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India / Maharashtra / Kamthi /
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Some information about Sihora Village.
Sihora is a village in the tehsil / Taluka of Parsivini / Parseoni , in the Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census of 2011 village Sihora of Tehsil / Taluka Parsivini / Parseoni in the Nagpur district has 730 households and Total Population of 3896 , Of this , male population is 2058 and female Population is 1838 . Population figures for Sihora taken from 2011 Indian Census documents . Sihora village has not been allotted an independent Postal PIN code number .
Note :
Sundram Paper Mill is included in Sihors polygon as postal address of the paper mill gives its location as "Village Sihora " ( See here". Other industrial unit has also been included on similar assumption.
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Coordinates:   21°12'31"N   79°14'36"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago