| city, arctic, GULAG, district center
Russia /
Chukotka /
Pevek /
/ Russia
/ Chukotka
/ Pevek
, 9 km from center (Певек)
World / Russia / Chukot
city, arctic, GULAG, district center
Administrative center Chaunskogo District Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
City (1967) in the Russian Federation, in Chukotka, a port in Chaunskoy Bay Vost. Siberian meters on the track of Northern Sea Route. 11,9 thousand inhabitants (1992), 5,206 (2002 Census). Mining and concentrating plant, oxygen plant, etc.
... "Territory" - a capacious definition of a conditional, and gave this place a geologist and writer Oleg Kuva - nomadic tribes are not too obzhivalas, sedentary Chukchi traditionally gravitated to the valleys of the Greater and Lesser Anyuya, where nature pobogache and where the late XVIII acted fair. But historically, the fragmentary evidence, bay famous for an abundance of loach, yes fox fox asked to "feed", and the brave hunters went to the polar bear.
Wind whether it deters careful throughout Chukchis or lack of reindeer moss (moss tundra) for deer, or maybe an old legend, is echoed in the name of the primacy over other shestisotmetrovoy hills - "Peekiney" that toponomisty transferred to the Chukchi as "Pahuchaya Mountain erected etymology strange name for allegedly occurred here when a bloody battle in which local tribes to defend their land from the players. The smell of dead bodies forever, saying, remained in the memory of people and in the name of a hill.
At the same time, a famous scholar, a connoisseur of Chukchi and Eskimo languages Vladilen Leontyev leads a translation: "caps, or Thick Mountain."
One way or another - long live the hill, gave his toponomichesky root "peek" the beautiful legend of the bargain in the current city He grew up in a historic moment at the seventieth parallel, where the short northern summer hills-beauties lyubuyutsya his reflection in the cold and clean the mirror of the bay.
First time here as soon noticed that the sky looming over them, it seems that it is lower than the "mainland." And the absence of any absolute alarming details of the landscape, like something is missing in the picture. We have to look several times to draw a neighborhood before you guess that there are no trees. A sense of emotional loss of a real attack could result in oxygen deficiency. But this is only the beginning!
And climate is harsh land. Excessive humidity is combined with a temperate continental. Cool summer in another season of snow in the shadow hills depression in the ground do not manage to melt. And sometimes, after a two-week heat purgovoy charge nakroet city. By spring, the tundra colors: forget, dandelion, chamomile, gentle tones of lemon poppy polar, willow-herb, and other bright colors in a moment hesitate to break out the heat. And there is a special spirit of joy: and in the air, and in the soul. Fertile autumn tundra endue northerners mushrooms berries yes, yes happy Komarin song: bear, браток, but it will be so rich!
In the winter frosts of thirty, and the temperature creeping up - wait, then, snowstorm! If snowy guest state from the north, almost always with the drifting snow - here and in the warmth of the house from cold not hide. Well, "Yuzhakov" - a local attraction. Sharp валит gusty wind down, claiming nezavyazannye hats with heads careless passers-through bay to the island Routan and sometimes disrupts long to repair the roof pyatietazhek-Krushchevka "type flats. That then becomes a truly dangerous! If you collect folklore in "yuzhachnuyu" theme, will be a decent book. It is just stuck because it Pevek Artists Ensemble "Bim-Bom". Five days prosideli until the muzzle. But fly away satisfied that a genuine feeling of Chukotka.
This particular wind occurs at the top of a hill. Mixing of warm and cold air masses creates a powerful swirl. Bring the the slope, the wind falls on the city at speeds of 30-40 meters per second. However, meteorologists say that there were gusts of up to 73!
Want to know what the vacuum? Become a "Yuzhakov" back - to the chest - feel mchascheysya in this ocean of air masses that have nothing to breathe, and under the guise of their own elbow start convulsively, like a fish on the sand, tear out of the wind flow pharynx precious air.
Tricky, playful wind. Sometimes, because of the nature canceled classes at schools, kindergartens are closed, and he, as if in mockery of hapless Forecasters, stihnet. Or, conversely, fell on the city, suddenly, find people by surprise. Heavy snow and "Yuzhakov" from the Leeward sides of houses giant white sand made of solid slezhalogo snow. At Spit, near the old barracks Chukotgidromettsentra, cut and punch through them tunnels for the convenience of pedestrians. And, by the way, those skilled facilities are kept until the spring.
More winter amuse townspeople Spolokhi streamer Tomita and nearly three-month darkness (polar night), after which vykativsheesya from the land of the sun are pleased to rezi tears in the eyes. But in summer it almost does not go beyond the horizon, and stop the clock to deal with - a light.
Reflecting the true harmony that can not help notice a certain kinship slowly, with a given rhythm, the severity of nature, lightens up the rare emotional wind bursts, natural holidays - with the nature of the northerners, friendly, not spoiled, and moderate people. Truly - "Yuzhakov" sanded more than one frozen ground, but the human soul. Only the cool attitude to the North Russian government holds a special, our people in a constant nervous strain.
Explorers visited at different times of these edges. But stay here are not encountered. Journalist Igor Molchanov in the book of Pevek are excerpts from the diary of J. Lindenau, party second Kamchatka expedition of 1733-43 biennium. Vitus Bering. "Chukotskaya land - writes traveler - a substantial border is not, but tokmo one that that reindeer Chukchi go on hreptam Anadyr imyanuemogo Chukotskogo to the top of the nose, and those zavsegda wander and foot Chukchi live lovleniya for polar bears near Shalaginskogo nose, which taknazyvaettsa, because some people alive tamoshnego cape, imyanuemye shalaginskie, and on the nose Shalaginskogo round by sea to the river nerpisha residency are. " It is the surroundings of the town, located about forty kilometers away on the map above Cape Shelagskom, from which came already in 1690 founded the nearby village Yanranay.
According to historical sources, in 1746 to Chaunskoy Bay is now the town of Pevek, from Anadyr fortress took ineffectual campaign, led the combat team voivode Dmitry Pavlutsky. Chukchi was then known of its militancy. They often raided for their long-standing enemies Koryaks, beat them deer and robbed. By adopting the Russian citizenship, Koryaks came under the protection of the king's throne and, it must be said, enjoy this rather unceremoniously, by hook or by crook trying to put the Russian garrison in the gun. " But the military mission even in times of Anna received a prescription Ioanovny "At chukoch and other Inozemtsev war before the decree of Her Imperial greatness does not come ... and to call for citizenship weasel." As a rule, the Russians followed the instructions of the wise.
In summer 1786 in the same places visited by members astronomical and geographical expedition, led by Joseph Billings, who even in 1778, as a party to the third expedition of James Cook to the "Rezolyushen" and "Discovery", swim in the coastal waters of Chukotka in the east to Cape North. At this time of the vessel unsuccessfully tried to escape from the mouth of the Kolyma River, where they obognuv Chukotsky nose, intended to take place in the Bering Sea. Around the Cape Shelagskogo they obstruct the path of a heavy mass of ice, forcing the expedition to turn to winter in Yakutsk. But the mercurial lieutenant for many years, walked on the Chukchi land, described the lifestyle of its people. The name of Billings called Cape, vdayuschiysya in the Chukchi Sea to the east of Shelagskogo.
