Kannanur 621206

India / Tamil Nadu / Tattayyangarpettai / Main Bazaar Road, Main Road
 ஒரு ஒளிப்படத்தை உள்ளிடுக

Kannanur is a Panchayat Village comes under Thuraiyur (TK), Trichy (DT), PIN-621206 surrounded by many sub-villages and owns State Highway roads (SH 161 and SH 30).

Population: 5000+ people
Municipality: Thuraiyur
Municipal Corporation: Tiruchirappalli

Important places:
Thuraiyur - 8 km
Trichy - 51 km
Sri Rangam - 35 km
Perambalur - 37 km
Musiri - 19 km
Namakkal - 47 km

Kolli Hill/Puliyancholai Falls - 70 km
Perumal Hill - 13 km

*** Nearest Railway Station and Airport is Trichy (About 55 km)

* Main work is Agriculture and Cultivation.
* Languages speak: Tamil.
* 24 Hrs facilitated Govt Hospital, Samathuvapuram, weekly market which is used by the surrounding villages.

Educational Institutions:
* Union school
* Matriculation school for kids
* Govt High school
* Govt Adhi Dravidar Welfare Higher sec school
* Imayam college of institutions
* Public Library

* Angala Parameshwari Amman Temple
* Sellandi Amman Temple resides on the river "Aiyyaru" which comes from Kollimalai hill
* Laxmi Amman Temple
* Mari Amman Temple
* Swamy Ayyappan Temple
* Guard Temple

And still more...
அருகிலுள்ள நகரங்கள்:
ஆயத்தொலைவுகள்:  11°5'4"N   78°32'57"E


  •  25 கி.மீ
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  •  136 கி.மீ
  •  253 கி.மீ
  •  267 கி.மீ
  •  277 கி.மீ
  •  279 கி.மீ
  •  280 கி.மீ
  •  325 கி.மீ
  •  336 கி.மீ
கடைசியாக இந்தக் கட்டுரையில் மாற்றம் செய்யப்பட்ட நாள் 14 years ago