US Army camp RC4 (파주읍)

Korea (South) / Kyonggi / Munsan / 파주읍
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Army camp in the1976 T0 77 A BTRY 2ND 61ST ADA
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Coordinates:   37°51'47"N   126°48'13"E


  • I frequented this camp in 1983 and would like to hear from anyone serving during that time.
  • I was station at rc#4 from 82/83 A btry 2/61ada. would like to hear my old army buddies from that time.if it flies it dies.
  • where is rc#4 located on a map
  • I was stationed at rc4 in 1983. What a story I have that I only had to stay in Country for just under 9 months. One sergeant who served with me still owes me $600. Guess I'll never receive it. :) Would like to hear from any of my old friends from that time.
  • I was probably one of the last people stationed here in January of '92. We had to shut it down. We handed it over to the ROK in June, and relocated to Camp Hovey. I was sad to leave. We had our own bowling alley, Class 6, and pizza place. Joesph Goolsby if you ever read this look me up brother.
  • Anybody know of SSG. Cantrell around '90 - '92 ?
  • I do remember SSG Cantrell. Great guy. Good times back then. I was there in 89-91.
  • I was sent TDY to Camp Pelham in fall of 1971 to escort ROK Army convoys of US materials to Camp Humphries. ROK Army drivers didn't speak english, I'd been in country about 3 days, quite interesting. I was sent with Spec 4 Jessie Contrearas and PFCJohn McComas a couple other guys. We used to eat at RC4 when we could, I was in Bco 802 Engineers from Camp Mercer near Kimpo. Anyone remember the officer's club at Pelham, they had real German Loenbrau. Not sure why they let us peons in but they did.
  • I was in recon C-47. After being in POL Where SOMEONE asked me to sweep a dirt motor pool there. I also found LAW practice rockets someone was hiding in in the dirt,found'Yobo" (the dog) and where in Boudreu and Kenny Ward?
  • i was there from 84-86 any one seen or heard from tony d or flood or kunth lot of party time at the blue angle
  • hey Burnett... Remember me? kevin caputo from ny. i was there 84-85
  • I was there '89-'90. Any one remember Sorensen?
  • I Was there in August 18 1976 got there the same day all hell broke loose!! first day in korea on the DMZ and they say we getting prepared for war what a shocker that was. we were a VULCAN unit RC 4
  • caputo sgt flood here I was in the stinger platoon
  • I served as KATUSA(=Korean Augmentation to the United States Army) from 82/84 at rc#4. I am Lee.C.K.
  • I remember you buddy, I was cook in the mess hall and played guitar!
  • tried to reply to Flood, just pasted my comment at the bottom...grrrrrrrrrrr I was there in 85, my year in hell.
  • leach whats up dude? sgt flood here..
  • Do you remember Cuervo) I was @ Rc4 88-89
  • Flood are you still in korea?
  • Andy Flood what is up and yes Caputo I do remember you I am in NY and just retired from the national guard had 33 years in remember a lot of people on here
  • Lee remember me. Jonathan Sowards. I gave you a bob seger cassette.
  • HQ's i was a 24m
  • jeff? flood here, whats your e mail and number man? Going to new York, this summer,Ill buy you a beer.
  • Burnett glad to see a post from you, hope that all is well with you. SSG Michael Norris
  • I was there from 1976 to 1978 I was one the medic (Doc) JAltamar. Great times in Sunjury
  • Cuervo, sounds familiar. I was Specialist Moir, food service. Worked in the mess hall. Was there 88-89 also. Maybe you knew Will Taylor or Steve Kudelka?
  • how you been mike doing alright
  • I was there, right at the end. I was in Stinger platoon and stationed there from Nov '91 through sometime mid '92. When we shut it down I went to Stanton, then PLDC and then PCSed to Ft. Bliss at the end of '92. RC#4 was a great gig. A short cab ride to Munsan and then a train ride to Seoul for the weekend, all without a Warrior Pass or whatever it was you needed to get out of the Western Corridor for the weekend. I had some great times at RC#4.
  • Alan McCoy here I was in A Btry 2/61ADA when we changed over to the 5/5 ADA. I was in the platoon that went to Camp Casey and started E Btry. I was also a member of A Btry's winning basketball team!
  • Hi Lee! SP4 Dan Lewicki here. I was there in 83-84 stinger platoon. I do remember you! Hope you are well.
  • Hi Parks. I remember you from my time there in 83-84.
  • Nathan McGuirt here, I did 2 separate tours at the famous RC4. Been trying to get in contact with you Andy Flood
  • Hello Daniel and Nathan! Stan Hambright here. Stinger platoon 84-85 !
  • Hey Stan, how are you my friend. Dan and I are both on Facebook, you can look us up there.
  • Maurice Evans was there in 81-82 167 ADA
  • Mr. Dudley, I was in A Battery during 1972 - 1974 and 1978 -1979. When I got there in 72 the Vulcans had just arrived and had no radars. We had a mission in those days to secure the two bridges spanning the Imjim river in the Western Corridor, i.e. Freedom bridge and Libby bridge. I was there when MG Emerson (the Gunfighter) arrived. He referred to Vulcans as his "fastest guns." We fired the Vulcans a lot at Rodriguez and Nightmare Ranges. Went to Sea Range in 73 and had to deal with "infiltrators" all the way down there! The infiltrators came in from the Yellow Sea between the Sea Range Camp and the village of Dae Chon. Their target was the Hawk Missile site approximately 10Km from the beach. We sent a platoon to secure the perimeter of the missile site. We secured the perimeter and didn't have one round of ammunition for the Vulcans or the M16s as we had arrived at Sea Range before our basic load had gotten there. I'll stop here. Korea was a great soldering experience. "Clear the Sky."
