Tarcău Mountains (1664 m)

Romania / Bacau / Ghimes-Faget /
 forest, ridge, nature reserve

Tarcău Mountains (Hungarian Tarko-hegység) are a group Moldo-Transylvanian Carpathian mountains, belonging to the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. The highest peak is peak Grinduşu, with 1,664 m.
Mountains overlooking the valley Tarcău-Lady
Stânişoarei under Cernegura Mountains - the center is Peak sharp silhouette Horaiţa

Highlights onomatologice, cultural, historical, literary
Beauty and wilderness places were the source of inspiration for writers like Michael Sadoveanu (who place in the Valley Tarcăului village Nechifor and Vitoria Lipan - characters in the novel Hatchet) Calistrat Hogaş (which underwent a piece of ridge Gosman - narrating this book In the mountains Neamt), as well as Alexander Vlahuţă (in Romania picturesque).
Delimitation and division

Mountains Tarcăului seated in northeastern Romania outside the central group of the arc Carpathians, having a general direction from north-northwest to-south-east, about about 65 km (in the axial - Tarcăului along valleys and Asăului). They have an average width of 40 km and covers an area of ​​approximately 1810 km².
Administrative seated in the three counties, mainly Neamt and Bacau, and a small portion of the southwest, in Harghita.
The main geographical boundaries are given the valleys of the rivers:
To the north is the portion of the XVII and Bicaz Gorge Gorge, then the Bistriţei continued to Piatra Neamt
To the north and east along the lines of Piatra Neamt - Solonţ - Moineşti - Comăneşti is Tazlău valley from north to south, then southeast to the Tazlău Sarat and the stream Trotuş Urmenis
To the west lies Damuc axial valleys north and south Cold Valley
Southwestern and southern limit is given by the River Trotuş

Pricipalii neighbors are:
To the east and northeast, south of Piatra Neamt, Bistrita Depression Cracău followed south to saddle formed between it and Tazlău Hill Barboiu and then south Tazlău-Casin Depression.
To the southeast beyond Tazlăul Salt and Urmenis Mountains Berzunţi
Upstream southwest of Trotuş and Comanesti Depression - downstream Ciuc Mountains
West of the river and valley Damuc Cold Mountain is Hăşmaş
In the north it borders the Bistrita valley in the west and east Ceahlau Mountains Stânişoarei.

Long Mountain Peak:
Mountains Long-Tarcău-mountaintop next step Fagului
It has a length of less than 20 km and is the watershed between Damuc west and east Tarcău.
The eastern slope is heavily tilted towards difference in the game. The altitude gradually descends from south to north.

Bicaz valleys - Trotuş:
It is located east of Mount Lung ridge between it and Grinduşu-Ciudomâr.
Relief button below than the wing, is a distance of about 35 km - especially in the central sector (800-900 m altitude) with a length of about 20 km above the corresponding thread pools (in the north) and BRATEŞ ( in the south) - basins separated by a threshold of 1100 m. Here is the obvious propriuzis depression. Over similar thresholds, 1125 m and 1215 m north to south, passing through the valley basin Secu Gorges and the Valley of the Cold Trotuşului.

Peak Grinduşu - Ciudomâr:
It is about 40 km long and is the highest, forming orographic axis region. Discontinuous because its head is cut the tributaries leftist Tarcăului - ATA Brateş, cobble, pen. In the east it is bounded by Tarcăului valleys - in the northern and southern Camâncăi later.
It comprises three sectors: The north between Bistrita and thread - MEDE height 1200-1300 m, the central - high and strongly fragmented - between the ATA and TARCAU and the southern between pen as Trotuş - the highest and less fragmented --looking and relatively narrow wall almost straight superior, who on more than 15 km does not go below 1500 m. Last contains the highest peaks, six of which more than 1,600 m.
The secondary peak heights emerge, Southern:
From the central peak right Măieruş a distance of more than 20 km, starts with a southwest direction initially and then cobble southern sector (1300-1400 m average height and numerous peaks exceeding 1400 m). It is bordered to the west by birth BRATEŞ and Cold Valley and the eastern axis of boulders and Tărcuţei obârşiile valley continued Tărhăuşului.
Preluca Thief - above 30 km long - is located between the valleys and Asăului Camâncăi west to east. It is shorter, barely a few peaks exceeding 1300 m.

