The Danube–Black Sea Canal | water

Romania / Constanta / Castelu /
 water, canal

The Danube-Black Sea Canal is a navigable canal located in Constanta County, Romania, connecting Cernavoda ports on the Danube and Constanta Port Midia Năvodari ports from the Black Sea, shortening the road to Constanţa port with about 400 km.

The channel, with a total length of 95.6 km, consists of the main branch, 64.4 km long, and the North Branch (known as the Poarta Albă-Midia Năvodari Canal), 31.2 km long.

The Danube-Black Sea canal is part of the important European waterway between the Black Sea and the North Sea (through the Rin-Main-Danube Canal). Using this route, goods from Australia and the Far East, destined for Central Europe, shorten their journey by 400 kilometers.

Plans to build this channel existed since the 19th century. Ever since Dobrogea's annexation to Romania in 1878, the idea of ​​a fourth arm of the Danube, this time artificially, has begun to convey the idea of ​​shortening the road to the Black Sea. The technical conditions of the time made such an achievement extremely difficult and costly, so King Carol I, realistically, refused to get involved in this project.

However, the idea was not abandoned, in 1928 the future academician Aurel Bărglazan was to make a study, which indicated the actual route of the channel. [4] [5] Later, Carol II chanted with the idea of ​​the channel, but the global economic crisis and then the onset of the Second World War made his achievement postponed itself.

In 1949 the canal was begun, many of whom were political prisoners from communist prisons and from ethnic and religious minorities. The works were stopped in 1955 and resumed after a new project in 1976. The channel was inaugurated on Saturday, May 26, 1984, by Nicolae Ceausescu. 294 million m3 were discharged to the main canal and another 87 million m3 to the northern branch of Poarta Albă-Midia Năvodari (more than 25 million to the Suez Canal and 140 million to the Panama Canal) and 5 million M3 of concrete.

The main canal has a length of 64.4 km, a depth of 7 m, a base width of 70 m and an area of ​​90-120 m, and has a maximum annual transport capacity of 80-100 million tons, and For the northern branch of 15-25 million tons of cargo. The maximum permissible draft is 5.5 m allowing access to river and small shipping vessels. At each end there are two locks that allow traffic in both directions.

The canal crosses the towns of Cernavoda, Saligny, Mircea Voda, Satu Nou, Medgidia, Castelu, White Gate. Here the channel is bifurcate. The southern branch passes through Basarabi and Agigea. The Nordic Branch, known as the Poarta Alba-Midia Năvodari Channel, with a length of 31.2 km, a depth of 5.5 m and a width of 50-66 m, passes through Nazarcea, Constanţa, Ovidiu and Navodari.

Channel construction required an investment of about $ 2 billion. Initial estimates provided for the recovery of the investment in 50 years. However, the channel exploitation brings annual revenues of about 3 million euros, which implies a recovery period of over 600 years.
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Coordinates:   44°13'30"N   28°19'55"E


  • Ideea construirii acestui canal, in varianta sa moderna, a „incoltit” inca din 1973. In 1978, sahul Iranului, Mohamed Reza Pahlavi Aryamehr se intalneste cu Nicolae Ceausescu, propunandu-i „afacerea secolului”: Romania sa construiasca (cu ajutor financiar iranian) un canal navigabil intre Dunare si Marea Neagra, care sa scurteze cu cca 400 km drumul navelor care transporta petrol iranian spre vestul Europei. Coroborat cu canalul navigabil Rhin-Main-Dunare (care urma sa fie construit de R.F.G.) se scurta considerabil drumul pe apa dintre Marea Neagra si Marea Nordului. Lucrarile la canalul navigabil Dunare-Marea Neagra incep in 1975, pana in 1988 lucrand aici 500.000 de oameni (inclusiv armata, voluntari UTC, etc), de data asta cu utilaje moderne, mecanizate, lucrarile la canal costand, dupa unele surse, doua miliarde $. S-au excavat 300 milioane mc (cu 25 milioane mc mai mult decat la Canalul de Suez si cu 140 milioane mai mult decat la Canalul Panama), s-au turnat 3,6 milioane mc de betoane. Canalul Dunare-Marea Neagra este inaugurat sambata, 26 mai 1984, iar ramura sa nordica (Canalul Poarta Alba- Midia Navodari, la 21 noiembrie 1987). Lungimea canalului este de 64 km, adancimea de 7 m, latimea la baza de 70 m si la suprafata de 110-140 m, iar pescajul de 5,5 m permite circulatia navelor fluviale si a celor maritime mici. De obicei pe canal circula convoaie de barje de 18.000 tdw (un convoi de 6 barje a 3.000 tdw fiecare, trase sau impinse de un remorcher/impingator). Pe canal(inclusiv ramura sa nordica) exista 4 ecluze (cu sasuri duble de ecluzare si turn de comanda) la: Cernavoda, Agigea, Ovidiu si Navodari.. Traversarea canalului este asigurata de 13 poduri: unul mixt, rutier si feroviar (la Cernavoda), 5 feroviare (Medgidia, Poarta Alba, Agigea, Ovidiu si Navodari- cu structura pentru cale ferata dubla) si 7 rutiere (Medgidia, Poarta Alba, Agigea, Ovidiu, Basarabi, Navodari 1 si Navodari 2). Pe canal s-au construit 4 porturi fluviale: Medgidia, Basarabi, Ovidiu si Luminita (terminate pana in aprilie 1989), dar si doua porturi maritime noi: Midia-Navodari si Constanta Sud Agigea. De asemenea, portul Cernavoda se extinde. Capacitatea maxima anuala de transport a canalului este de 75 milioane tone marfuri, estimarile initiale prevazand recuperarea investitiei in 50 de ani. Din pacate, in prezent, exploadarea canalului aduce venituri de 3 milioane euro/an, ceea ce presupune recuperarea investitiei in peste 600 de ani. La 25 septembrie 1992 este inaugurat in Germania si canalul navigabil Rhin-Main-Dunare, ceea ce a permis creearea unei cai navigabile intre Marea Neagra (Sulina-Romania) si Marea Nordului (Maasvlakte-Olanda).
This article was last modified 3 years ago