"Ladnyy" - Krivak I class Frigate | warship

Ukraine / Sevastopol /

Project # 1135 (Burevestnik : Petrel)
NATO Reporting name : Krivak I class Guided Missile Frigate
"Ладный : Ladniy" (Harmonious)
(Hull # 801)

11th ASW Ship Brgde - 30th Surface Combat Div.
Laid down 25.05.1979
launched 7.05.1980
commissioned 29.12.1980

Project #1135 Burevestnik [Krivak I] was an entirely new design, initially believed in the West to be designed for offensive surface warfare. In reality, the class was intended primarily as a defensive ASW ship. The Krivak was designed as a less expensive and capable counterpart to the larger Kresta II and Kara classes, with which it originally shared the BPK designation. In the late 1970s the designation changed to SKR (Storozhevoy Koabl') or small antisubmarine ship, a more accurate indication of their actual capabilities.

In August 2008 the ship participated in joint NATO countries of the antiterrorist operation "Active Endeavor" exercise control over shipping in the Suez Canal area. 07/08/2009, in the group Black Sea Fleet ships Ladnyy left Sevastopol for the route of Sevastopol-Baltic to participate in exercise "West 2009". However, in order of command, it was involved in search and rescue operation to locate the missing cargo ship "Arctic Sea" with the Russian crew of disappeared off the coast of Portugal on the way to Gibraltar. 16/08/2009, the patrol ship Ladny found freighter 300 miles from the Cape Verde Islands, landed on his boarding team. According to the investigation, "Arctic Sea" was captured by eight citizens of Estonia, Latvia and Russia.

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Coordinates:   44°37'23"N   33°33'22"E
This article was last modified 5 years ago