India /
Chhattisgarh /
Akaltara /
/ India
/ Chhattisgarh
/ Akaltara
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About Rogda
Rogda is a small Village/hamlet in Akaltara Tehsil in Janjgir-champa District of Chattisgarh State, India. It comes under Rogda Panchayath. It is located 46 KM towards west from District head quarters Janjgir. 139 KM from State capital Raipur
Rogda Pin code is 495553 and postal head office is Nariyara .
Rogda is surrounded by Baloda Tehsil towards North , Masturi Tehsil towards west , Pamgarh Tehsil towards South , Bilaspur Tehsil towards west .
Akaltara , Naila Janjgir , Champa , Bilaspur are the nearby Cities to Rogda.
This Place is in the border of the Janjgir-champa District and Bilaspur District. Bilaspur District Masturi is west towards this place .
Demographics of Rogda
Chhattisgarhi is the Local Language here.
By Rail
Akaltara Rail Way Station , Kotmi Sonan Hlt Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Rogda. How ever Bilaspur Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 30 KM near to Rogda
Rogda is a small Village/hamlet in Akaltara Tehsil in Janjgir-champa District of Chattisgarh State, India. It comes under Rogda Panchayath. It is located 46 KM towards west from District head quarters Janjgir. 139 KM from State capital Raipur
Rogda Pin code is 495553 and postal head office is Nariyara .
Rogda is surrounded by Baloda Tehsil towards North , Masturi Tehsil towards west , Pamgarh Tehsil towards South , Bilaspur Tehsil towards west .
Akaltara , Naila Janjgir , Champa , Bilaspur are the nearby Cities to Rogda.
This Place is in the border of the Janjgir-champa District and Bilaspur District. Bilaspur District Masturi is west towards this place .
Demographics of Rogda
Chhattisgarhi is the Local Language here.
By Rail
Akaltara Rail Way Station , Kotmi Sonan Hlt Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Rogda. How ever Bilaspur Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 30 KM near to Rogda
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 21°58'41"N 82°24'30"E
- Teliyapuran 69 km
- Meghnath Tola 273 km
- Triyaree 416 km
- Daljittola 475 km
- Satsang Nagar 518 km
- NATUNGRAM 580 km
- Darabakas 785 km
- Chamta 805 km
- Karaibari 811 km
- Thawlynhlong 855 km
- KSK Mahanadi Power Company Ltd., 6X600MW Thermal Power Plant 1.2 km
- Indira Udyaan 4.1 km
- arjuni 5.9 km
- arasmeta cement plant 6 km
- acp colony 6.8 km
- Arasmeta Limestone Mines 7.2 km
- Dalha Pahad 14 km
- Ash Dam NTPC 16 km
- Ash Dam NTPC 17 km
- Ash Dam NTPC 18 km