Church "Rozhdestvo Bogorodichno" /Church "Nativity of the Virgin"/ (Pavel Banya)

Bulgaria / Stara Zagora / Pavel Banja / Pavel Banya
 church, 1880s construction, Bulgarian Orthodox Church

Church built immediately after the founding of the settlement in 1879. In 1920. Quake threatens ancient temple. Construction of new church starts in the same year, with the assistance of city hall, church board and the volunteer work of the residents. Iconostasis is made by masters of Tryavna school. The icons are the work of artists Cyril Kanchev - Kalofer and Mandovata - Kazanlak. Dedication was on 21 November 1924. Metropolitan of Stara Zagora - Paul.
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Coordinates:   42°35'40"N   25°12'22"E
This article was last modified 15 years ago