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Bucharest North Station (Bucharest)

Romania / Bukarest / Bucharest / Piața Gării de Nord
 train station, railway terminal, head house (train station)

Bucharest's main Railroad Station (Romanian: Gara de Nord). The building is considered to be simillar to the Northern Railway Station from Paris. The railway station serves for national and international traffic (daily routes to Wien, Sofia, Budapest, Bratislava, Thesalonik, Chisinau, Moscow, Warsaw, Belgrad).
SNTCF(National Society for Rail Transportation) is a member of EuroRail.

The Trains Timetable is available on-line in romanian, english, deutsch and french in the link below:
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   44°26'50"N   26°4'21"E


  • Marius (guest)
    gara de nord e super rau!C.F.R.!
  • flovs
    On 22 September / 4 October 1869, begin construction of the current North Station (called up in 1888, "Gara Targoviste), situated on a former property of the squire Dinicu Golescu and his heirs. The official inauguration takes place at 1 / 13 September 1872, with the opening of Bucharest-Roman railway. Passenger building with ground floor and first floor, was 93.4 m long and had five railway lines, for receiving and sending trains. Track "one" leading to workshops situated in front of the station, where now stands the Palace of CFR. In 1887 "gas air" plant was inaugurated in Bucharest-Grivita , and, in 1897, power plant, to illuminate the North Bucharest Railway Station. Sound system of the stations have a past which today makes us smile.In "instruction signal" from 1891, were provided a lot of acoustic signals, data "bell platform". He was in constant resonance creating a permanent panic among passengers, who crowded to the platform, whenever they heard the signals, whose mysterious code do not know.
  • flovs
    The bell could hear the smaller train stations, until the years after 1930. In large train stations, travelers announcement was made by an "employee" (employee), in uniform, traveling and waiting rooms platforms seriously, calling arrivals and departures is moving trains. This only signal given by bugle (a brass horn), by the head of the train. CFR clock appeared with the first line, and enjoyed same fame, as pennant, horn and lantern. Thousands of watch, or not wearing the inscription "CFR", manufactured by "Roskopf-Patent", "Paul Garnier "" Omega "or" Tellus ", and many pocket watches, timepieces, watches and clocks, wall cabinet, which is also found themselves in some stations, until recently, had a wide circulation, in their time. In those years removed, the station chief was the only holder of "exact time", and the entire breath of the city, he regarded with respect. In 1 / 13 April 1890, was put into service telephone from North Station (the first in the country), with 25 phone lines, only for Bucharest. During this period, stations were very clean and well looked after (perhaps due to a more civilized public passenger than today) rounds of flowers and plant them in the stations. In 1907, the North Station is expanding with two lines, now having seven lines.
  • flovs
    Since the founding of North Station, the traffic of passengers, mail and goods has increased steadily, causing a chronic lack of capacity building and operating lines. In the Bucharest Polytechnic Society, engineer Michael M. Ramniceanu, shows, in 1896, the construction of a new passenger railway stations. In autumn 1892 the General Directorate of Railways, is launching an international competition to design and conduct an "Central Stations", in Bucharest. This was to be located near Garden Cismigiu between Bdul.Regina Elizabeth Way Splaiul Independentei and Pleven, on land widow Marghiola Procopius, obtained through expropriation. The new station (which has not been realized due to start World War) would have a central body in the form of "U", with 12 lines of receipt / dispatch of trains, and two wings, the railway administration.
  • flovs
    In terms of marshalling yards, the beginning is made between 1913-1914, when they are constructed: Bucharest-triage station (named, then, the station "Chitila Triage"), station equipment, training Grivita Bucharest train, and locomotive depot Bucharest travel (at Grivita). All these was made by the initiative of Alexandru Pereiteanu, chief CFR at that time.
  • flovs
    In 1872 are set up workshops to repair wagons Grivita Bucharest, which became, in 1887, "Wagons and Locomotives Central Workshop Bucharest". After that is opened in 1908, Grivita "draw" (with a covered hall, wooden, for parking of railcars royal). In 1897, is going to overhaul locomotives and wagons here.
  • flovs
    In 1 / 13 February 1890, Buftea station in Romania was the first time, equipped with a instalation for insurance train traffic safety, type "EMF" (electro-mechanical interlocking), driven by rigid rods, which, for the first time, the position of needle switches was correlated with the position of signals. This station was the contribution made by engineers Cottescu Alexander (Head of the "Direction motion")and Mihail Ramniceanu (Head of the direction "New works").
  • flovs
    On 1 January 1896 were in operation, the entire railway network, 551 needle telegraph apparatus, which signals impressed in relief on paper tape. Printing tape, made on the local line, served as undeniable proof, if such a reconstruction was necessary activity connected with the movement of trains. Impegatii motion were the only ones who learned, knew and were able to use the telegraph.
  • flovs
    In 1887, has held the 1200 strike of railway employees in Bucharest, followed in 1888 by a strike of 300 railway employees in Galati. In 1884 he was appointed head of the Bucharest-North station, Ion Voinescu. The first general manager at CFR (apointed in 1883) was Stefan Falcoianu.
  • flovs
    After the First World War, the station Bucharest North grows. In 1920 at North Station add three more lines for receiving / sending the train, reaching a total of 10 lines. But even so, the number of lines and spaces are inadequate Station North, always traffic icreasing.In 1925 Ministry of Communications Committee, headed by engineer Anghel Saligny appreciate that the only solution to redress the situation, was to transform and expand existing buildings generally the same sites, with some extensions, adjacent land obtained through expropriation. North Station is upgraded and enlarged in the years 1930-1932, when these works are: The new platforms are connected, again, through a cross platform (200m long and 23m wide), south gable is built, lines and is made systematic receipt / dispatch of trains, increasing their number from 10 lines to 16 lines (two of them will be abolished later). These works were done by architect plans VGStefanescu, and gave the Station North and modern look and feel. In 1932, North Station, an amplifier is installed (the 200w) and six speakers; until 1938, they are expanding in all railway stations in the country, replacing the old bell platform.