Ayonsky ice masses (Aion - an island in the Bay Chaunskoy) often arise impregnable obstacle to the pioneers, and now the powerful nuclear icebreakers bush sometimes, forsiruya desyatiballny ice. For a quarter century to Billings in 1762, he stopped a Siberian merchant Nikita Shalaurova, who, trying to break from the Lena River to the east and continue to Kamchatka, from the Cape of Sand Island Aion naporolsya on ice a short and sharp and the wind had not came to Shelagskogo, go back and hide from the pressure vessel Arctic Ocean in the unexplored, but calm Chaunskoy Bay. The second time in three years, he has made a new attempt to break through in the northern Great Arctic Ocean. His squad went missing. Sam Shalaurov as determined Billings, is the last refuge near became fatal for him Shelagskogo. After a hundred years Ferdinand Wrangell call it the island at the entrance to the bay Nolde, and the nearest point where, according to the navigator, was last winter, was named Shalaurova hut.
But in 1648 ice massif rasstupilis favorably to the vessel of another Siberian, Seeds Dezhneva, managed to pass from the Kolyma by the Chukchi nose into the Pacific Ocean. Vidal, and the wind lay down in his sails. Conqueror of the North, too, good luck there oblaskany.
Doctor of Geographical Sciences pevekchanin Valery Kupetsky finds that all is for the first time on an exceptional Chaunskoy Bay as an important outpost on the route Svernogomorskogo said the head of a special way of the North-East expedition Narkomvoda Nicholas Eugene, had a wealth of experience sailing in the Arctic: even in 1913 it took place at the ice breaker in of the expedition by Boris Vilkitskogo Shelagskogo Cape.
In September 1932, the polar, safely completing the research and transportation programs have been forced to stay in the winter, choosing for her area near Pevek, and appreciate not only the comfort of the bay, its beauty in a bright crimson rays of the autumn sunset (and sunsets are unique!) but a suitable depth of it - and most important advantage - the existence of the island of Great Routan with a long natural sand oblique, which securely covers the area of the bay and mainland shore of the heavy nature of the Chukchi Sea, the convenience of defining the harbor, its natural protection and suitability for large quantities of sludge vessels.
Captain J. Mann, subsequently repeatedly vodivshy diesel elektrohod "Ob", remembers that time in a private letter to a friend: "Where do you meet new anniversary in 1967, I had the pleasure to meet in 1933. Pevek was not the one that now. It was a desert: ice, vyuzhnaya, cool ... "
Polar explorers and sailors to take a good contact with local people, organized sports, skiing, shooting competitions. Aboriginal people have a feasible treatment. Well, not sitting idle, put on the spring is just beginning in the village hospital, school for children and Chukchi exemplary Yaranga. The famous polar captain Alexei Matiyasevich now Hero of Russia, famous during the war with fascists as a polar submarine commander, in his letter B. Kupetskomu recalled how during the winter 1932-33 years they I. Mann made six trips to the dog sled with firewood and food to the ship "Uritskogo, despite everything does not go to the bay and getting stuck in the ice ayonskom array. In the letter, he confirmed that on May 1 was the construction of the first two wooden houses on the Spit.
But look at the future of Pevek oceanology N. Evgenova, because of his science was, as it were sent by sea. He saw at pevekskom coast ports convenient Sevmorputi necessary "distance" for the active development of insidious, along the façade of Russia, the route, which is already a year will bring a new victim of the ice element directly against the coast of Chukotka - the icebreaker "Челюскин.
A more immediate "shore" of young prospects settlements emerged shortly after the work on this earth one year later geological expedition Sergey Obruchev that opened in the bowels of the edge of the rich deposits of "tin stone" - Cassiterite.
Hereditary geologist, son of Vladimir Obruchev, author of the famous "Earth Sannikova, summer 1934-year saw Pevek several others:" At the very edge of a triangular pebble spit, highlights from the slopes of Mount kochkovatyh Paakynay stand in a row of nine round cylindrical houses about seven meters in diameter, with a conical roof. They are like some monstrous mushrooms, product marshy tundra ... To the east of them "minced" house - three houses and Zemlyanka.
By this time Pevek already obzhivalsya seriously. In July 1933, was created Chaunsky district, acting regional executive committee and райком. According to the census of 1935, lived in the area of 1960 people, including about a hundred Russians. Half of them were already pevekchane.
Hard we had to. To send a radio to the Far East or in Moscow, it was necessary to overcome the dog sled five kilometers of tundra to polar station only when Ryrkaypy. But how quickly they learn the nature of the Territory, with characteristic patience and courage of a pioneer, with jokes and optimism adapt to it! And the circumstances of the whip.
Exploring in kameralke geological department of the All-Union Arctic Institute of materials collected by the expedition Obruchev S., a young geologist Mark Rokhlin shlihov found in the study of cassiterite and was thus a pioneer's largest tin deposits near Pevek. In 1936, he goes here head of the expedition, which - to prove industrial olovorudnyh deposits Valkumeya. Exploration confirmed the favorable prognosis.
In the same period (1936-37 gg.) Conducted two expeditions chaunskie N. Safronova and G. Vazbutskogo significantly expanded the territory of the search of mineral resources and create new wealth of subsurface Chaun-Chukotka.
"Low was the time Pevek, - recalled M. Rokhlin .- Building raykoma Party and the executive committee - two round house fallen asleep, very few are adapted to the Arctic Climate tent factors zasypnoy frame house, where the expedition SV Obruchev yes a few zemlyanok. electric lighting the village did not have:
In late 1936, a building expedition N. Safronova. M. Rokhlin writes: "This was the first house in Pevek with brick ovens. In the winter during prolonged SCP many people come to us warmed. The house was equipped kitchen, dining room, bedroom" carriage type ", each for 4-5 people, spectral laboratory . I built a warehouse for the plant booth. The power station was only two kilowatts, but it is covered and our home, and school buildings and district executive committee and raykoma. For the first time lit electric light in Pevek. Hearth zateplilsya.
In 1937, in Pevek first girl was born Lida Yashin - the first Russian child who appeared to light in metelnom edge. But where children go there, then, potekla life. Familiar with the harsh Arctic climate, the settlers gradually began to get a life and comfort, approved on styloy land.
As is evident from the long-standing executive committee report, in 1937 the village was already significant in the northern outskirts of the cultural center of Chukotka. "There was kultbazy hospital, a school for Russian and Chukchi children, club, which staged productions and occasional views of movies. The teachers went to the reindeer herders in the tundra, and kochuya with them, educate children. In the winter kultbaza sent to the reindeer herders traveling red Yaranga composed mechanics and doctors. "
Creating the summer of 1939 in the structure of the Chukotka regional prospecting Dalstroya management has identified all further biography of the future of the city, its role as the input base of many thousands of square kilometers. Soon begin laying the roads Pevek-Pyrkakay where eighty kilometers from the district center of geologists okryli rich alluvial deposits of tin and the planned construction of mine.
