Camp Garry Owen

Korea (South) / Kyonggi / Munsan /
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Coordinates:   37°51'53"N   126°48'36"E


  • Was originally know as Camp Pelham. That was until the Cav moved in in 1992 and changed the name. Used to be the home of 1/4 FA and 50th Engr Co (AFB).
  • I was at cp pelham 71-72, it was the 7th/17th fa, the very day I dros it became the 2nd/17th fa.
  • It was a rough week at G.O in 2004 when we got word on our brothers in the 50th ENG. They were just up the road in munson from us and we knew just about everyone from that camp as well as we knew our scouts.SGTMJ's Mechanized infantry Bradley Strike teams with Abhrams support worked together so well you would think the man was controlling them all with one unified mind. Gave me the chills to watch them in action. When word came they were rotating some of the forward Squadrons to Iraq our commander was already standing in front of the generals door to volunteer the 4/7 CAV for duty. Goddamn bastard gave us some bullshit on needing us where we were and sent all of Pelhem and the other small camp the 50th ENG were at instead of us. Engineers, Dentists and Forward Observers that had no Artillery pieces attached to them. We were tasked to clean up all the old camps in our area to be turned over to the ROK. I supported the all the Range qualifications for deployment to the combat theater for them. Those ditch digging bastages couldnt shoot for crap. At least half hadnt touched their weapon since basic. I am still pissed off at that idiot general. 50th ENG lost 25% of its force in the first week and was decimated to the point of being absorbed within a month. In that first batch my Battle from AIT went down. That ticked me off, mostly because I doubt he ever got to fire a shot. His uncle who had raised him was a passenger of the first plane to strike the towers. I had heard his story 20 times about wanting revenge. I never told the dumb bastard that we had never even been attacked by the Iraq's. I figured if he has to end someones life let him think it was for something real. Those kids were ditch diggers and dirt movers and they sent them right into heavy combat with bulldozers and Unarmored LMTV's. Leaving the best trained Cavalry Scouts I have ever had the honor to serve with to listen to the reports that all our drinking buddys, all the welders that would make those badass BBQ's for us out of oil drums were gone, their lives and service wasted so that ass munch general could file his report with the right amount of soldiers being sent. Like shipping MRE's instead of soldiers. You could feel the frustration in the air at GarryOwen . We spent the winter cleaning up cigarette butts and emptying barracks for the ROK to take our old camps.. I am sure that if any of us had our way we never would have allowed ourselves to go into combat with another unit. I get messages still from my cavalry buddies. Telling me tails of being in combat and the only thing keeping them on track was imagining us by there side. GARRYOWEN
  • I was in B troop 4/7 as a Cavalry Scout from October 2003 to October 2004. I was 19 and fresh out of basic. I've never been anywhere overseas and was terrified for my life, especially when found out i was going to GO. Can you blame me? I was just a kid back then. Everyone in-processed at Camp Mobile and was picked up by a bus or a van. They game and got us in the freakin MAIL TRUCK! It was a good experience in my life though. I JUST missed the closing of the camp. Good timing. Closing and making a move like that is a ton of nonstop work. Then I got sent to Ft Drum with a new CAV unit in 10th Mountain and was stoplossed to go to Iraq for 15 months. I guess I had it coming to me :)
  • I was stationed at C Trp 4/7 from 1999-2000. I was fresh out of basic and much like every other soldier there, i hated it at first but grew to love it there. That by far was my BEST duty station during my time in the ARMY. I miss GO and the great times I had there and the memories i took with me. I am looking forward to going back to Korea as a non military personnel. It is great to be able to take an aerial look at where i was stationed and share that with friends and family. GOD BLESS all our TROOPS
  • Was here from 90-91. Sure looks different. Are those sky scrapers near by. Trying to figure out where Yong Ju Gol was? We lived right around the corner from the Camp but can't find that road now, or our place. Our daughter would like to know where she lived, but can't tell...
  • This was also home to Echo Company, 2nd Engineers, during the mid 80's. That was while it was still known as CP Pelham. I was with B Co, just down the road with B C0 @nd Engr. BN. Right over the bridge when you came into camp was a trailer with a Burger King. we were living large back then when we got to pop in for lunch. That was 85 - 86.
  • I was glad to see "Used to live there"'s comment about the 4/7 Cav only moving there in 1992. I was with the 4/7 in 1981-1982 at Camp Garry Owen and I could not make the terrain around the location shown by wikimapia fit my memory. In '81-'82, Camp Garry Owen was located outside the little town of Yeonpung-ri, a mile or so southeast (as the crow flies) of the Camp Pelham location it occupied when it was closed. The only reason I could locate it on the map is because there was a Korean resort-type place at a lake near the camp, on my "long-run" route and the lake had a very distinctive shape. Backtracking from there, I was finally able to find the site of the camp on the satellite photo. The old headquarters building is still there. Due south about two and a half miles is the airfield where D Troop, 4/7 Cav was located in '81-'82 -- sorry guys, it's just scars on the landscape now. Anyway, anyone who is looking for Camp Garry Owen where it was prior to the move to Pelham, look for Yeonpung-ri. At the time, we called that town "Yon Gu Gol", so it was interesting to find out later Cav guys called Seonyu-ri by the name of "Yon Gu Gol." Now I wonder what that name actually means.
