OPP Missisauga Detatchment (Mississauga, Ontario)

Canada / Ontario / Milton / Mississauga, Ontario / Argentia Road, 2735
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From the 1970s to the early 2000s, this was the eastbound Mississauga rest stop (Address: 334 Highway 401)

Doesnt show by this image but driving this stretch of Highway 401 the offramp is barricaded with concrete walls and no activity is to be seen near this building. The gas station is stripped leaving only the canopy over the pumps (which are no longer there) and empty convience store. The main reststop building is empty but somehow a light was left on, looks like the inside was ransacked at some point. Hard to tell driving past at 100+km/h
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Coordinates:   43°36'3"N   79°46'4"W


  • The rest stop was closed in 2006. From Oct 2009 - Jan 2010 I had the "privilege" of working as a security guard at this location from 7pm-7am (4days on 4days off) for a piece of shit security company called Empire Invstigations. They talk down to their employees and are nasty people IMHO, the managers openly shit talked other guards calling them "retards" or "autistic". After my 3rd day of work I got screwed over by one of the managers of this company that cost me an entire weeks worth of hours/pay lost. From that point on I went as "hog wild" on this site as I possibly could untill I finally got caught, a day I knew would come and I welcomed it. I often left the site unattended for hours in the middle of the night for a variety of reasons ... went to bars/clubs downtown, went to friends homes to hang out, went home to sleep or watch TV .. I would return sometime as late as 630am (and drunk as hell) when the daytime guard would relieve me of my duties. The daytime guard was no better, he was constantly high and sold dugs out of this location. When I did actually do my job, I sat in the empty convienience store and watched old VHS movies and some bootled DVDs that were hanging around. There was also a wireless internet connection for a couple of months that was eventually taken away. Once every hour I was supposed to walk the perimiter of the site and make sure no one was trespassing. Some of the people that would visit the site unannounced at night were: police cruisers, tow truck drivers, the odd creep that would circle in a white van with a sex doll and teenagers that would throw shit at the shack and shine laserpointers at me to try to induce a foot chase. The teens would vandalized the hell out of the site a few times when I left it unattended, I would spend and hour or so cleaning it up to cover my ass. Although questions were still asked via email by management, I just ignored them. I finally got busted on a routine checkup, for months they would always come from 1am-5am once everyother 4 day work cycle. I knew that when they came on one night, I had the next handful of workdays to go crazy. Unfortunatly the chick who had a crush on me and gave me subtle hints as to when she wold drop by (the mobile supervisor, she hated the company too) quit over x-mas (which she told me, but like a dumbass I spaced out), the bitch supervisor I had issues with came at 915pm when i was at home watching a leaf game, she called the company cell and I ignored it 7 times busting ass trying to get back on site while thrying to come up with a shitty excuse. Luckily she got fed up and left the site so when I came back I found the OPP police there!!! (thank god that was a rare night i was not drinking on the job). The cops said she was pissed and wished me luck and left. I called her and told her I was at tim hortons taking a shit as I did not enjoy the outhouse in January at -20c at night (which I did not enjoy, that was true). She was a little ticked off but bought the excuse and gave me 2 strikes on a 3 strike system. I didnt even get fired right away. I worked there for 2 more weeks then one day I showed up to find my shift had been given away (second time that happened, which is why I became such a shitty employee in the first place). I Called the manager and she said the client who owns the site was informed what I did and did not want me there anymore, after I pressed her she said she would put me at a different location if I called her the next week. I never did call her for work. I did however drop by the site a week later to see my daytime pothead friend and grab my reclining chair i used to sleep in, a pillow, and a blanket. To my suprise there was some new Jamiacan guy there who was on his first day and scared of me when I tried to get my shit. He called the bitch manager who made him put me on the phone and she unleashe a blood curdling sream at me like she had just found her family murdered or something along those lines, all because of my "sleeping" gear that was there. She threatened not to pay me (which I knew even for a shit company they could not legally do) and called me a bunch of names. She never acually said I was fired though. The next week my final "vacation pay" cheque came followed soon after by an ROE which she initially marked "fired" then crossed it our and put "shortage of work" lol .... What a buzz this reststop was !!! I no longer live in Canada but the last time I went by this location summer 2011 they had tore everything down and a massive construction project was under way. Next time I am back home I will definetly be interested to see what is now at my old stomping grounds. FUCK YOU EMPIRE INVESTIGATIONS .... TREAT YOUR PEOPLE WITH RESPECT AND YOU MIGHT GET PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT THEIR WORK .. A BIG FUCK YOU TO "M.F." ... stupid bitch.
  • LOL....I've been inside this place many times after it was abandoned.
  • Anyone that has been here did you guys every get caught? or was there any cops or security? and also what would you guys keep with you guys for safety.
This article was last modified 3 years ago