Court of stroylesom at the local bank has already learned to unload. Now they have much more, began to receive tractors, machines, vehicles, mining machinery and equipment, other machinery. Over time, built the first ryazhevy berth. A first discharge was a very difficult matter, and the friendly ship blast by the time Pearce went all free people. But from the next, 40 th year, a new low-cost labor. In Pevek arrived on ships first batch of prisoners. Hastily started lagpunktov organization. Henceforth, all arriving here first met with guard towers:
Historian J. Girusov in one of his works, referring to the military in 1941, writes: "The area has changed unrecognizable. Entered in the tin mine operation and mine, power plant: The network of schools and cultural institutions has grown, learned, not only children, but almost all of the adult population . A silent scientist. About who and how the first-formed frames chaunskoy industry. However, it is not his fault that the history of Chaun-Chukotka was removed like a tragic page - GULAG:
Alas, the noble role of the Territory as a supplier for the country's strategic minerals: tin - for the front, uranium - again, to increase the military power - forever linked in our submission to the barbed wire, inhuman treatment zone, with eerie ruins lagpunktov. At a secret map Dalstroya - a powerful state in the country - around Pevek and its environs are not stuck one box.
Overcrowding in the barracks, starvation, brutality and beyond work - all now know, is faced in the prisoner camp, where a number of "political", with got into a zone of sad famous 58-th of silt raised Kolosok in retracted kolkhoz field sitting in the thieves Law ruthless criminals, any criminal fines.
Yes, and do not volunteer to live under the constant sight of a sweet machine: the peace work of the same geologists would be in the military structure Dalstroya, the all-seeing eye of the NKVD.
Guillotina power plastala people without accounts, and review, no distinction or national or social origin, or degree of freedom: raskonvoirovannyh or civilian detainees. Happen, and buried them next: the criminals and their victims. And how many dead silent thrown ashore Chaunskoy Bay surf, how many died in the desperate, and numerous prison clashes!
Now that time resemble the ruins of the former lagpunktov on the old road to Gyrgychan in the region of artisanal artisanal "Granite", the dark of the buildings in the camp rock "North", where prisoners mined uranium - the former islands of the archipelago, fragments of the repressive machine, operating on cold ground until 1956.
However, in light of the cross guard spotlights life in Pevek continued born children, the population grew.
April 11, 1941, almost simultaneously with the foundation of the mine "Valkumey" and mine "Pyrkakay" The first issue of the regional newspaper "Chaunskaya truth", the predecessor of the current "Polar Star".
Throughout the war Chaun-Chukotka mining factory, established on the basis of rayGRU, provided for the needs of defense white metal. Military is growing village on the pebble spit pier was erected, were built power plant, mehmasterskie, garages, storage.
In 1943, the first two-story building principal business district, which has a membership training course combine dostoyalo until 1996. In spring of 96 th unique building for an unknown reason, was burnt down. By the way, soon suffered the same fate and rahmanovku 'dormitory in their native geologists neighborhood street Polevikov. Through this hut, named after his almost legendary commander Leiser Rahmanchika, deputy rayGRU, it was so gifted scientists geologists that, as the saying goes, even cockroaches have been focused on the search for gold. But is the natural order of life: an old, quiet sadness initiating involved in it, leaves, releasing a new space.
After the war, in the late forties, Dalstroy resumes Pevek capital in exploration. Igor Christmas Party in the North in 1947, confirms the known reserves of uranium. In 1949, with the advent of rayGRU Nicholas Chemodanova begins work on the identification of the Territory of gold, the more that the old geological records provide valuable information about the search.
In the following decade, gold mining companies, one after the other appear on the map Chaun-Chukotka: First ton of the precious metal mines in the area give Ichuveema and Baranihi. The population of the region has steadily added to the best young people coming as if it is for what would be removed from the edge of camp chaunskogo curse help him zazhit finally the past but the future.
A little later, explorers rent unique gold deposit at Pilhinkuule and in 60-s - to Ryveeme. However, GOK Polyarninsky created to develop, now belongs to the neighboring areas. But the spices, the leaders of the new factory, its good stuff - come primarily from chaunskoy Geological and Mining Schools.
Over the past years zolotodobytchiki Komsomolsky and Polyarninskogo plants, artels working in areas opoiskovannyh chaunskimi geologists, contributed to the government about 490 tons of the precious metal. A development of ore reserves will further strengthen the region's importance as a source of future wealth in Russia.
Pevek becomes close to the natural spit, it grows to the east. By the early 60's - this is a genuine industrial center of Chukotka. Developing and building transport infrastructure, communications, increasing the power port. By 1967 there lived more than ten thousand people.
Over thirty years of urban life, city on the shores of the bay found two large neighborhood. Five years ago there were more than 13 thousand people. Now, however, the population dropped by half: the mass exodus of people in the central regions of the country as a whole is typical for the Chukotka. It has become unprofitable and cease production of tin. Closed for that reason, towns and Valkumey Krasnoarmeysk. Zolotodobytchiki organized into joint-stock companies and develop the deposit "little blood" without a scope that does not progoret. To reduce the amount of time dessyatki goods morport gradually frees up the labor force. Rolled agriculture area, facilities of transport. The builders are experiencing a protracted crisis.
But the city did not intend to die. Road to the town of Pevek Bilibino continues laying the highway to the east - via Cape Schmidt on Egvekinot. With the introduction of the route of natural stocks of Chukotka will be more intense, the territory will begin richer.
Since last year, growth has begun production of metal currency, while the earth opened chaunskoy two enrichment plants for processing gold ore. But still a huge untapped deposits of gold in the May. The current difficulties do not diminish the importance of Pevek can. But it is believed the heads of Chukotka, life will make all the settlements of the district to get rid of excess population. Let's hope that this will turn out.
Entitled to take the city as its capital, and polar explorers, the young, in comparison with other science meteorology. Shortly after the memorable winter at bay Chaunskoy particular expedition, after chelyuskinskoy epic, in which the academician Otto Schmidt, co-ordinate all activities of aviators and rescuers from the Cape of the North Pole station was still Chaunskogo area, the development and study of the Arctic has accelerated. Went to the ice drifting station "SP-1." The islands and shores of the Arctic Ocean has opened a network of monitoring stations centuries, producing invaluable practical material for science.
Actually, the first "polyarki - Wrangel Island and the area Uelena - emerged in the late 20's. But the next 15 years became the period of rapid development of science of the Arctic. Laboratory tracking the weather there in the islands Chetyrehstolbovoy, Kolyuchin, Ratmanova (in the waters of the Bering Strait Pacific Ocean), Aion, and on the coast, including Yakut - Vankarem, Valkarkay, Rauchua, Ust Chaun, Ambarchik, Billings and others. They opened in continental regions Chukotka.
