Berikhera means Defence Camps. (Berikhera)

India / Uttar Pradesh / Ghatampur / Berikhera
 house, military
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This is the village of Kamla Devi,Shri Sohan Lal Yadav ,Umakant and Shivakant singh. It is locating in District Kanpur,Utter Pradesh India . This Village is fully dominated for Indian Defence. Total strength of this village is 100 houses and more than 200 people serving to defence of india . Shri Sohan Lal Is the Oldest Man of this village.They were ret. chief of this village .
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Coordinates:   26°10'27"N   80°19'36"E


  • it's a nice village in kanpur district.we spent our life with in is the village of soldiers.i sharad yadav sub-ordinate officer in border security force feel so good that i belong to such type of village.and thanks to all of the villagers to maintainthe our culture.
This article was last modified 17 years ago