Venkatapati Raju Kandrika

India / Andhra Pradesh / Tirumala /
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VPR Kandrica(Venkatapati Raju Kandrila)is under Kodur Mandal (Mdl code-43) of Cuddapah Dt, AP.

This village is the largest village south of Rly.Kodur. It is about 3Km from Kodur. It is also called Kodur Racha palli and Pedda Racha Palli, It has well educated population.
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Coordinates:   13°55'18"N   79°20'30"E


  • This may also be called as Vellelavari Kandrika (Village code-5) as listed in the govt records. Local users may verify and confirm to me by PM. The listed village is : 11 CUDDAPAH 43 KODUR 5 VELLELAVARI KHANDRIKA.
This article was last modified 12 years ago