Winterer promptly obeyed created Pevek management, where the climatology, oceanography, hydrologists organize and analyze data, compared with those of ice exploration, preparing a map of weather, looking for particular natural phenomena. And today, under the wing Chukotgidrometa employs nearly 40 polar stations, delivering reports to an international data bank. This information is used to study global atmospheric phenomena that provides a framework for analysis and studies of changes of environment, the Earth's climate.
Since 1997 - fulfilled a long-standing prophecy of Nicholas Evgenova - Pevek ready to become a center of international transit on the northern sea route, which is becoming more navigable artery. This is not surprising: the voyage of, say, from Japan to England reduced by one and a half weeks. This northern route is the shortest side of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. On the other hand, the Russian marine science and the operator has tested variations wiring caravan along the coast with winds extractors and high latitudes - with winds of northern quarters. A direct Pevek - the only harbor on Sevmorputi, where berths to port for unloading, bunkering or repairs can be approached the court with any draft.
The prospects are clear. With an excellent, little dependent on the weather kaverz airport Apapelgino able to take our Tu-154, Tu-204, IL-62, and foreign Boeing and Lockheed, the city and think about the organization of international tourism. Foreigners are already actively developing high-cruises to atomohodah along the facade of Russia: from Murmansk - Wrangel Island. Pevek would become the final destination of this route - or, rather, start.
By the way, if you talk about the possibilities of tourism development - and not a secret that the city, worrying about the economic well-being in the market, should look for articles to supplement the budget - Zapolyarnaya nature provides a lot of not very expensive options for active recreation, combined with hunting and fishing - a favorite many classes of northerners. And how many dangers a wonderful blend of fast Chuukese rivers in the world of picturesque landscape of tundra and forest-tundra! ..
In 1984, four travelers, led by the famous North writer Albert Miftahutdinovym in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of our famous countryman Oleg Kuvaeva made water tour along the route described in one of his stories. From Lake Elgygytgyn Rivers Enmyvaam and Yurumkuveem they descended on the raft to White and, further, in Anadyr. Subsequently, A. Miftahutdinov in the novel "The Law of polar travel" told about this interesting campaign in the kingdom nepuganyh bears and other animals.
At Elgygytgyne few years, there is some sort of recreation, where every summer, is pleased to hold two dozen vacation pevekskih children. As it runs to see moose, sometimes together with the masters of the tundra Yuri Gopkalo guys go to found them parked Kuvaeva O., where he built a boat, or pass through the valley Yurumkuveema, where each raspadok - Maternity Hospital volchat.
Paved trail on the ground and chaunskoy Evgeny Shvets, Shust. Since he was senior fuse on the rivers Rauchua, Ugatkin, visited and Pegtymele, which preserve the unique historical monument - the rock paintings of ancient people who hunt here in the wild deer in the field of ferries on its migration route. Petroglyphs, and they are 104 groups, opened in 1965, then studied the expedition of Nicholas Dickov. Hard to believe that it is a thousand years before the birth of Christ here in frostily paradise, ancient people lived, hunted mammoths. Meanwhile, the number of lay, according to scientists, land route from Asia to the Americas via Beringia really existed. So the scientists in our region forward to many more discoveries.
Owing to the advanced base of Geology and polar science city at all times had a fairly solid layer formed by the population. In Pevek worked, as a rule, graduates of the central geological institutes, schools of Leningrad Arctic, which is always slyl a major supplier of personnel for the Far North and the center of the polar research. (Incidentally, the St. Petersburg have today opened the first branches of higher educational institutions in chaunskoy earth.) Therefore, the intellectual level of the local community has always been high. And as a result of significant spiritual needs, and the lives of people was diverse.
In Pevek operates two popular theater: drama and young spectators, children's art school regularly produces talented musicians, theatrical premieres and concerts of artists studios have become events. Coming in from the native village of Pevek Rytkuchi always gathers full house and skazitelnitsa folk poet, singer of songs and dances, the creator of the national Chukchi ensemble Innetet "Klavdiya Geutval. In the House of Culture and the House of Pioneers, transformed now in Children and Youth Center, in the towns and villages, Chaun-Chukotka active groups of amateur performances. Folk Song and Dance "spring" was able to visit and tour overseas. And the library has continued to welcome the readers. Life is not down town.
And in the museum, with extensive exposure shitoy beads of clothing, household items and pagan worship, like the exhibition, local artists Sergei and Konstantin Novoselov, Irina and Ilya Savkin, Anton Vytelgin. In Komsomolskoye worked bone master Victor Omelchenko, its made of mammoth bones and morzhovoy panels governor of Chukotka, Alexander Nazarov, presented as a gift to the President of Russia.
In the former rayGRU, now transformed into joint-stock company "Chaunskoe mining-geological enterprise", there is also a museum of history of penetration into the subsoil rich northern lands. Along with the remains of fossil animals, geological specimens, and here you can see a collection of remarkable Chukchi stones: onyx, agate, chalcedony, jasper, rock crystal Druze. Stone-cutting business has long been developing in private. Interesting collections are stored in the homes of geologists, miners. Hours, you can scan pictures bizarre, mysterious colored ligature, melodic paintings, etched in stone Chukchi.
The city has paid great importance to the physical training of children, sporting interests of the entire population of the district center. In Pevek several gymnasiums, a swimming pool, a sports school football championships are held, inter-school competitions. And in the gym node nurture young players for over forty years of living in Pevek honorary citizen of the city, respected by all Sergey B. Levin. And his commands are often won in the state and division championships, participated and achieved success in the championship of Russia.
Incidentally, the title of "honorary citizen of the city Pevek was established on 30 March 1987. And the next day, in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the city, were the first names of distinguished citizens. In addition to S. Levine to become the chief seaport Boris Abakumov, director of the Automobile Pevekskoy Eugene Baletsky, physician Boris Butenko, whose name is now territorial medical association, the chief Pevekteploseti Alexander Eagle, driller Pevekstroya Yuri Shakhovskaya.
* * *
... Having at the intersection of two cultures: identity Chukchi and brought the Russian-speaking population - in turn, is also culturally diverse - Pevek how to create a new supranational breed of people proudly call themselves northerners. Hard to believe but true: many of the visitors went to the shepherds, forever linking his life with nomadic Chukchi camp. And while the collapse of the former Soviet Union divided the problem of Russians, Ukrainians, Moldovans, pribaltov - antagonism to the national soil, we have been encountered and not expected. There are still people evaluate their cases. What could be more rigorous and fair assessment of this?
That he now, young Pevek, the northernmost city in Russia, grew up on the seventieth latitude on the shore of the bay Chaunskoy harsh Arctic Ocean. More recently, in 1997, we celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. And, we are convinced this is just the beginning of the future a long and happy life to our home town!
City (1967) in the Russian Federation, in Chukotka, a port in Chaunskoy Bay Vost. Siberian meters on the track of Northern Sea Route. 11,9 thousand inhabitants (1992), 5,206 (2002 Census). Mining and concentrating plant, oxygen plant, etc.