Peak Gosmanu - Geamăna:
It is bounded to the west by the valleys Tarcăului north and south Asăului. There is sectioned by any watercourse, in the east still permeates the transverse valleys of the rivers of Calu, mare, Nechitu and Tazlău. Trotuş has in Bistrita and over 50 km. Not too high, but has no lower saddle 1100 m.
The maximum altitudes are recorded in the central sector.
Extending south side west of Salt Tazlăul called Runcu Peak Stănese .
Bistrita Munceii -Tazlău:

Munceii Bistrita-Tazlău - south of Cernegura to Bahrin

Located east of the peaks Gosmanu - Geamăna and is largely cross its secondary summits. To the east they dominate the Carpathian hills and depressions Bistriţei Tazlău.
In northern sectors (of Bistrita and Calu) and southern (between Tazlău and Tazlăul Sarat) area is heavily fragmented with short and massive peaks isolated.
In the central sector located between the upper streams Tazlău Calu and dominates the heights of 10-15 km long west-east.
The southern sector located between Salt Tazlăul (west) and Tazlăul Sea (east) belongs Munceii drinks .

Elements of geology, geomorphology, hydrography, climate, flora and fauna of superlatives
Overtime Peak western side of the monastery Gosmanu Geamăna viewed Hermitage Tarcăului
Tarcău Mountains medium is categorized mountains of Romania. Most peaks - and loins gentle blunt - are located between 1100-1400 m, altitude saddles intersection necoborând generally below 1000 m. Saddles and passes are generally high. The altitude peaks generally decreases from south to north and from the central area to the periphery - faster DESC east to west.

From the heights morphologically main interfluves - extend tens of kilometers - are widely wavy secondary summits is - in general - short, rounded and they generally higher but bordered by steep slopes. The general orientation of the main ridge of the mountain massif is the same - the north-northwest to east-south. Tarcăului watershed basin is located west of the ridge axis represented orographic Grinduşu - Ciudomâr (fragmented valleys), Mount Long.
Step sandstone above the entrance to the gorge cascade of boulders

From Geologically the mountains are tectonic structural unit of flysch, occurring in sequence from west to east plated all its tectonic units, partially overlapping. It grows here five overthrust blades erected successively as longitudinal strips with north-south orientation of varying widths (from 1-2 km to over 20 km) .

Thus the West is in succession blades Ceahlău (Mount Lung Damuc basins of creeks, and boulders Cold Valley), Teleajen (4-10 km wide, at the foot of relief depression Lung) and Audi (the narrow, 1-2 km wide).
In the central-eastern Tarcău blade is found. It has over 20 km in the middle basin of Asăului and occupies more than half of the region's area. Including the ridges flanking Tarcăului valleys, and sinclinalele Camâncăi Asăului and related respective highest relief in the area (Gosmanu twin peaks and Grinduşu-Ciudomâr).
In the north and south-eastern Vrancea canvas appears in the "semifereastra" Bistriţei. It is the newest of the 5 and is highly fragmented landscape, the area is lowest - in tectonic terms.

Cobbles upstream gorge

The stratigraphic Cretaceous rocks that are characteristic generally in the west, continue in central and eastern areas with rocks Paleocene. Ceahlău blades, and heard Teleajen belong Cretaceous, the Tarcău and Vrancea - Paleogene (Eocene and Oligocene periods that the Tarcău and Oligocene the Vrancea).

In terms of lithology :

In the West appear rocks Cretaceous generally soft (layers of Bistra, the Plăieşu of Palanca): sandstones weak durable limestone layer thin (cloth Ceahlău), with alternate shale black (complex Sisto-sandstone followed by sandstone massive Cotumba from the cloths Teleajen). A little farther east reveals black shale (canvas hearing) glauconitic sandstones, marl.
Paleogene Tarcău blade comprises mostly Eocene sandstones and limestones (Tarcău - the largest expansion and Lady) and Oligocene sandstone (the Fusaru). Characteristic Tarcăului Mountains area (hence the name of the respective tectonic unit) is wrong Tarcău: micaceous, gray layer is 0.5-5 m. On its account arose highest relief in the region.
In Vrancea canvas dominates shale and sandstone Kliwa-disodilice - Oligocene.