  • I was at Pelham with HHT 5/17 Cav 94-95. OUT FRONT!
  • I was at the original Camp Gary Owen in Yon Gu Go "Yeonpung-ri" then was apart of the group that closed it down and we moved it to Sonjuri where camp Pelham was and renamed it Camp Gary Owen after we turned the old camp Gary Owen over to the ROK. I have great memories of this place where I was a 19D and arrived there as a Corporal and Left a Sergeant. I was in B Company 5/17 Cavalry. Well now I am retired after 23yrs 5mos and 17days . Hooah!
  • Just went by there today, sadly it is totally leveled except for the big steel bridge. I'm currently stationed up at the JSA and got a break from up there, so I did a little exploring on the other side of Munsan.
  • I was there with 4/7 Cav in 1997-98. After being in the 82nd with A trp. 1/17th Cav for my first 2 years in the Army 4/7 Cav was a breeze. I went back to the 82nd after Garry Owen though, and a big part of me was relieved because to tell the truth I would have been terrified to go to war with what I seen at 4/7 compared to what A 1/17 was at the time (I think the old guys that used to be in the 3/73 armor got A trp turned back into the defunct "3/73" designation which is to bad because A trp. was a great unit.
  • I am headed back to Korea after 20 years, so I tried to show my family where I was the first time I was there. All I found on Google Maps was the bare lot that Tyler Dreisow mentioned. I have to admit it was hard to look at. I was there all of '96 when we reflagged from 5/17 to 4/7 CAV with Charger Troop. I can still hear B Troop starting the morning with "Bulldoooooogs" We use to heckle them and yell back "Bullfrooooooogs"! Not sure what happened when ALC was there, but I still to this day tell my Joes what a hell of a unit we had. The best training I have done in the Army, to include prep for three tours to Iraq.
  • Alpha Troop 4/7 cavalry 2nd platoon May '81-'82 19D. Commander- Capt. Randal Tieszen, Xo- Tony Hammond, Plt. Leader- Charlie Canedy, 1st Sgt.-Michael Rogers, Plt. Sgt.- Vincent Ribas, me pvt. Robert Holland. Originally named camp Rice name changed when 4/7 cav. took it over to Gerry Owens. We were billeted in quanson huts ran 2 miles a day 5 on Fridays. Unit had old M48A5's, M113's, M901 ITV's. Across the road was a ROK base and the town was Seonyu-ri for some reason everyone called it Yuon-gi-go land of the $5 hookers. Motto: ground cav. sir
  • I was in camp Mackenzie till about Feb.1971. We moved into Camp Rice. That is when the 4/7 over. I was a Sheridan turret mach. But took over the Armory during the move. Seonyu-ti was between the old Camp McKenzie and Yuon-gi-go. I had a hooch there for over a year.was my main home away from home. The Turkey Farm was to the northern end if Yuon-gi-go. Fun to just past there.
  • back when I was a private, 1982-183 I was stationed on camp garry owens. where I was a Mechanic for Alpha troop 4/7th Cav.
  • Robert, thank you, i was on Garry Owens with A troop 82 - 83 i remember Iron Mike Rodgers all to well. I was a Mechanic for A Troop while I was there A trp. had a new motor shop put up at the top end of the motor pool. Behind or next to the chow hall and NCO club the 19 Deltas had a brand new barricks built . Mark Daniels AKA Dead-Bird
  • Anthony: I was there from 88-91 I loved it there and you can tell by the amount of time. Started out in Alpha Troop 5/17 Cav 2nd Plt. Its been so long I barely remember who all was there by name but was a very memorable 3 years of my life.
  • My name is Robert Taggart I was at Garry Owen from 1991 to 1992. I was in HHC 5/17th Cavalry. I was there when we traded in the M60A2 tanks for Bradley Fighting Vehicles.
  • I was the SIGO on the staff from Aug 88 to May 89 then commanded HHT 5/17 from May 89 to May 90. Gene LaCoste was our first Sqdn Cdr then it was Bill Marshall. Gene LaCoste runs a helicopter flight school near Dallas TX. He retired as a Major General. Bill Marshall retired as a Colonel and lives and works in the DC area as a Defense Contractor. After I finished in Cav country I moved to Camp Casey and commanded A Co 122 Sig Bn June 90 to June 91. Started off on a 1 year hardship tour and wound up staying in country for 3. I looked for Yonjugol on Google Earth and there was no such place. Wonder why. What were the names of the towns on opposite ends of Yonjugol?
  • I just remembered Popwanri was one of them. It shows on Google Maps as Beopwon-Ri
  • I was there 98-99. I was a 63T Bradley mech and reenlisted there to become a 67T Blackhawk mech.
  • I was at Gary Owen 1976-77. Good times. The village --Yonjogol was one big party. Spent a lot of time in the field. I was an APC driver. Beautiful country, women. Traveled around a lot. A hell of an experience.