... "Territory" - a capacious definition of a conditional, and gave this place a geologist and writer Oleg Kuva - nomadic tribes are not too obzhivalas, sedentary Chukchi traditionally gravitated to the valleys of the Greater and Lesser Anyuya, where nature pobogache and where the late XVIII acted fair. But historically, the fragmentary evidence, bay famous for an abundance of loach, yes fox fox asked to "feed", and the brave hunters went to the polar bear.
Wind whether it deters careful throughout Chukchis or lack of reindeer moss (moss tundra) for deer, or maybe an old legend, is echoed in the name of the primacy over other shestisotmetrovoy hills - "Peekiney" that toponomisty transferred to the Chukchi as "Pahuchaya Mountain erected etymology strange name for allegedly occurred here when a bloody battle in which local tribes to defend their land from the players. The smell of dead bodies forever, saying, remained in the memory of people and in the name of a hill.
At the same time, a famous scholar, a connoisseur of Chukchi and Eskimo languages Vladilen Leontyev leads a translation: "caps, or Thick Mountain."
One way or another - long live the hill, gave his toponomichesky root "peek" the beautiful legend of the bargain in the current city He grew up in a historic moment at the seventieth parallel, where the short northern summer hills-beauties lyubuyutsya his reflection in the cold and clean the mirror of the bay.
First time here as soon noticed that the sky looming over them, it seems that it is lower than the "mainland." And the absence of any absolute alarming details of the landscape, like something is missing in the picture. We have to look several times to draw a neighborhood before you guess that there are no trees. A sense of emotional loss of a real attack could result in oxygen deficiency. But this is only the beginning!
And climate is harsh land. Excessive humidity is combined with a temperate continental. Cool summer in another season of snow in the shadow hills depression in the ground do not manage to melt. And sometimes, after a two-week heat purgovoy charge nakroet city. By spring, the tundra colors: forget, dandelion, chamomile, gentle tones of lemon poppy polar, willow-herb, and other bright colors in a moment hesitate to break out the heat. And there is a special spirit of joy: and in the air, and in the soul. Fertile autumn tundra endue northerners mushrooms berries yes, yes happy Komarin song: bear, браток, but it will be so rich!
In the winter frosts of thirty, and the temperature creeping up - wait, then, snowstorm! If snowy guest state from the north, almost always with the drifting snow - here and in the warmth of the house from cold not hide. Well, "Yuzhakov" - a local attraction. Sharp валит gusty wind down, claiming nezavyazannye hats with heads careless passers-through bay to the island Routan and sometimes disrupts long to repair the roof pyatietazhek-Krushchevka "type flats. That then becomes a truly dangerous! If you collect folklore in "yuzhachnuyu" theme, will be a decent book. It is just stuck because it Pevek Artists Ensemble "Bim-Bom". Five days prosideli until the muzzle. But fly away satisfied that a genuine feeling of Chukotka.
This particular wind occurs at the top of a hill. Mixing of warm and cold air masses creates a powerful swirl. Bring the the slope, the wind falls on the city at speeds of 30-40 meters per second. However, meteorologists say that there were gusts of up to 73!
Want to know what the vacuum? Become a "Yuzhakov" back - to the chest - feel mchascheysya in this ocean of air masses that have nothing to breathe, and under the guise of their own elbow start convulsively, like a fish on the sand, tear out of the wind flow pharynx precious air.
Tricky, playful wind. Sometimes, because of the nature canceled classes at schools, kindergartens are closed, and he, as if in mockery of hapless Forecasters, stihnet. Or, conversely, fell on the city, suddenly, find people by surprise. Heavy snow and "Yuzhakov" from the Leeward sides of houses giant white sand made of solid slezhalogo snow. At Spit, near the old barracks Chukotgidromettsentra, cut and punch through them tunnels for the convenience of pedestrians. And, by the way, those skilled facilities are kept until the spring.
More winter amuse townspeople Spolokhi streamer Tomita and nearly three-month darkness (polar night), after which vykativsheesya from the land of the sun are pleased to rezi tears in the eyes. But in summer it almost does not go beyond the horizon, and stop the clock to deal with - a light.
Reflecting the true harmony that can not help notice a certain kinship slowly, with a given rhythm, the severity of nature, lightens up the rare emotional wind bursts, natural holidays - with the nature of the northerners, friendly, not spoiled, and moderate people. Truly - "Yuzhakov" sanded more than one frozen ground, but the human soul. Only the cool attitude to the North Russian government holds a special, our people in a constant nervous strain.
Explorers visited at different times of these edges. But stay here are not encountered. Journalist Igor Molchanov in the book of Pevek are excerpts from the diary of J. Lindenau, party second Kamchatka expedition of 1733-43 biennium. Vitus Bering. "Chukotskaya land - writes traveler - a substantial border is not, but tokmo one that that reindeer Chukchi go on hreptam Anadyr imyanuemogo Chukotskogo to the top of the nose, and those zavsegda wander and foot Chukchi live lovleniya for polar bears near Shalaginskogo nose, which taknazyvaettsa, because some people alive tamoshnego cape, imyanuemye shalaginskie, and on the nose Shalaginskogo round by sea to the river nerpisha residency are. " It is the surroundings of the town, located about forty kilometers away on the map above Cape Shelagskom, from which came already in 1690 founded the nearby village Yanranay.
According to historical sources, in 1746 to Chaunskoy Bay is now the town of Pevek, from Anadyr fortress took ineffectual campaign, led the combat team voivode Dmitry Pavlutsky. Chukchi was then known of its militancy. They often raided for their long-standing enemies Koryaks, beat them deer and robbed. By adopting the Russian citizenship, Koryaks came under the protection of the king's throne and, it must be said, enjoy this rather unceremoniously, by hook or by crook trying to put the Russian garrison in the gun. " But the military mission even in times of Anna received a prescription Ioanovny "At chukoch and other Inozemtsev war before the decree of Her Imperial greatness does not come ... and to call for citizenship weasel." As a rule, the Russians followed the instructions of the wise.
In summer 1786 in the same places visited by members astronomical and geographical expedition, led by Joseph Billings, who even in 1778, as a party to the third expedition of James Cook to the "Rezolyushen" and "Discovery", swim in the coastal waters of Chukotka in the east to Cape North. At this time of the vessel unsuccessfully tried to escape from the mouth of the Kolyma River, where they obognuv Chukotsky nose, intended to take place in the Bering Sea. Around the Cape Shelagskogo they obstruct the path of a heavy mass of ice, forcing the expedition to turn to winter in Yakutsk. But the mercurial lieutenant for many years, walked on the Chukchi land, described the lifestyle of its people. The name of Billings called Cape, vdayuschiysya in the Chukchi Sea to the east of Shelagskogo.