  • flovs
    There are still old project of "Central Station", but, with the expansion of North Station, it is abandonat.In 1950, on land which was supposed to be the central station, the Romanian Opera House and build a small horse field. Some administrative buildings are required CFR Palace, whose construction began in 1937 (but due to the outbreak of World War II, will be finished only in 1962), in front of North Station, by architect plans Duiliu Mark, Head of Independent Architecture, the Directorate General of CFR.
  • flovs
    When increasing the number of lines to North Station in the years 1931-1932,at 30 June 1932, is given in function of the first installation of interlocking switches and signals electrodynamics, produced by the French company "Thomson-Houston." This facility provides automatic control of 95 switches, replacing the work of 60 Acari. This facility is partly destroyed by U.S. bombing in April 1944, restarted in 1949 and replaced in 1968, with the electrification of the line with a centralized facility electrodynamics, with relays.
  • flovs
    In 1941,North Railway market is systematic to ease car traffic, trams and pedestrians.
  • flovs
    In the years after 1945 are important works for the restoration of railway infrastructure in Bucharest; in 1946 Railway Workshops GRIVITA are restored to service. The 1950-1960 period passenger traffic increased by Bucharest North railway station. In this perioad started to use second-class coaches series 29-20 ("dimitroave"), build since 1943 at "Astra" Arad factory. The first class carriages were used "Breda", "Hecht", "Astra Arad", built and imported before 1941.
  • flovs
    After 1959 are used diesel-electric locomotives class 60 and class 62 (after 1968). After 1966 are using hydraulic diesel locomotives class 80. Are introduced after 1964, passenger trains on main lines, the new series cars 10-40, 19-40, 19-47, 19-57 (for first class), and 20-40, 20-47, 20-57 (for second class), build at "Astra" Arad and "MEVA" Drobeta-Turnu-Severin factory. 16 February 1969, the first train hauled by an electric locomotive arrived in Bucharest, with the completion of electrification of the line Bucharest North-Ploiesti West. When electrification works, completed between 1966-1969, is also carried out works to modernize the North Railway Station: lengthening the platforms, waiting halls redevelopment, rehabilitation of passenger flow at the ticket (there are, in total, 24 houses tickets), etc. Put into operation in 1968, is a centralized facility electrodynamics relay at Bucharest North Railway Station, that reduces time for receipt / dispatch of a train from several minutes to several seconds. Is built new "control tower", where trains are controlled in the whole complex in northern Bucharest Rail (station: Bucharest North, Bucharest Basarab, Bucharest-Grivita and Bucharest North Technical Group).
  • flovs
    At the opening of the Metro-North Station Crangasi, on December 24, 1987, there were some necessary changes in station access from Grivitei, but also some modifications of the geometry of the platforms 13 to 14 lines, generated by the site opened (1989), the new North Station subway line-Laromet-May 1.
  • flovs
    Ends in 1978 the Bucharest-Constanta railway electrification. In the 80 to electrify the railway line Bucharest and Craiova and Bucharest North Mogosoaia, so that all lines that depart from North Station are electrified.
  • flovs
    In 1988 went to North Station 102 trains a day and as many arrived, transporting thousands of passengers. Basarab station went from 14 trains per day.
  • flovs
    After 1990 the number of passengers who use North Station drops. Because of social disparities in Romania after 1990, A WEAK SIDE OF POLICE rail transport, but far too mild and laws, Bucharest North Station comes to be "haunted" by a "wildlife" consists of beggars, vagrants and "itinerant traders". In 1996 the first tickets are issued on a computer, the North Railway Station, which is subsequently extended to other stations (Basarab Bucharest, Ploiesti-South, etc.) In 1998, major rehabilitation works are the Gara de Nord: modernization waiting rooms, video display systems, installation of PVC joinery, elevating platform 14 from the floor line of wagons, the introduction of platform tickets (which succeed to eliminate in large part, homelessness in the station, etc.)
  • flovs
    Is put into operation after 2002, an electronic interlocking installation (that uses computers process), at Bucharest North Railway Complex.
  • flovs
    Today, the complex Bucharest North Railway comprises: railway station Bucharest-North (with 14 tracks), railway station Bucharest-Basarab (or "North Groupe B", with 4 traks), revision of wagons "Bucharest-Grivita" (here is also Train Station Training and home station wagon), Inspectorate and the station wagon home "Bucharest North Groupe A technique" (also, from this station, until after 2000 years, industrial track went, factory servicing: Romanian tobacco, Grivita brewery, Bread factories "Pleven" and "Spice", Chemical Research Institute. Today, from "Bucharest North Groupe A technique" went industrial railways only from: Mail store "Giulesti", and "Fabrication and assembly now lifts").
  • flovs
    Today, leaving from North Station 115 trains per day, and from Bucharest-Basarab station leaving 14 trains per day. In May 2011 will be inaugurated Basarab passage.
  • cineva (guest)
    ba aveti grija aici cand iesiti din cladire! sunt tot felu de hoti
  • cineva (guest)
    sunt si betivi si tigani aici! aveti mare grije
  • flovs
    Parca intr-un timp mai disparusera! Ma intreb cum inainte de 1989 militia TF putea sa-si faca datoria (nu vedeai cersetori sau aurolaci prin gara), iar acum, cu politie TF, jandarmerie, firme private de paza- nu pot fi alungati din incinta garii ?
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This article was last modified 8 years ago