
Iran / Fars / Nurabad /

Nurabad is a city in Fars Province in southwestern Iran. This city is the center of Mamasani County.

Nurabad mamasani is one of the cities of the province and the city center.
Mamasani the word MH and MH has been named one of the commanders of the people present at the time of entry into the area has been mamasani. and trench life.
Historical mamasani according to available evidence dates back almost 7,000 years before Christ. This could be evidence of the city or state Anzan Anshan noted that one of the states of the Achaemenid period, and has been proved that the State had mamasani current position.

The most important archeological sites available can include:
Ancient City Lydvma:
This work dating back to the Achaemenid period and was built in about 550 BC. The building is located on the King's Road between Susa and Persepolis is the fourth largest city of the Achaemenid evidence from Susa, Persepolis and Pasargadae is. The ancient city is located in the village of Captain Jnjan Nurabad city. Evidence obtained in this work show that a civilization more than 5,000 years in the area. It has an area of about 1500 square meters. At 350 meters from the Grand Palace Achaemenid hill there is a stone inscription that has been found.

Mill Fire Dragon:
The Altar of the Temple of the few remaining from the Parthian period. This temple is located 5 km from Nurabad the village blacksmith. The fire in the green and beautiful environment, which has a fireplace, which is now at the Museum of Iran in Tehran.
Ancient City Nvbdgan:
This ancient city is still not out of the soil, but as historians have described it as one of the largest and most mysterious ancient cities of Iran.
Mirage of Mars:
The prominent role in the city is located 10 km Nurabad _ Ghaemieh this role belongs to the second B is beautifully carved in the mountains.
The historic town gradational:
The city was at the time of their popularity mamasani city center is now one of the city's parks. But with baths, mosques and monuments. Another feature is the presence of numerous ancient Gvrdkhmh that doubled the value of the historic city.

Geographical climates and landscapes:

Mamasani the climate of four seasons small town famous. At the same time, because the city can experience four different climates. Mamasani into four main sections (Kill), eternal, Doshmanziare and dale Mylaty divided.

the spring can be held or head down to the Doshmanziare of ski and snow to the area of use.
Landscapes and resorts:

Bavanat Persian dictionary meaning heaven and think Herzfeld traveler and historian of the fourth European paradise on earth. Bavanat Nurabad located 10 km East has abundant gardens and waterfalls. Bavanat the resort's fifth largest waterfall.
Harariz mamasani a beautiful promenade, with waterfalls and pristine landscapes and unique. Harariz Khvmh marsh located near the city, in addition to natural Jazbyt historical backgrounds.
Tngsa of the most beautiful natural landscapes Nurabad city has beautiful waterfalls and forests
The landscape can be mentioned the following:
Dimeh desire (libido Dragon)
Mirage B.
Seven to go
My passion
Falls Pachr Doshmanziare
Falls Tuff-jawed leg
Waterfall water tight Khvran
Tweet grass
Walnut River Falls Baba Monir
The High King
Mehrenjan, Mamasani

Mamasani people of ethnic Lori and Larry mamasani speaking the language.
Customs mamasani should be divided into several categories:

Vancouver, century, invertebrates, Eid ul-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Ghadeer, Muhammad's first revelation of the prophet Mohammed's birth .... and among the Imams.

The wedding celebrations are in the area, which is unique in the world. Traditionally, weddings are held for 7 days, but now because of the economic situation in a day and a night had fallen. Mrasmaty which was drawn from the wedding to be held outside, yes, the village chief killers, cotton clothing, cotton ring, Hanna congestion, Hooded Brown, Baruzi, Doughty, Vatlbvn (foot decoder) which also had a small part in the ceremony ceremonies done among the second group (the groom prepare for the wedding), Trashvn beard, Qapvn paper, wood killers, sugar-breakers and ...


Mourning the martyrdom of Imam generally held to be the hero for close relatives were also held. The mourning ceremony wearing black and dark and mourning shall showed their devotion. In this three-day mourning ceremony, seven days, the fortieth anniversary of the day and hold.

Games a fun tradition among the youth of the city, including special games area can be Klklh, Kprvshk, Chvkly (Hvkly), Arkhtl, paragraph Europe, the wolf and, Qdbnd game, wand games (the letter), solvent waste (Gvbazy), Tngs·h, head Vrvvank, Twilight and ....... noted.
and swear to tell the truth or avoid conflict and any kind to the souls of those around him were crisp.

Song, songs, music is unique in its own mamasani. Mamasani music is based on two pillars: happy, sad, happy music and sad music of mourning was a special celebration.
The musical instruments of the region include:
Timpani, trumpet, Serena, craft, straw knotweed, fiddle and others.
Song also can be divided into the following species:
D ear, Nnmy, chopi (seven Scrabble, Stefan, etc.), switch off, sweetheart sweetheart, plain, cypress, field work and ...
Other special customs area:
Mamasani rich cultural attractions and has countless traditions and customs that are not present at the occasion.
Men mamasani Although not covered in traditional dress but with a specific ID in this field. Menswear has different properties in different situations. For example Mypvshydn dress for the celebration wore clothes that were different. But it should be clear what shape is mamasani menswear people:
Menswear includes: Chqh, Znarh, scarf, Arkhlq (Arkhlk), head Kyzy, Tmbvn male, screw up, legging, property (Shoemaker), Jvmh or garment, and is Krdk.
Keepers of Persian culture and retaining women mamasani can tap the rich culture of this land named because over the centuries, still with original cover and its archaeological appear.
Ladies of the following types:
Jvmh or garment, Tmbvn (Tmbvn Qry), minerals (old), kerchief, Lachak, Arkhlk, civil and ...
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   30°6'27"N   51°32'16"E


  • wrong town, not Ardekan
  • againest iran
  • i am eneme iran
  • Nourabad mamasani is the city in fars is 3end city(after shiraz and larestan).
  • نورآباد ممسنی از نظر وسعت سومین شهرستان استان فارس می باشد. این شهرستان از شمال شرق با سپیدان، از شمال غرب با یاسوج، از غرب با گچساران، از جنوب با گناوه، از جنوب شرق با کازرون و از شرق با شیراز همسایه است. فاصله آن با شیراز 155 کیلومتر و در مسیر جاده اصلی شیراز به اهواز قرار گرفته است. دارای سه اقلیم آب و هوایی سرد، معتدل و گرم می باشد.آثار باستانی مجود در شهرستان مربوط به دوران عیلامی، هخامنشی و ساسانی می باشد. در سال گذشته کاوشهای جدید باستانشناسی به سرپرستی پرفسور پاتس و پرفسور گریشمن منجر به کشف آثاری در نزدیکی فهلیان گردیده که احتمالا مربوط به یکی از شهرهای همهم هخامنشی به اسم لیدوما می باشد. محصولات عمده شهرستان شامل مرکبات، برنج و گندم می باشد.
  •  68 km
  •  85 km
  •  142 km
  •  159 km
  •  254 km
  •  329 km
  •  365 km
  •  378 km
  •  425 km
  •  538 km
This article was last modified 10 years ago