Ayonsky ice masses (Aion - an island in the Bay Chaunskoy) often arise impregnable obstacle to the pioneers, and now the powerful nuclear icebreakers bush sometimes, forsiruya desyatiballny ice. For a quarter century to Billings in 1762, he stopped a Siberian merchant Nikita Shalaurova, who, trying to break from the Lena River to the east and continue to Kamchatka, from the Cape of Sand Island Aion naporolsya on ice a short and sharp and the wind had not came to Shelagskogo, go back and hide from the pressure vessel Arctic Ocean in the unexplored, but calm Chaunskoy Bay. The second time in three years, he has made a new attempt to break through in the northern Great Arctic Ocean. His squad went missing. Sam Shalaurov as determined Billings, is the last refuge near became fatal for him Shelagskogo. After a hundred years Ferdinand Wrangell call it the island at the entrance to the bay Nolde, and the nearest point where, according to the navigator, was last winter, was named Shalaurova hut.
But in 1648 ice massif rasstupilis favorably to the vessel of another Siberian, Seeds Dezhneva, managed to pass from the Kolyma by the Chukchi nose into the Pacific Ocean. Vidal, and the wind lay down in his sails. Conqueror of the North, too, good luck there oblaskany.
Doctor of Geographical Sciences pevekchanin Valery Kupetsky finds that all is for the first time on an exceptional Chaunskoy Bay as an important outpost on the route Svernogomorskogo said the head of a special way of the North-East expedition Narkomvoda Nicholas Eugene, had a wealth of experience sailing in the Arctic: even in 1913 it took place at the ice breaker in of the expedition by Boris Vilkitskogo Shelagskogo Cape.
In September 1932, the polar, safely completing the research and transportation programs have been forced to stay in the winter, choosing for her area near Pevek, and appreciate not only the comfort of the bay, its beauty in a bright crimson rays of the autumn sunset (and sunsets are unique!) but a suitable depth of it - and most important advantage - the existence of the island of Great Routan with a long natural sand oblique, which securely covers the area of the bay and mainland shore of the heavy nature of the Chukchi Sea, the convenience of defining the harbor, its natural protection and suitability for large quantities of sludge vessels.
Captain J. Mann, subsequently repeatedly vodivshy diesel elektrohod "Ob", remembers that time in a private letter to a friend: "Where do you meet new anniversary in 1967, I had the pleasure to meet in 1933. Pevek was not the one that now. It was a desert: ice, vyuzhnaya, cool ... "
Polar explorers and sailors to take a good contact with local people, organized sports, skiing, shooting competitions. Aboriginal people have a feasible treatment. Well, not sitting idle, put on the spring is just beginning in the village hospital, school for children and Chukchi exemplary Yaranga. The famous polar captain Alexei Matiyasevich now Hero of Russia, famous during the war with fascists as a polar submarine commander, in his letter B. Kupetskomu recalled how during the winter 1932-33 years they I. Mann made six trips to the dog sled with firewood and food to the ship "Uritskogo, despite everything does not go to the bay and getting stuck in the ice ayonskom array. In the letter, he confirmed that on May 1 was the construction of the first two wooden houses on the Spit.
But look at the future of Pevek oceanology N. Evgenova, because of his science was, as it were sent by sea. He saw at pevekskom coast ports convenient Sevmorputi necessary "distance" for the active development of insidious, along the façade of Russia, the route, which is already a year will bring a new victim of the ice element directly against the coast of Chukotka - the icebreaker "Челюскин.
A more immediate "shore" of young prospects settlements emerged shortly after the work on this earth one year later geological expedition Sergey Obruchev that opened in the bowels of the edge of the rich deposits of "tin stone" - Cassiterite.
Hereditary geologist, son of Vladimir Obruchev, author of the famous "Earth Sannikova, summer 1934-year saw Pevek several others:" At the very edge of a triangular pebble spit, highlights from the slopes of Mount kochkovatyh Paakynay stand in a row of nine round cylindrical houses about seven meters in diameter, with a conical roof. They are like some monstrous mushrooms, product marshy tundra ... To the east of them "minced" house - three houses and Zemlyanka.
By this time Pevek already obzhivalsya seriously. In July 1933, was created Chaunsky district, acting regional executive committee and райком. According to the census of 1935, lived in the area of 1960 people, including about a hundred Russians. Half of them were already pevekchane.
Hard we had to. To send a radio to the Far East or in Moscow, it was necessary to overcome the dog sled five kilometers of tundra to polar station only when Ryrkaypy. But how quickly they learn the nature of the Territory, with characteristic patience and courage of a pioneer, with jokes and optimism adapt to it! And the circumstances of the whip.
Exploring in kameralke geological department of the All-Union Arctic Institute of materials collected by the expedition Obruchev S., a young geologist Mark Rokhlin shlihov found in the study of cassiterite and was thus a pioneer's largest tin deposits near Pevek. In 1936, he goes here head of the expedition, which - to prove industrial olovorudnyh deposits Valkumeya. Exploration confirmed the favorable prognosis.
In the same period (1936-37 gg.) Conducted two expeditions chaunskie N. Safronova and G. Vazbutskogo significantly expanded the territory of the search of mineral resources and create new wealth of subsurface Chaun-Chukotka.
"Low was the time Pevek, - recalled M. Rokhlin .- Building raykoma Party and the executive committee - two round house fallen asleep, very few are adapted to the Arctic Climate tent factors zasypnoy frame house, where the expedition SV Obruchev yes a few zemlyanok. electric lighting the village did not have:
In late 1936, a building expedition N. Safronova. M. Rokhlin writes: "This was the first house in Pevek with brick ovens. In the winter during prolonged SCP many people come to us warmed. The house was equipped kitchen, dining room, bedroom" carriage type ", each for 4-5 people, spectral laboratory . I built a warehouse for the plant booth. The power station was only two kilowatts, but it is covered and our home, and school buildings and district executive committee and raykoma. For the first time lit electric light in Pevek. Hearth zateplilsya.
In 1937, in Pevek first girl was born Lida Yashin - the first Russian child who appeared to light in metelnom edge. But where children go there, then, potekla life. Familiar with the harsh Arctic climate, the settlers gradually began to get a life and comfort, approved on styloy land.
As is evident from the long-standing executive committee report, in 1937 the village was already significant in the northern outskirts of the cultural center of Chukotka. "There was kultbazy hospital, a school for Russian and Chukchi children, club, which staged productions and occasional views of movies. The teachers went to the reindeer herders in the tundra, and kochuya with them, educate children. In the winter kultbaza sent to the reindeer herders traveling red Yaranga composed mechanics and doctors. "
Creating the summer of 1939 in the structure of the Chukotka regional prospecting Dalstroya management has identified all further biography of the future of the city, its role as the input base of many thousands of square kilometers. Soon begin laying the roads Pevek-Pyrkakay where eighty kilometers from the district center of geologists okryli rich alluvial deposits of tin and the planned construction of mine.
Court of stroylesom at the local bank has already learned to unload. Now they have much more, began to receive tractors, machines, vehicles, mining machinery and equipment, other machinery. Over time, built the first ryazhevy berth. A first discharge was a very difficult matter, and the friendly ship blast by the time Pearce went all free people. But from the next, 40 th year, a new low-cost labor. In Pevek arrived on ships first batch of prisoners. Hastily started lagpunktov organization. Henceforth, all arriving here first met with guard towers:
Historian J. Girusov in one of his works, referring to the military in 1941, writes: "The area has changed unrecognizable. Entered in the tin mine operation and mine, power plant: The network of schools and cultural institutions has grown, learned, not only children, but almost all of the adult population . A silent scientist. About who and how the first-formed frames chaunskoy industry. However, it is not his fault that the history of Chaun-Chukotka was removed like a tragic page - GULAG:
Alas, the noble role of the Territory as a supplier for the country's strategic minerals: tin - for the front, uranium - again, to increase the military power - forever linked in our submission to the barbed wire, inhuman treatment zone, with eerie ruins lagpunktov. At a secret map Dalstroya - a powerful state in the country - around Pevek and its environs are not stuck one box.
Overcrowding in the barracks, starvation, brutality and beyond work - all now know, is faced in the prisoner camp, where a number of "political", with got into a zone of sad famous 58-th of silt raised Kolosok in retracted kolkhoz field sitting in the thieves Law ruthless criminals, any criminal fines.
Yes, and do not volunteer to live under the constant sight of a sweet machine: the peace work of the same geologists would be in the military structure Dalstroya, the all-seeing eye of the NKVD.
Guillotina power plastala people without accounts, and review, no distinction or national or social origin, or degree of freedom: raskonvoirovannyh or civilian detainees. Happen, and buried them next: the criminals and their victims. And how many dead silent thrown ashore Chaunskoy Bay surf, how many died in the desperate, and numerous prison clashes!
Now that time resemble the ruins of the former lagpunktov on the old road to Gyrgychan in the region of artisanal artisanal "Granite", the dark of the buildings in the camp rock "North", where prisoners mined uranium - the former islands of the archipelago, fragments of the repressive machine, operating on cold ground until 1956.
However, in light of the cross guard spotlights life in Pevek continued born children, the population grew.
April 11, 1941, almost simultaneously with the foundation of the mine "Valkumey" and mine "Pyrkakay" The first issue of the regional newspaper "Chaunskaya truth", the predecessor of the current "Polar Star".
Throughout the war Chaun-Chukotka mining factory, established on the basis of rayGRU, provided for the needs of defense white metal. Military is growing village on the pebble spit pier was erected, were built power plant, mehmasterskie, garages, storage.
In 1943, the first two-story building principal business district, which has a membership training course combine dostoyalo until 1996. In spring of 96 th unique building for an unknown reason, was burnt down. By the way, soon suffered the same fate and rahmanovku 'dormitory in their native geologists neighborhood street Polevikov. Through this hut, named after his almost legendary commander Leiser Rahmanchika, deputy rayGRU, it was so gifted scientists geologists that, as the saying goes, even cockroaches have been focused on the search for gold. But is the natural order of life: an old, quiet sadness initiating involved in it, leaves, releasing a new space.
After the war, in the late forties, Dalstroy resumes Pevek capital in exploration. Igor Christmas Party in the North in 1947, confirms the known reserves of uranium. In 1949, with the advent of rayGRU Nicholas Chemodanova begins work on the identification of the Territory of gold, the more that the old geological records provide valuable information about the search.
In the following decade, gold mining companies, one after the other appear on the map Chaun-Chukotka: First ton of the precious metal mines in the area give Ichuveema and Baranihi. The population of the region has steadily added to the best young people coming as if it is for what would be removed from the edge of camp chaunskogo curse help him zazhit finally the past but the future.
A little later, explorers rent unique gold deposit at Pilhinkuule and in 60-s - to Ryveeme. However, GOK Polyarninsky created to develop, now belongs to the neighboring areas. But the spices, the leaders of the new factory, its good stuff - come primarily from chaunskoy Geological and Mining Schools.
Over the past years zolotodobytchiki Komsomolsky and Polyarninskogo plants, artels working in areas opoiskovannyh chaunskimi geologists, contributed to the government about 490 tons of the precious metal. A development of ore reserves will further strengthen the region's importance as a source of future wealth in Russia.
Pevek becomes close to the natural spit, it grows to the east. By the early 60's - this is a genuine industrial center of Chukotka. Developing and building transport infrastructure, communications, increasing the power port. By 1967 there lived more than ten thousand people.
Over thirty years of urban life, city on the shores of the bay found two large neighborhood. Five years ago there were more than 13 thousand people. Now, however, the population dropped by half: the mass exodus of people in the central regions of the country as a whole is typical for the Chukotka. It has become unprofitable and cease production of tin. Closed for that reason, towns and Valkumey Krasnoarmeysk. Zolotodobytchiki organized into joint-stock companies and develop the deposit "little blood" without a scope that does not progoret. To reduce the amount of time dessyatki goods morport gradually frees up the labor force. Rolled agriculture area, facilities of transport. The builders are experiencing a protracted crisis.
But the city did not intend to die. Road to the town of Pevek Bilibino continues laying the highway to the east - via Cape Schmidt on Egvekinot. With the introduction of the route of natural stocks of Chukotka will be more intense, the territory will begin richer.
Since last year, growth has begun production of metal currency, while the earth opened chaunskoy two enrichment plants for processing gold ore. But still a huge untapped deposits of gold in the May. The current difficulties do not diminish the importance of Pevek can. But it is believed the heads of Chukotka, life will make all the settlements of the district to get rid of excess population. Let's hope that this will turn out.
Entitled to take the city as its capital, and polar explorers, the young, in comparison with other science meteorology. Shortly after the memorable winter at bay Chaunskoy particular expedition, after chelyuskinskoy epic, in which the academician Otto Schmidt, co-ordinate all activities of aviators and rescuers from the Cape of the North Pole station was still Chaunskogo area, the development and study of the Arctic has accelerated. Went to the ice drifting station "SP-1." The islands and shores of the Arctic Ocean has opened a network of monitoring stations centuries, producing invaluable practical material for science.
Actually, the first "polyarki - Wrangel Island and the area Uelena - emerged in the late 20's. But the next 15 years became the period of rapid development of science of the Arctic. Laboratory tracking the weather there in the islands Chetyrehstolbovoy, Kolyuchin, Ratmanova (in the waters of the Bering Strait Pacific Ocean), Aion, and on the coast, including Yakut - Vankarem, Valkarkay, Rauchua, Ust Chaun, Ambarchik, Billings and others. They opened in continental regions Chukotka.
Winterer promptly obeyed created Pevek management, where the climatology, oceanography, hydrologists organize and analyze data, compared with those of ice exploration, preparing a map of weather, looking for particular natural phenomena. And today, under the wing Chukotgidrometa employs nearly 40 polar stations, delivering reports to an international data bank. This information is used to study global atmospheric phenomena that provides a framework for analysis and studies of changes of environment, the Earth's climate.
