Mercedes Deposit

Mexico / Sonora / Kino /
 mine, gold mine
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This is the Mercedes Deposit which is accessed from 2 portals: Casa Blanca and Corona de Oro. It is one of 3 current underground mines of the Mercedes Gold Project which is 100% owned by Yamana Gold.

Primary access to the Mercedes Mine is via a portal above the central Corona zone. This portal provides access to the main decline that was designed to accommodate ore haulage as well as underground delineation diamond drilling. The main decline has a nominal 12% grade and is 5.0 m wide by 5.0 m high. The main decline is located approximately 60 m from the main mineralization. To facilitate the loading of trucks in the main decline, a flat portion of ramp is designed at every 60 m vertically. Re-muck bays are developed at main level intersections and main electrical sub-stations are designed at each main level (every 60 m vertically). A second portal accesses the Casa Blanca zone from surface. This excavation provides an additional source of fresh air to the mine and a secondary egress.
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Coordinates:   30°19'54"N   110°29'13"W
This article was last modified 10 years ago