Dabiq / Dabık | town, place with historical importance

Syria / Hhalab / Mara /
 town, place with historical importance

Dabiq is a Turkmen-populated town in northern Syria, about 40 kilometres (25 mi) northeast of Aleppo and around 10 km (6.2 mi) south of Syria's border with Turkey. It is administratively part of the Akhtarin subdistrict of the Azaz District of Aleppo Governorate. Nearby localities include Mare' to the southwest, Sawran to the northwest, and Akhtarin town to the southeast. In the 2004 census, Dabiq had a population of 3,364.

The town was the site of the battle of Marj Dabiq in 1516, in which the Ottoman Empire decisively defeated the Mamluk Sultanate.

Captured by ISIL on 13 August 2014. In August 2014, ISIL destroyed the tomb of Suleyman bin Abdulmallah after occupying the town. On 16 October 2016, Syrian rebels of Operation Euphrates Shield captured the town from ISIL along with the nearby towns of Sawran and Ahktarin..
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   36°32'14"N   37°16'1"E


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  •  34 km
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  •  158 km
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This article was last modified 5 years ago