Since 1997 - fulfilled a long-standing prophecy of Nicholas Evgenova - Pevek ready to become a center of international transit on the northern sea route, which is becoming more navigable artery. This is not surprising: the voyage of, say, from Japan to England reduced by one and a half weeks. This northern route is the shortest side of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. On the other hand, the Russian marine science and the operator has tested variations wiring caravan along the coast with winds extractors and high latitudes - with winds of northern quarters. A direct Pevek - the only harbor on Sevmorputi, where berths to port for unloading, bunkering or repairs can be approached the court with any draft.
The prospects are clear. With an excellent, little dependent on the weather kaverz airport Apapelgino able to take our Tu-154, Tu-204, IL-62, and foreign Boeing and Lockheed, the city and think about the organization of international tourism. Foreigners are already actively developing high-cruises to atomohodah along the facade of Russia: from Murmansk - Wrangel Island. Pevek would become the final destination of this route - or, rather, start.
By the way, if you talk about the possibilities of tourism development - and not a secret that the city, worrying about the economic well-being in the market, should look for articles to supplement the budget - Zapolyarnaya nature provides a lot of not very expensive options for active recreation, combined with hunting and fishing - a favorite many classes of northerners. And how many dangers a wonderful blend of fast Chuukese rivers in the world of picturesque landscape of tundra and forest-tundra! ..
In 1984, four travelers, led by the famous North writer Albert Miftahutdinovym in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of our famous countryman Oleg Kuvaeva made water tour along the route described in one of his stories. From Lake Elgygytgyn Rivers Enmyvaam and Yurumkuveem they descended on the raft to White and, further, in Anadyr. Subsequently, A. Miftahutdinov in the novel "The Law of polar travel" told about this interesting campaign in the kingdom nepuganyh bears and other animals.
At Elgygytgyne few years, there is some sort of recreation, where every summer, is pleased to hold two dozen vacation pevekskih children. As it runs to see moose, sometimes together with the masters of the tundra Yuri Gopkalo guys go to found them parked Kuvaeva O., where he built a boat, or pass through the valley Yurumkuveema, where each raspadok - Maternity Hospital volchat.
Paved trail on the ground and chaunskoy Evgeny Shvets, Shust. Since he was senior fuse on the rivers Rauchua, Ugatkin, visited and Pegtymele, which preserve the unique historical monument - the rock paintings of ancient people who hunt here in the wild deer in the field of ferries on its migration route. Petroglyphs, and they are 104 groups, opened in 1965, then studied the expedition of Nicholas Dickov. Hard to believe that it is a thousand years before the birth of Christ here in frostily paradise, ancient people lived, hunted mammoths. Meanwhile, the number of lay, according to scientists, land route from Asia to the Americas via Beringia really existed. So the scientists in our region forward to many more discoveries.
Owing to the advanced base of Geology and polar science city at all times had a fairly solid layer formed by the population. In Pevek worked, as a rule, graduates of the central geological institutes, schools of Leningrad Arctic, which is always slyl a major supplier of personnel for the Far North and the center of the polar research. (Incidentally, the St. Petersburg have today opened the first branches of higher educational institutions in chaunskoy earth.) Therefore, the intellectual level of the local community has always been high. And as a result of significant spiritual needs, and the lives of people was diverse.
In Pevek operates two popular theater: drama and young spectators, children's art school regularly produces talented musicians, theatrical premieres and concerts of artists studios have become events. Coming in from the native village of Pevek Rytkuchi always gathers full house and skazitelnitsa folk poet, singer of songs and dances, the creator of the national Chukchi ensemble Innetet "Klavdiya Geutval. In the House of Culture and the House of Pioneers, transformed now in Children and Youth Center, in the towns and villages, Chaun-Chukotka active groups of amateur performances. Folk Song and Dance "spring" was able to visit and tour overseas. And the library has continued to welcome the readers. Life is not down town.
And in the museum, with extensive exposure shitoy beads of clothing, household items and pagan worship, like the exhibition, local artists Sergei and Konstantin Novoselov, Irina and Ilya Savkin, Anton Vytelgin. In Komsomolskoye worked bone master Victor Omelchenko, its made of mammoth bones and morzhovoy panels governor of Chukotka, Alexander Nazarov, presented as a gift to the President of Russia.
In the former rayGRU, now transformed into joint-stock company "Chaunskoe mining-geological enterprise", there is also a museum of history of penetration into the subsoil rich northern lands. Along with the remains of fossil animals, geological specimens, and here you can see a collection of remarkable Chukchi stones: onyx, agate, chalcedony, jasper, rock crystal Druze. Stone-cutting business has long been developing in private. Interesting collections are stored in the homes of geologists, miners. Hours, you can scan pictures bizarre, mysterious colored ligature, melodic paintings, etched in stone Chukchi.
The city has paid great importance to the physical training of children, sporting interests of the entire population of the district center. In Pevek several gymnasiums, a swimming pool, a sports school football championships are held, inter-school competitions. And in the gym node nurture young players for over forty years of living in Pevek honorary citizen of the city, respected by all Sergey B. Levin. And his commands are often won in the state and division championships, participated and achieved success in the championship of Russia.
Incidentally, the title of "honorary citizen of the city Pevek was established on 30 March 1987. And the next day, in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the city, were the first names of distinguished citizens. In addition to S. Levine to become the chief seaport Boris Abakumov, director of the Automobile Pevekskoy Eugene Baletsky, physician Boris Butenko, whose name is now territorial medical association, the chief Pevekteploseti Alexander Eagle, driller Pevekstroya Yuri Shakhovskaya.
* * *
... Having at the intersection of two cultures: identity Chukchi and brought the Russian-speaking population - in turn, is also culturally diverse - Pevek how to create a new supranational breed of people proudly call themselves northerners. Hard to believe but true: many of the visitors went to the shepherds, forever linking his life with nomadic Chukchi camp. And while the collapse of the former Soviet Union divided the problem of Russians, Ukrainians, Moldovans, pribaltov - antagonism to the national soil, we have been encountered and not expected. There are still people evaluate their cases. What could be more rigorous and fair assessment of this?
That he now, young Pevek, the northernmost city in Russia, grew up on the seventieth latitude on the shore of the bay Chaunskoy harsh Arctic Ocean. More recently, in 1997, we celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. And, we are convinced this is just the beginning of the future a long and happy life to our home town!
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Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 69°42'12"N 170°17'59"E
- Bilibino 239 km
- Srednekolymsk 716 km
- Verkhoyansk 1492 km
- Pevek Bay 2.5 km
- Great Routan Island 6.8 km
- Pevek Airport 15 km
- Apapelgino 16 km
- Yanranay 26 km
- Shelagsky Cape - the northernmost point of Chukotka. 45 km
- Chengkuul Island 47 km
- Yanrachenkool Island 53 km
- Chaunsky ITL DALSTROYA GULAG. CHAUNLAG - Uranium mining Chukotka 54 km
- Ayon Island 65 km