Tandy center Subway (closed August 2002, now destroyed) (Fort Worth,Texas)

USA / Texas / Fort Worth / Fort Worth,Texas
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A subway built by Leonards M&O department store to link with their massive parking lot to the store's basement. It was free to ride and replaced bus service. Later Leonards was bought by Dillards. Fortunately, the line continued service. The property was later purchased by the Tandy Corporation (which also owned the Radio Shack store chain). The department store was demolished and replaced by the company's headquarters, but the subway was kept and the station under the building rebuilt. The cars were also remodeled and refitted. Then in August 2002 the subway was closed and the building was sold. The subway was later removed for replacment. Several of the subway cars were sold to various places. One is owned by McKinney Avenue Transit Authority in the Dallas, Texas area. Several more were placed in a nearby Fort Worth warehouse covered under tarps. They are being refurbished by an organization in hopes of one day either being put on display or put back into service by a historic trolley service.

NOTE: The Tandy subway is only partially underground. The Subway cars were PCC trolley cars often used in major cities in the 20th century.
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Coordinates:   32°45'23"N   97°20'21"W


  • In its last years, the Tandy Center Subway system was used not only to provide transportation for shoppers to get from the huge parking lot to the Tandy Center, but it was also used by Tarrant County jurors to park their cars for free and then ride at no cost to the courthouse. Today jurors park at LaGrave Field and ride the city bus for free to the courthouse.
  • To the lower left of the wiki box you can see the old track roadbed, 2 station platforms and off a branch line, the "roundhouse" where maintenance was performed.
This article was last modified 11 years ago