Gangni Upazila HQ

Bangladesh / Meherpur / Gangni Upazila, Gangni, Meherpur,Bangladesh
 township, subdistrict, fourth-level administrative division, local government

Gangni Upazila (Meherpur district) with an area 341.58 sq km, is bounded by Daulatpur (Kushtia) upazila on the north, Alamdanga and Meherpur sadar upazilas on the south, Mirpur (Kushtia) upazila on the east, Meherpur Sadar upazila and West Bengal of India on the west. Main rivers are Bhairab, Kazla. Dharla and Ilangi Beels are notable.

The l0cation of gangni town is 23.8169097N 88.7484813E. Gangni (Town) consists of 5 mouzas. It has an area of 22.86 sq km. It has a population of 19126; male 51.48% and female 48.95%. Literacy rate among the town people is 28.8%.

Gangni thana, now an upazila, was established in 1923. It consists of 9 union parishads, 100 mouzas, 136 village, 5 border outpost.

Archaeological heritage: Shaharbati Neelkuthi (1859) and Gosaidubi Mosque at Karamdi.

As of the 1991 Bangladesh census: Population 229138; male 51.05%, female 48.95%; Muslim 98.43%, Hindu 1.01%, others 0.56%.

Religious institutions: Mosque 232, temple 12, church 6.

Literacy and educational institutions: Average literaccy 21%; male 25.2%, female 16.6%. Educational institutions: college 4, high school 23, madrasa 5, government primary school 79, non-government primary school 58. Old educational institutions are Hoglabaria High School and Gangni High School.

Cultural organisations: Public library 4, rural club 10, playground 20.

Main occupations: Agriculture 38.19%, agricultural labourer 33.75%, wage labourer 4.43%, commerce 12.48%, construction 1%, service 2.7%, others 7.45%.

Land use: Cultivable land 26.545 hectare; fallow land 38 hectare; single crop 13.4%, double crop 67.5%, triple crop19.2%; land under irrigation 54%.

Land control: Among the peasants, 14.29% are rich, 50.79% intermediate and 34.92% small; cultivable land per head 0.15 hectare.

Fisheries, dairies, poultry Fishery1 and hatchery 2, poultry 25, dairy 15.

Communication facilities- Roads: pucca 100 km, semi pucca 485 km, mud road 927 km.

Manufactories Flour mill 1, ice factory 10.

Cottage industries: Weaving 15, bamboo work 45, goldsmith 25, blacksmith 48, potteries 15, wood work 50, tailoring 120, welding 5.

NGO activities: Proshika, BRAC, Nijera Kari, Sandhani Pallashee Para and Kumareedanga.

Health centres: Hospital 1, union health centre 9.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   23°49'11"N   88°44'58"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago