Ulleungdo (Ulleung Island)

Korea (South) / Kangwon / Samchok /
 island, volcano

Ulleungdo is a South Korean island 120 km/75mi east of the Korean mainland. Ulleungdo is a volcanic island, consisting primarily of trachyandesite rock, rising from the seafloor to a maximum elevation of 984m/3,228ft at the highest point, Seonginbong Peak. The island is 11.3km/7mi long and 12.4 km/7.7mi wide. It has an area of 73.15km² /28.24mi². The population is 10,426.

The main town on Ulleungdo is the port of Dodong, which serves as the main ferry port between Ulleungdo and the South Korean mainland. Ulleungdo is also the port for ferry boats traveling to the island of Dokdo.

Ulleungdo is a popular tourist destination. Favorite activities for tourists are hiking, fishing, and eating hoe (a Korean raw fish dish). In season, sightseeing boats make regular three-hour circuits around Ulleungdo. The winters can be quite harsh, and the seas quite rough (restricting the access of ships supplying the island), so most of the population involved in the tourist trade leave the island for the season. After tourism, the main economic activity is fishing, including its well-known harvest of squid.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   37°30'4"N   130°51'23"E


  • There is the island north east of Ulluungdo.One is JUKDO ,it has been called Usando. http://www.occidentalism.org/?p=741 http://www.occidentalism.org/?p=563 The other is Gwanmundo,which seems like peninsula connect with Ulleungdo.In addition, there is senic three angel rocks. This Northern part of Ulleungdo, Gwanmundo called SOKOTO and surrounding area called SOKBO area.
  • There found new map which shows Jukdo as "Big Usando(大于島) and Gwanmundo as "Small Usando(小于島),actually Korean scolor had avoid to explain those detail map of Ulleungdo, http://dokdo-or-takeshima.blogspot.com/2007/11/went-to-samcheok-museum-today-and.html
  • There are another interesting Map list that Usando is JUKDO竹嶼、small single adjunctive island northeast of Ullunegdo.In addition, Small Usando shows Gwanmundo,in the SOKBO area northeast of Ulleungdo. http://outdoor.geocities.jp/yabutarou01/1.html http://outdoor.geocities.jp/yabutarou01/5.html http://outdoor.geocities.jp/yabutarou01/4.html
  • It's not Take-sima. This island exact name is Ulleung-do("do" means an island in Korean). 10,426 Korean live here now.
  • hey korean friends (me too) this place is Ulleungdo. not dokdo.
  • Beautiful Ulleung-do
  • 어 영어닷
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This article was last modified 8 years ago