
Romania / Giurgiu / Comana /
 tourism, fishing area, hiking, birds, village
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One of the oldest villages at south of Bucharest. The old route from Bucharest to Giurgiu and Ruse (Bulgaria). Place of the batlle against turks in 1461, Comana Monastery was founded by Vlad Tepes on the bank of the Neajlov River, this batlle to be remembered, which is documentary dated back from 27 septembrie 1461. Here you may find one of the three older railway stations in Romania, the other two are, Filaret, in Bucharest and Giurgiu, in Giurgiu Town. You may find here the Comana Forest,the other half of the remains of the oldest forest in Romania, "Codrii Vlasiei", the other one being the Snagov Forest, and also, a small Delta, made by Neajlov River, on 7500 acres were you can watch a lot of very rare birds in Europe, which you may find only in the Danube Delta.
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Coordinates:   44°10'18"N   26°8'46"E


  • Auzind de Comana si de Delta Neajlovului mi-a venit ideea prosta sa ma duc sa le vizitez. Drumul pana in Mihai Bravu e pulbere dupaia drumul prin padure pana la Comana e jumate cu asfalt si mai pulbere(ca dupa bombardament) si jumate drum de piatra, in delta nu ai cum sa ajungi ca drumurile prin padure sunt blocate si poate cu un tractor sa iti faci curaj. Dupa aceea din Comana m-am intors pe la Budeni-Branistari din nou mare greseala ca inte Budeni si Branistari e drum de camp cu gropane, cratere si daca a mai si plouat iti garantez ca nu mai iesi de acolo. In conluzie timp si bani cheltuiti degeaba.
  • Varianta optima: prin Adunatii-Copaceni, la giratorul dupa trecerea podului peste Arges la stanga, spre Gradistea. Chiar din Gradistea, la dreapta (cu indicator) direct Comana. Asfalt f.bun, ceva mai prost de la iesirea din Gradistea. Cea mai recenta vizita: 30.11.2009.
This article was last modified 13 years ago