London House, (Sirukudalpatti)

India / Tamil Nadu / Tirupathur / Sirukudalpatti
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Coordinates:   10°8'34"N   78°38'45"E


  • This London house is built by Mr.Subramaniam, an industrialist residing in tirchy. He is the grandson of AT.KP.LSP Subramaniam chettiar and eldest son of Mr.Shanmugam chettiar popularly known as London chettiar. Mr. Shanmugam is a law graduate and alumini from London University. His wife Meenakshi is at present residing in sirukudalpattti. on rememberence and to honour his father he had build and named this house as "london house" information by Meenal Senthill of louisville ky. I am the great grand daughter of Mr.Shanmugam Chettiar.
  • looted Tamilnadu Magnesite Ltd -> build London House hahahahahahaa
This article was last modified 18 years ago