Camp Gamla North | military, headquarters, battalion, Israel Defense Forces (IDF), army base

Israel / Hazafon / Tuba-Zangariyye /
 military, headquarters, battalion, Israel Defense Forces (IDF), army base

75th "Romach"/"Lance" Armor Battalion
Equipped with Merkava Mk.2 MBT

The Battalion was formed in 1971 at first as an infantry battalion, but by the end of the Yom Kipper War it had transitioned to an armored battalion with an infantry company element. The battalion took part in the Battle of Tears and was involved principally with the war against Syria in the Golan. The Battalion was naturally heavily involved in action in the Lebanon.

Order of Battle

Crusher Company (Merkava II)
Lavi Company (Merkava II)
Kfir Company (Merkava II)
Hawk Infantry Company (Reserve)
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   32°53'9"N   35°42'54"E


  • My understanding is that this camp is, or certainly at one time in the recent past was, home to components of the above detailed IDF unit(s) - hence the open source information or detail about that unit, as relevant. If, however, you have more accurate or up-to-date information, then naturally please feel free to comment and/or edit in the interests of greater accuracy and the spirit of 'wiki'.
This article was last modified 12 years ago