Tarcău River (in the rapids Ianuş)
From Lady southwest Bâtca

Vegetation Tarcău Mountains is 90% to forestry, distinguished two levels: that of spruce (Picea Abies - Picea excelsa) and the beech (Fagus sylvatica) associated with secondary herbaceous vegetation .

Spruce floor represent more than 50% of the area, the species is distributed especially in the high and middle parts of the main peaks - especially in the high side of Grinduş and located between the surface and Cold Valley Damuc . Spruce forests in these areas are pure or nearly pure, solid, dense, dark and dull, herbaceous or shrub layer is absent or poorly developed.
At lower heights - about 850-900 m mixed with spruce fir (Abies alba) and beech, becoming rich herbaceous layer, type of vegetation found in the area Gosmanu Peak. On its eastern slope appear Bootees (Pinus sylvestris). For this floor is representative Gosman Forest Reserve forstieră .

Main article: Gosman Forest.

Getting down to 450-500 m and found especially southeast amid continental climatic influences and foehnizare appears beech floor, smaller in size. Beech forests are brighter and contain copies of maple (Acer pseudoplantanus) and elm (Ulmus montana). Also in the southeast it is present and Fagus Thaure . Among shrubs identify rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), hazel (Corylus Avellana) vonicelul (Evonymus europaea), red elder (Sambucus racemosa) and black elder (Sambucus nigra).
The grass vegetation forming side meadows, under the form of enclaves in the forest area or on top of molidişurilor. Grasslands formed over 1,400 m are dominated by spiky (Nardus stricta), red fescue enclaves molidişurilor contain predominantly (Festuca rubra) with or without spiky and beech predominate in the grass field (Agrostis tenuis) with or without red fescue. A complex of the avascior (Arrenatherum elatius) golden avaz (Trisetum flavescens) and Meadow Fescue (Festuca pratensis) characterizes the lower end grassland area of ​​forest habitat (eg Tarcăului terraces and Asăului).

Carpet whole plant consists of over 1200 species, of which 1/3 are lower plants and bryophytes Talofa and upper 2/3 - particularly phanerogam .

Flowering plants are represented mainly endemic species : breaban (Cardamine glanduligera), burdock Black (Symphytum cordatum), bellflower [Campanula rotundifolia - Campanula Carpatica], liverworts (hepatitis Transsylvania), Garofiţa mountain (Dianthus tenuifolius) , marigold mountain (Ranunculus carpaticus), lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra), daisy (Chrysanthemum rotundifolium) Omag [Aconitum moldavicum - Aconitum lasianthum (a. yellow) - Aconitum toxicum (a. hunting)], larch (Larix decidua subsp. Carpathian).

Species are less common : marigolds mountain (Trollius europaeus), sweet pea (Nigritella rubra), yew (Taxus baccata). It also found a species - tertiary relic: vornicerul dwarf (Evonymus nanus), Valley Tarcăului .

Worth mentioning are herbs such as bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), arnica (Arnica montana), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Pojarnia (Hypericum perforatum) or of mushrooms yellow mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius) ghebele (Armillaria Mella), boletus (Boletus edulis), Rashkov (Lactarius deliciosus), eggplant (Russula vesca), times of food plants raspberry (Rubus ideaeus), strawberries (Fragaria vesca).

Clay-alluvial soils are presented as cambic, brown soils and brown soils luvic I-mesobasic and the Spode, the brown acid soils and podzolic brown [A] .

Besides rich invertebrate fauna specific times or coniferous forests of beech with wide spread area, Tarcăului Mountains are found in many other vertebrate species.

This creates fish such as : sheepshead (Phoxinus phoxinus) (Salvelinus fontinalis), grayling (Thymallus thymallus), moioaga (Barbus meridionalis), trout (Salmo trutta fario), pig (Gobio uranoscopus fear), European bullhead (Cotus gobio ).

