Mandwa (l)

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Some information about Mandwa Village .
As per census documents there are Two villages with the same name in Bhiwapur Taluka .
1. Mandwa at Coordinates: 20.7512681, 79.4014657
2. Mandwa at Coordinates: 20.7434624, 79.2567015
Census document ( Population Finder) has these Two Mandwa listed at Sl no 53 and 54 respectively . There is no distinction made to differentiate between these two Mandwa Villages.Population figures given for these are 1332 and 768 respectively.
As per There are Two Mandwa Villages. They are (1) Mandwa (l) and, (2) Mandwa(s) ,
Due to its proximity to village Somanala and population figure location of Mandwa(s) has decided , it is deduced that this place is Mandwa(l) .
As per Administrtive layer of link , population of this place is 1332.
Users with local knowledge are requested to identify if this village is Mandwa (l)
As per provisional census of 2011 , Village Mandwa(l) of Tehsil / Taluka Bhiwapur of District Nagpur has 263 households , Total Population of 1332 , Of this male population is 675 and female Population is 657.
Village Mandwa(l) has not been allotted Separate Postal PIN code number .
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   20°44'36"N   79°15'20"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago