Observation Post Ouellette

Korea (North) / Hwanghaebukto / Kaesong /
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Located south of the military demarcation line to North Korea
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Coordinates:   37°57'25"N   126°41'13"E


  • Site where on March 24, 2012, President Obama visited troops and observed North Korea.
  • i rory gaede was on the guard post for 30 days in 1982 any else who was there at that time im now in hot springs ar.
  • I was there and at GP Collier every couple of months as an artillery forward observer during 1972-73.
  • I was there for the same length of time in 1982 as well. I was a young Infantry Spec 4 in A 1/17.
  • I was on this OP in 1979/1980. Once for 19 days and again for 26 days. I spent time on the other OP also. My duty station was HHB 1/15 FA FIRE SUPPORT at Camp Stanley...
  • Phillip A Rayford I was there multiple times in 1983 And 1984 was attached to combined field army at camp Red Cloud. Served as fire support specialst / Liaison Specialist.
  • I was there in 85 with 1/38 inf, Recon Plt. Scouts out
  • I was there for 2 weeks in 1971 - 1/38 Inf. I don't remember the name then but I don't believe it was Ouellette. At that time, only the US Army was north of the Imjin River. No farming, tourist attractions, etc. No big wigs actually went into the DMZ - looked into the DMZ from south of the DMZ. As usual, North Korea would try to make the news whenever a big wig was coming.
  • B Company 1/38th Infantry 1982 - 1984 two back to back tours. Our Battalion had DMZ mission from September to December before the 1/9th Manchus manned it during the most miserable time of the year... Korean Winters are colder than a witches tit in a brass bra. My platoon relieved Joseph White's platoon from GPS duty on Ouellette... Man were those guys pissed for what that idiot pulled. My second tour of the Z we manned Collier. During our patrol phase of my first Z rotation I was RTO for our Pl and one day on a recon patrol I spotted a fucking North Korean in civies taking pictures of the back side of Ouellette with a camera that had a lense at least a foot and a half long. We had stopped to do a map check and were up on the ridge that ran along the East side of the hardball MSR. I thought I was fucking seeing things until the fucker moved... So I tugged on the LT's sleeve and pointed to the gu. We split into three teams leaving our Sixty gunner and Security covering us from the ridge while the rest of us split into two teams and moved to flank him... I'll never forget the look on his face when we popped out of cover locked and loaded and drawing a bead on his ass. He kept telling our KATUSA he was just taking pictures of the wild life despite being in a ristricted area surrounded on three sides by minefields. He never would respond to the questions of how the fuck he got there. We took him prisoner and Tran ported him by Deuce and a half to the ROK base across the MSR from Camp Kittyhawk. The ROK Army interrogated the guy so bad he had to be medivaced via flat Iron chopper later that evening.
  • I was there during that incident when White defected. Do you remember when he came on tv the next day and spewed all that bullshit. 1/31st Inf. DMZ duty 82-83..
  • I was there Nov 86 with the 2nd 503rd Air Borne (INF) "Rock Steady Bushwhacker!!!"
  • arrived August 1/38th HHC Infantry, we was the last of this historic unit. Proud to served with 1/38th before 2/503rd Airborne (INF) takeover.
  • I was there for the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice Act in 2003 serving as a JSA scout on Camp Boniface and 10 days a month up on Observation Post Ouellette doing patrols and QRF along the MDL and the Joint Sercurity Area. Also we were the last American scouts to serve on OPO. September 11 2004 we walked of the hill and turned over full control to the ROK scouts.
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This article was last modified 6 years ago