  • I was there at the same time Alan. Will Taylor here, systems mechanic.
  • My name is ohanessian I was stationed there in 1988-89 I was an e-3 then can't remember his real name but they use to call my team chief MacGyver after the guy on the show. I remember Updyke he was there same time as me.
  • I was in Abtry 2/61ADA Sept 79-Sept 80, April 82-83, Dec 86-89. I left with third platoon to become Ebtry 5/5 ADA. I was also on the basketball time that won the champioship.
  • I'm glad I found this page A 2/61will live forever
  • McCoy I got there August 82 went to D-2/61ADA in January 83
  • I was 2/61st during 1985...sfhi! "If it flys, it dies"
  • Connors DJ I was there 83-85 , then again in 89 .
  • Heidick I was at Rc4 83/84 mechanic. Hung out with Fife,Crews,Mcdonld,Alberson, Lazono and Petty.
  • RC4 5/5 ADA Cpt Hill and mostly Capt Vincent O. Tripp - crazy MF!! Jan 28 1990 thru May 28 1991. 16 months of hell and good times. Friendships forged in trials!! Miss my battle-buddies but not the reason we were there! Spc Parks
  • You made a killing on rations cards
  • A BTRY 2ND BN 61ST ADA CAMP RC-4 AUG 76 TO AUG 77 was mechanic in the motorpool sunjuri village
  • This is Jesse Muna. I was there in 85 to 86. It was my first duty station. Later went to Ft. Bliss.
  • Eddie Dudley, Gary Cser here, just found your post from 2014. I had just left in July 76 and was back in CA on my way to the 1/3 ADA with the 101st Abn, when this happened. Thought I was going right back! Do you remember Dave Florence? He and I hung together till I left. I was there from June 1975 to July 1976. I was in 3rd Plt.
  • I was there in 72-73 also
  • LJ who are you
  • YES great times in sunjury especially at the blue angle club or paradise club there from 76 to 77
  • Motor sgt. Jan 85 - Jul 86. 17 years later, bmo. 5-5 ADA. No more vulcans, faar's, chaps, m561's. Only Avengers & Stingers left. 1sgt ret. Friedeck
  • Burnett how you doin? Bill Peck
  • My pops was a SSG in RC4. He loved all you guys. He passed away on 7–19-2017. He loved all you guys!
  • SSG Cantrell
  • Hi I’m Karl Rockvoan was stationed at A2/61 ADA from June 73 to January 76 was a Track Mec 63c20 came back to A bty 77-78 I lost all my photos in 2005 from Hurricane Katrina 8 ft water in house live in South East Louisiana but rebuilt came to Korea with Frank Mandela in 73 he’s gone now and only have memories when we joined the Army together in New Orleans La.
  • Andrew sorry to hear about your dad , I was there at the same time SSG Connors , he was a great guy
  • I remember you Lee.C.K. Dan Shockley (SP4). I remember you had some American model pinup poster - she was a beauty. Great to know you. Hope all is going well for you.
  • I was there Jan. 77 - Jan 78. A Btry 2/61 ADA at RC4. Vulcan System Mech 24m30.
  • Just found this . Was a gun bunny on the Vulcan from 80 to 81. I was called Nasty Ed. Hung out with Ronald Venable from Ohio. Also Steven Canada from North Carolina. Remember a Brother named Martin who got in trouble for a assault in the village. Stand proud each of you for serving.
  • Dennis Day if I can recall you were in 3rd platoon I was in HQ platoon Ammo section we had Frank Mandela ( me Karl Rockvoan and Lee Sang Soo in HQ I remember Brerny Queen Gus Beirar Captain Kelin was Co after him came Captain Jakersom I don’t have any pictures or year books anymore lost them in storm( Katrina) my memory is not getting any better now but would like to hear from anyone who was stationed there from 73-75 or 77-78
  • I was there oct 89 to oct 90. Updyke was one of my roommates
  • the other end at pelham 5/77-5/78 & 9/79-8/82. anybody remember the 'Key Club'?
  • RC4 Jan 90 thru May 91. Updyke that name sounds really familiar. Under Capt Dwayne O Hill - crazy mofo - still remember the stench of the pigfarm next to the barracks - ugh- glad to have gotten out of there but have some good memories with the 5/5 ADA crew. DMZ support was no picnic either . . . Parks
  • I hung out at the Blue Angel club. 1/77-1/78. I was a mechanic with svc battery.
  • Sorry to hear about your dad. SSG Cantrell was a great guy. May he rest in peace. SPC Vara
  • Was stationed at camp Pelham the exact time you where there , 2/17th FA HHB walt cason
  • hey Vara, phelps here. i don't know if you will ever see this. so random searches i was doing on google. l hope i can get a hold of you sometime it's been a long time
  • I remember when you got your Corporal strips.
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This article was last modified 10 years ago