It found reptiles and amphibians as : green toad (Bufo viridis), red (Rana temporaria) and brown (Rana arvalis), frogs (Hyla arborea), lizard mountain (Lacerta vivipara), Carpathian triton - rarely ( Triturus montandoni), salamanders (Salamandra salamandra), common adder (Vipera berus)

Among birds, in addition to the streams with high slope is : arinarul (Chrysomirtis spinus), singing (Fririgilla coelebs), crop red or brick (Erithacus rubecula), spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata), gull green (Alcedo ispido) and black (Cinclus aquaticus). Are among orchards or meadows : botgrosul (Coccothraustes coccthraustes), woodpeckers [Green (Picus viridis) - ghionoaia, variegated (Dendrocopos major), gray (Picus canus), gardens (Dendrocopos syriacus) and the mountain (Dendrocopos leucotus)], titmouse down fall in the valleys [bump (Parus cristatus), the mountain (Parus atricapillus), the minnow (Parus coeruleus) and village (Parus major) - which throughout the year], Rosche or Eurasian Bullfinch ( Pyrrhula Pyrrhula) sparrow (Passer domesticus). Pigeon (Columba palumbus) is characteristic for beech, and coniferous forests appear eagle owl (Bubo Bubo), the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), the owl (Athene Noctua) hen (Falco vespertillus), Kite (Milvus milvus), a fine (Aegolius funereus) . Especially in coniferous forests and less in the beech inhabit scissors (Roxo curvirostra), bird beechnuts (Melancorypha leucoptera) and raven - protected (Corvus corax) . Blackbird black - or gray (Turdus merula) and what forest - or (Turdus torquatus) and the parson's called thrush (Turdus viscivorus) can be seen on all floors forestry .

Mammals are occurring : deer (Cervus elaphus) - in particular in the forests of beech marten (Maries martes), the wolf (Canis lupus) - occasionally pars gray (Glis glis) - in beech and alunişuri, Pars hazel (Muscardinus avellanarius), lynx (Lynx lynx) - protected, wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), bear (Ursua arctos), squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), fox (Canis vulpes) - occasionally.
Means of communication

Mountains are accessible primarily Tarcăului road (circumferential, except the west side) and rail (in the north, south and southwest) and remote air . The western area is the stepfather, lacking in most so upgraded roads and the rail network .
Road infrastructure
Road Network

Massif is serviced by a network of roads built both the support structure of DN15 and DN12 DN 2 respectively.

Massif is circumscribed as follows:
On the northern flank and northwest of DN12C between Bicaz Bicaz Keys and then from DN15 to Piatra Neamt.
In north - east is the DN15 between Piatra Neamt and Roznov and farther Tazlău and Ardeoani of DJ156C.
In the southern slopes flanking DN2G south - eastern between Comăneşti Ardeoani and to continue to Step Ghimes-Palanca and Olt Valley with DN12.
To the west, axial Damuc and Valley Cold linked to the saddle of the ridge DJ127A Fagului on short stretches are paved (north to south to Damuc and Cold Valley).

Belt upgraded roadways surrounding mountains continues - except for the west - with roads generally axial terminal upgraded from varying distances valleys, forest roads continued thereafter largely accessible. They generally go through valleys to near origin in the west providing access to the balances or high orographic

There are no public roads (except some forest) to cross the massif from one end to another.
Road conditions

Even for upgraded as a whole is not very good (except DN15 and DN2G) . In the West, the continuity is still DJ127 A (2012) broken in several places.

Secondary axial roads after initial portion modernized up within 10 - 15 km are paved to continue with relatively accessible forest roads.
Railway infrastructure

The railway network is tributary to the main bus 500. From north to south are identified as follows:

Buses 509 (secondary and electrified) portion Roznov - Piatra Neamt - Bicaz. Although the track continues by Tasca, Black Bicazu to Bicaz Ardelean Keys, passenger transport shall be made only to Gorges.
Line 501 (electrified) between Comăneşti and Middle Meadow. It continues through Step Ghimeş until the Olt Valley.

Air Access

Airports nearest (the distance calculated from Bicaz Piatra Neamt, Moinesti, Comanesti) are:

Targu Mures: 170, 196, 240, 230 km
Bacau: 87, 60, 49, 57 km

Administrative divisions, localities

The mountains are sparsely populated, less than 10 inh. / Km2 . A higher density of population is found along the circumferential valleys and along the lower course of Tarcăului and Asăului. With predilection density varies most positively mainly in areas of southeast and south (lane Solonţ - Moineşti - Comăneşti) and the northwest (XVII) and in the area cicumscrie Piatra Neamt .

Administrative are located within three counties: mainly Neamt and Bacau north south. A small part in the southwest belongs to the county.

Clockwise are circumscribed by following agglomerations : Gorges (north), Piatra Neamt (northeast), Roznov (East), Moineşti (southeast), Comăneşti (south).

More administrative entities (most common) share the mountain area , clockwise:

From Neamt: Damuc, Bicaz Keys, Bicazu Ardelean, Tasca, Gorges (city), Tarcău defilement, Alexandru cel Bun, Piatra Neamt (city) Dumbrava Rosie, Soimului, Borleşti, Tazlău
From Bacau: Balkans scorching Ardeoani, Solonţ, Măgireşti, Zemes, Moineşti (city) Comăneşti (city) Asău annoyed, Palanca, Ghimeş - Făget
In Harghita: Lower Meadow

Economic activities
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Mineral resources noted in reserves - often modest - oil, natural gas and oil shale in the eastern, building materials (tiles) - in the center of Tarcăului and mineral waters (generally low flow) .

Basic economic activities in the mountainous area itself are the agro-livestock and forestry associated with processing (craft or industrial) wood. In some mining areas (Asău) or oil exploitation (Tazlău Salty pools, Tazlău and Asăului) have significant role . Wood industry is concentrated in the valleys (CART, Piatra Neamt) .

Due to the presence of mineral waters or elements of cultural heritage, secular or religious, some functions associated spa towns or tourist climate . Tourism activity - slightly - is unevenly distributed, focusing mainly in the complex of the Tarcăului and in the neighboring municipality of Piatra Neamt. In the south, the coverage of general tourism services is centered in the area bordering the valley Trotuşului .
Social services

Access to healthcare to the west, is burdened by the need to cross the summit of the Eastern Carpathians through Pangarati (Gheorgheni and on to Targu Mures in the north) and the by Step Ghimeş (for Miercurea Ciuc and further to Tirgu Mures ) in the south.
Hospital emergency rooms

In order to classification approach and skills are:

Category V (single specialty): Pneumology Hospital Bisericani (east)
Category IV: Buhuşi (East), Gheorghieni (northwest)
Category III: Piatra Neamt (north and northeast), Moineşti (south and east), Bacau (south and southeast, with higher ), Miercurea Ciuc (southwest)
Categories I and II: Iasi (east), Targu Mures (west with higher )

Stations or substations ambulance and medical transport

In order effective approach, they are:

For northern area: Piatra Neamt, Bicaz
For Eastern area: Buhuşi
To the southwest area: Lower Meadow (Harghita)
For southern and south-eastern area: Moinesti, Comanesti

Coverage through the telecommunications network
With the exception of fixed networks GSM services in general it is of good quality from the periphery toward the north, northeast and southeast, southwest weaker and very poor west.
In inland areas is almost quasi-inexistence - especially in central and western area, being slightly better represented on the eastern ridges (Gosmanu twin and Munceii Bistrita-Tazlău) or high exposure in the central eastern. Coatings have a wider Cosmote and Vodafone, Orange and a little less .
Administrative and public order, postal and banking, education
The presence of these services is predominant in urban areas. In rural areas generally only villages residence of villages have facilities of administrative area, posture police, post offices and bank facilities (most commonly Bancpost and CEC Bank ) distribution of schools (although favoring administrative centers), remove The model above .
Turist sights
Waterfall Gorge cobble cobble-lower-Steps
Waterfall Gorge cobble cobble-upper-stage
Tarcăului Basin (waterfalls and gorges)

Falls and Gorge blocks:
Waterfall cobble The gorge is located in blocks (having the emissary Tarcaia bet), about 3.9 kilometers from its mouth. It is the largest Tarcău Mountains, the river cobble preceded upstream and downstream succeeded the other two smaller waterfalls, about 3.6 respectively 0.8 km along the water.
A huge slab of sandstone that rise in water gives the appearance regularities path embodied by human hands, seeming at first glance a dam anthropogenic. A few meters above steps are 2 other smaller waterfalls same.
Gorge is carved deep water in sandstone, is long over 3 km, with spectacular harbor.
Ianuş Valley rapids Tarcăului
Ash Valley Falls Tarcăului
Other beautiful waterfalls may be encountered during the ash, Foot Pascal Gosman, Rachitis - close to spilling them into the fold and valleys Tărcuţei (on the right flow direction) and disposal (Left direction flow)
Rapids cascade from Ianuş - is in Cossack village. Here once there is a complex craft, with die Şteaza and mortar .

