Lamthai II (Lamthai)

India / Mizoram / Lunglei / Lamthai / Nunsuri Road
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Sub-village of main village Lamthai
Lamthai Ii is a village in the Lungsen sub district/tehsil/taluk, Lunglei district, in the state of Mizoram.
The population in Lamthai Ii village is 469 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 104 House Holds in Lamthai Ii.
There are 242 males (52%); There are 227 females (48%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 469 (100% ).
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Coordinates:   22°55'6"N   92°25'18"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago