Warrior Base

Korea (South) / Kyonggi / Munsan /
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Coordinates:   37°55'8"N   126°44'29"E


  • WOW, cant believe I found this place on the net. I was there,or outside of there, I was on Guard Duty in winter of 1985 guarding fuel pods for our helicopter pilots. was a short TAD assignment, coming from 1ST MAW, but it was fun. we went into Donduchung for liberty.
  • was there with 1/23rd inf. god it was cold!
  • 5/20th Mech Inf 1990. Good times.
  • 1/503 2nd Id October thru December 1987 tent city too damn cold
  • 5/20th 1988
  • You know, they changed all of the unit designations in January/February, 1987. 1/38 (leg infantry battalion in Hovey) was redesignated 2/503rd. I wonder if YOUR unit (5/20th Mechanized) was one I was assigned to in '84-'85 - 1/17th Mechanized, which still had M-113 tracks in the mid-'80s. ("Buffaloes" we were called.) Were you in Casey, right near the tank battalion which I remember as 1 (or 2nd)/ 72nd ?? ...There was an AFEES theater and a Burger King between our billets and the motor pool.
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This article was last modified 16 years ago