
India / Andhra Pradesh / Razam /
 village, mandal headquarter

Tehsil G.Sigadam, District Srikakulam (Srikakulam), Andhra Pradesh, Bharat

Ganguvari Sigadam Mandal Head quarter in Srikakaulam District. There are 43 villages under this mandal. Photos lists 43 village names and respective village codes. The codes of G sigadam are : G sigadam village code-17, G sigadam mandal code-5, Srikakulam district code-1, AP State, India.
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Coordinates:   18°22'48"N   83°40'52"E


  • Hi G sigadam is a very big mandal. there are 43 listed villages. Tag all 43 villages in wikimapia. Tag as well sub-villages and hamlets. Write in description the villages near to the hamlet or sub village.
  • Village list is in the photo.