Montague Island

Mexico / Baja California / Estaciyn Coahuila /

Desc of the island from the late 1800s:
"Montague Island, lying abreast of Philips Point on the south side of the main channel, is a low flat island about 6 miles long, with a greatest width of 3 miles. It is covered with coarse grass and scattered driftwood and logs, the latter giving evidence that it is subject to overflow at the time of freshets.
The passage between the island and the west bank of the river may be used at high water by small vessels, but is entirely bare at low - water springs [referring to spring tides]. Southward of the island, along the Lower California shore, a mud bank, bare at low-water springs, extends for nearly 9 miles."

From: The West Coasts of Mexico and Central America. Chiefly from surveys by the United States Steamers Narragansett, Tuscarora, Ranger, and Thetis, between 1873 and 1901. At pg 156

First picture is of the north end of Montague Island, looking southwest. If the Colorado were to flow, it would flow from right to left
Second picture is of the middle of Montague Island, looking southwest. Again, if the Colorado were to flow, it would flow from right to left.
Third picture is of the north end of Montague Island, looking east. If the Colorado were to flow, it would flow from left to right
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   31°43'36"N   114°43'19"W
This article was last modified 8 years ago