Bobby Kennedy spoke here (Portland, Oregon)

USA / Oregon / Portland / Portland, Oregon
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In May, 1968 Bobby Kennedy spoke in the parking lot of this Piggly Wiggly while campaigning for the Oregon Democratic Presidential primary. Three weeks later he was shot and killed in California.
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Coordinates:   45°30'42"N   122°37'15"W


  • I was there that day. 12 year old kid carrying a long bamboo stick with a BOBBY poster on a 3" nail. As he was leaving in his convertible back down Hawthorne Blvd I accidentally swung that pole+nail too close for comfort to Bobby's head. Secret Service shooed me off to the sidewalk. His death in L.A. shook me up. 1968 is a year I have never wished to relive.
  • If you send me an email address, I'll send you links to several videos of Bobby Kennedy campaigning at Portland during the time that you saw him: Thanx for sharing your memory.
  • We lived over around SE 42nd and Yamhill. I was eleven. Our family walked over there, and even though short, I could still see Bobby Kennedy in his open convertible, waving and smiling. It was right by the now gone Piggy Wiggly market..
  • Our band played across the street from this rally. We weren't good but the point of us being there was to draw a crowd for the rally.
  • T was around May 1969 I think. I was about 11 or 12 My mother worked at New Portland Rose restaurant in St. Johns his convertible was right outside people were running up to get a glimpse of him. We were earlg since mom had to work I was nearest to the car right bel ok w his feet when the crowd pushed up against me pinn I ng me in. My hand was up hoping li j e others that he would reach down and momentarily take it. He didnt even notice. And he hadnt noticed as he reach over my head to grasp someones hand in the crowd his fo i t shifted and my left hand , resting atop the car was now under his heavy foot. He didnt even hear me cry out. My tummy hurt from being pushed against the car and my hand was throbbing . I made a fist with my right and slammed it hard as I could on Robert Kennedys shiney somewhat pointed dark shoe. Im not sure if he felt it but he did move and as the car was moving I was able to wiggle through the crowd and back to the restaurand . I was angry at him for hurting my hand. Some weeks later I felt guilty for being so mad when what happened to me was so insignificant. Robert Kennedy was assassinated.
  • Paul Lee Do you have any coverage of him in St. Johns?
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This article was last modified 10 years ago