  • Served there Nov 89 to Nov 90....Lots of great memories. Engineer but OJT mess hall for about half the year.
  • I was there HHC 4/7 - 75-77 and worked on the Hill (S-3) SSG Cornett and again in 90-91 5/17 S-3 and S-2 NCOIC. Was also there when it was Cp Rice in 71-72. Btrp 4/7
  • I was in C troop (19 K, Green 4 G) from October 2000 until October 2001. We were in Dragon Valley training when the KAUSA's came up to us saying that New York had been blown up. We were calling BS untill our commander called us together and told us what had happened (9-11). We didn't even hit the wash-rack. we parked our tanks and drew 5.56 and began partolling and setting up wire. I still often think of my guys, Barnes and Hunter. Some of the best Soldiers I ever had.
  • In 7th Cav in 1958 - 1959 those days all villages were off limits Yonjogol was right outside our Compound no Camps then.
  • I was there in 75-76. 4th/7th cav. Sure would like to see some of my old friends.
  • I also was there. I guess I had fun. We made the best of it. Did you ever walk across the frozen lake?
  • I left there in January 76. I too was a APC driver.
  • Camp Rice/Garry Owen in YongJuGol closed down in 1992/3. Cav moved to Pelham and in 1996 renamed it unofficially Garry Owen till it closed in 2004!
  • I was in a troop 03 04 last name nordeen. 63m10 Bradley mechanic
  • I was at Camp Rice in '64-'65. At that time, Camp Rice was across the river in Tage-pol. There was also a Camp Gary Owen. Originally, Hdq. and "A" Cos. 27th/702nd Maint. Btn. was located on Rice. Where was Gary Owen located then?
  • Where was Camp G.O. located?
  • Fred Mitchell. B trp 5/17 cav B-41 green 1D. Camp Garry Owen 90 - 91. OUT FRONT SIR! I was lucky enough to be on the best tank in the Squadron. Our Trp commander, Capt Lachut attempted to renumber our tank to make it his tank! I always wanted to tell him that it was the crew, not the tank that was outstanding. We missed a perfect 1000 by 1 second at the MPRC. THE CREW not the tank did that! Great times that I think about often. We were at gunnery during monsoon. I closed all of the drain plugs in the hull of the tank and used the bilge pump to hose unsuspecting people on the LONG boring drive back to Garry Owen. What a hoot that was! Lt. Flynn was begging me to stop as we hosed a ROC soldier directing traffic. I still laugh out load telling that story. I know it did not help our relationship with the people of South Korea but holy shit that was funny.
  • Gary Owen was in Tage-pol. There was a huge water tower and sqd hq was on the hill under it.
  • Was at camp garry owen 90 to 91 red 1 delta we kick roc army azz in team spirit. That year made best scout platton anshot perfect score at mprc
  • I was the CBR NCO and Armorer for HHT 4/7th Cav, Camp Garry Owen from January 1978 to January 1979. Tried going back in 1980 But the CSM told me I had to go through Camp Coiner for assignment. Ended up at Osan AFB instead. Loved the 4/7th, loved the area, miss the Cav! Garry Owen troopers!
  • I was A Troop 1st Platoon 5/17 from sept 89 to sept 91. Cant believe its actually gone.
  • There was 2 Garry Owens! First one was YongJuGol, old Camp Rice and it closed in 1992 when the Cav moved to Pelham. In 1996/7, Pelham was UNOFFICIALLY renamed to Garry Owen till it closed in 2004.
  • Wm. Terry Craddock I was at camp Rice from May of '66 to Aug '67 HQ & A co. 702 maintenance bat.
  • Jason Scott Cochran I was at Garry Owen in 1985. Sad to hear it is gone. Some great times.
  • I was in HHT from 97-98. Hated when I was there but now it's all good memories
  • I was at gary owen in 91, but only briefly... the only distinct memory i have is the initiation at the parasite club... technically named the "paradise club", and more importantly the camaraderie of the scouts there
  • In Garry Owen from 88~90, I was as "KATUSA" (Korean Augmentation To the United States Army), Alpha Troop 5/17 Cav 1st Plt, 19 D. Still remember one of great memories as" DAZ mission" I did with SGT Rosa from B Trop. From Kwon in S.Korea.
  • SGT Kwon you were on SGT Johnson's track? This is 2LT Hines 1990 from 2nd Platoon "White 1" SGT Jason Piniack was my gunner I retired in 2009. Do you remember 1SG Greer and CPT Hinton, 2LT Bob Hannah (Retired Lieutenant Colonel) , 2LT Barnwell (retired Lieutenant Colonel), 2LT Speights (Colonel still in the Army) , 2LT Cruz (, 2LT Sanders (retired Lieutenant Colonel) , 2LT CPL Rosa served with me again at Fort Stewart, Georgia along with SPC Walker now retired Sergeant Major. I still have the 1990 Alpha Troop yearbook
  • Nate Hines - minginator@gmail
  • I was at Garry Owen in 1991 part alpha troop 5/17 Cav!! I had fun there in the middle of no where.
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This article was last modified 17 years ago