Prizen Fortress (Prizren)

Serbia and Montenegro / Kosovo and Metohija / Prizren
 castle, fortress, cultural heritage / national heritage, interesting place

Prizren Fortress (Serbian: Призренски Град, Каљаја, Albanian: Каlаја) is the medieval fortress in Prizren, Kosovo, in which once the capital of Serbian Empire was located. It was built on a hill above Prizrenska Bistrica, around which the modern city developed. The first fort, erected on this location by the Byzantines, was further expanded by Tsar Stefan Uroš IV Dušan of Serbia. The fort then came under the Ottomans, who controlled it for four and a half centuries, giving it its modern shape.

Kalaja was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1990.
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Coordinates:   42°12'33"N   20°44'43"E