Castrul 15 (15)

Romania / Constanta / Basarabi /
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Castru Bizantin, sfarsitul secolului X sau inceputul secolului XI d.Hr, conform plansei IV "Valurile din Dobrogea" extrasa din lucrarea "Bizantini, romani si Bulgari la Dunarea de Jos, Din istoria Dobrogei", I. Barnea, St. Stefanescu, vol III, Bucuresti, 1971.

Byzantine Castrum dating from the end of the 10th Century / beginning of the 11th Century AD, as stated in the book "Bizantini, romani si Bulgari la Dunarea de Jos, Din istoria Dobrogei" ("Byzantines, Romanians and Bulgarians on the Lower Danube, from the history of Dobruja"), by I. Barnea, St. Stefanescu, 3rd volume, Bucuresti, 1971.
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Coordinates:   44°12'16"N   28°25'22"E
This article was last modified 13 years ago