October comes to spring snow and valley becomes completely cut off. Previously, the Abkhaz have lived in the valley, a vassal princes Marshan. They zealously fought with the Russians in the first Caucasian war, and after decided to go to Turkey. Kodori depopulated, and was settled Svans, came from the east. Now here Svan about 25 villages, all of them small, the largest - Azhara.
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Coordinates:   43°9'46"N   41°41'18"E
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