Tărcăuţei Valley, before the confluence with Tarcaia deepens into a gorge interesting - Tărcuţei gorge and towards shedding thread runs through a key sector in sandstone dug - Keys atheists .
Horse Valley (Soimului Falls Devil Poiana Murgoci)
Soimului, valley Horse
Waterfall Duras, Neguleşti
Lake Veselaru, Neguleşti

Rock Soimului - Has 485 m and is located in the village Soimului the village with the same name, on the left Calu stream. Represents a high sandstone cliff, erosion
Devil Creek waterfall on the - grindstone namesake creek is located on the other side of the slope, valley mare .

Poiana Murgoci - is known few secular thick and tall sycamores. It is situated towards the top Murgoci upstream Soimului.
The mare Valley (Niagara Duras, Lake Veselaru, waterfalls grindstone)
Duras waterfall - is located 4.5 km upstream from the village upstream from the village Neguleşti Soimului, on the upper stream mare .
Over time stream valley mare dug so that it consists of alternating the gorges and depressions sectors .
Lake Veselaru - is lake before slipping a notch formed in 1940, located in the village Luminis Soimului village on the slopes of the creek right mare. It has an area of ​​0.35 ha.

Waterfalls Tocila 1 and 2 - Brook Tocila has two waterfalls, one is located right near the road axial valley mare, 1 km approximately upstream end of the village Neguleşti and the other is on the same slope, above upstream. [Requires citation needed]
Tazlău Salt Basin (Stogul Stone Lake Modârzău)

Stone Stogul area:

Interesting klippe beautify Munceii drinks, are on the watershed between Salt and Tazlăul Tazlăul Mare. Objectives are in the area circumscribing the tip Stogul Stone (976 m altitude ) and can be accessed via DJ117 dntre Moineşti and Bolat . Huge rocks have strange shapes.
Finger - name given because of natural impressions - the shape of fingers raised
Stone pot or stone pot - name given because of a depression behind the rock, almost perfectly shaped pot.
Shrine - It is situated on a ridge near the top secondary
Rock split - It is situated on the same ridge near the top secondary altar
Stogul Stone or Rock with trees - Impressive in size, color and relief. The name is given to trees that would grow like stone on top.

Lake Boiereasca - According to some sources called Modârzău, is in common Zemes on wooded hill-shaped saddle between the peaks Runcu and gutter, called Modârzău - which is the border between the villages Solonţ and Zemes . Near the water surface is a tourist complex .
Asăului area (lakes and Stirigoi Asău GOIOASA, Asău water waterfall, brook slabs)

Lake Asău - is a lake formed on a stage sliding, located in the southeastern part of Prelucii Tâlharului the extension stretched out Trotuş of dealulului Muncelu - foot Ciungii Kings (interfluve located between brook Chicera and the Ciungilor ) near the village Asău.

Lake GOIOASA - is situated on the south-eastern slope of Mount Muncelu (1,268 m , located in the southeastern part of Prelucii Thief), was formed following a landslide produced on the southern side of it after the 1977 earthquake .

Asău Water Waterfall - is situated on a small tributary of Asăului being visible in wetter periods of the year. Observe 1 km from the exit of Asău as a "jumper" in two stages .

Lakes of Stirigoi - are the number three and is Monastery near Stirigoi. Similar lakes are formed on the sliding speed .

Slabs valley - is Lespezi Creek envoy White Spring, which flows into Asău . Valley is to support road transport sun oil that reaches Bolat . On its course are small waterfalls and jumping .
Mineral springs (Neguleşti, Moineşti Muhos, other sources)

Sources from Neguleşti - I (10 springs), are water chlorine, magnesium, iodine. There are salt springs near a freshwater spring oligoradioactiv.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   46°40'30"N   26°8'43"E
This article was last modified 12 months ago