
Syria / Hhalab / al-Bab /
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Al-Bab is a Syrian city administratively belonging to the Aleppo Governorate. Al-Bab is located northeast of Aleppo and has an area of 30 km². Al Bab has an altitude of 471 meters. It had a population of 63,069 as of 2004, composed mostly of Sunni Muslim Arabs and Kurds. It is the center of the al-Bab Subdistrict of the al-Bab district.

The agriculture and livestock business basic sources of income of the population, augmented by some entrepreneurs, government and public functions.
Agriculture spread dramatically in the plain of al-Bab City, where the rain-fed crops around the city area of ​​4517 H, and the most important crops are wheat, barley and pulses, while irrigated agriculture area 473 e is the most important crops pomegranates, pistachios and olives with some vegetables. As well as the city is famous for its cheese and dairy products, in addition to a number of other industries.
City water feed network derive their water from the Euphrates River, and reservoir west of the city.
Where public services are available including: a health clinic, industrial and public high schools, consumer organizations and the House of the government, and air monitoring station.

In 2013, the Syrian Army retreated from huge parts of northen Syria, and Al-Bab was taken by the FSA. In January 2014, the Islamic State seized huge swaths of land in Syria, and forced the FSA to retreat, taking the city.
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Coordinates:   36°22'9"N   37°30'54"E


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