"Arctic" and "Beko" GAESTI freezers factory (Găeşti)

Romania / Dambovita / Dragodana / Găeşti
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The scientist from this factory have discover a new innovative idea of freezer: freezer with TV incorporated inside, good for watching soccer games during the summer. This concept was developed due to playing of a kid from Gaesti who's hiding himself in the freezer. His family find him after 4 months of searching with cops, teachers and paranormal investigators when he come out by himself because he was finished the food. He is just fine, just a little cold. When he was asked what was the main inconvenient during the hide he reply: "I was annoyed because i can't have a TV inside with me" and BINGO! the scientist stole this idea and make the changes in the industrial process and from that moment forward the factory products was very apreciated by the eskimo population living on icebergs at the Noth Pole, where is no television channels available.
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Coordinates:   44°42'34"N   25°20'53"E
This article was last modified 15 years ago