Baba Novac Square (Bucharest)
Romania /
Bukarest /
/ Romania
/ Bukarest
/ Bucharest
World / Romania
roundabout / traffic circle, invisible
The place where Mihai Bravu Blvd, Dristorului Str, Baba Novac Str and Unitatii Str meet
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 44°25'26"N 26°8'14"E
- Alba Iulia Square 0.8 km
- Sudului(South) Square 3.6 km
- Charles de Gaulle Square 6.3 km
- Triumphal Arch Square 6.8 km
- Kachitsa Intersection 156 km
- Traffic Circle 193 km
- Roundabout "Hotel Mirage" 238 km
- South Crossroad 241 km
- Lions Bridge Interchange 297 km
- Interchange Lyulin motorway (A6) - Sofia ringroad 302 km
- GRAL Med. 0.4 km
- Sf.Treime Dudești (Sf. Calinic de la Cernica) 0.5 km
- Dudesti depot 0.6 km
- InCity Residences 0.6 km
- Alba Iulia Square 0.7 km
- Vitan Mall Parking 0.8 km
- Bucharest Mall 0.9 km
- Fire Dept. Vitan 0.9 km
- Dristor Neighbourhood 1.3 km
- Vitan Neighborhood 1.6 km