Shaghatta Upazila

Bangladesh / Gaybanda /
 draw only border, fourth-level administrative division

Sughatta Upazila (Gaibandha district) with an area of 255.67 sq km, is bounded by Gaibandha sadar upazila on the north, Sonatola upazila on the south, Fulchhari upazila on the east, Gobindaganj and Palashbari upazilas on the west. Telian Beel is notable.

The location of the Sughatta town is 25.1088351N 89.5764789E. Sughatta (Town) consists of 2 mouzas. The area of the town is 3.56 sq km. It has a population of 5378; male 51.04% and female 48.96%; population density per sq km 1510. Literacy rate among the town people is 24.7%. The town has one dakbungalow. The upazila court and Govt staff quarters are located at Bonarpara area.

Sughatta thana, now an upazila, was established in 1909. It consists of 10 union parishads, 117 mouzas and 132 villages.

As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Population 237062; male 52%, female 48%; Muslim 97.62%, Hindu 2.38%.

Religious institutions Mosque 308, temple 1.

Literacy and educational institutions Average literacy 22.1%; male 29.8% and female 14.3%. Educational institutions: college 4, secondary school 30, madrasa 13, government primary school 85, non-government primary school 77. Noted Educational institutions: Abdullah Memorial Government Primary School, Bhorotkhali High School (1940).

Main occupations Agriculture 43.96%, agricultural labourer 27.61%, wage labourer 1.58%, commerce 9.37%, service 6.05% and others 11.43%.

Land use Total cultivable land 23108.64 hectares, fallow land 301.17 hectares; single crop land 38%, double crop 40% and treble crop land 22%; cultivable land under irrigation 70%.

Land control Among the peasants, 15% are landless, 50% small, 20% intermediate and 15% rich; cultivable land per head 0.10 hectare.

Fisheries, dairies, poultries Poultry 62, dairy 23, fishery 43.

Communication facilities Roads: pucca 35 km, semi pucca 18 km and mud road 894 km.

Manufactories Cotton mill 1, ice factory 2 and welding 5.

Cottage industries Bamboo work 207, goldsmith 33, blacksmith 70, potteries 390, wood work 124, tailoring 261.

NGO activities Operationally important NGOs are brac, USS, SKAS, Udayan, thengamara mahila sabuj sangha.

Health centres Upazila health complex 1, family planning centre 10, satellite clinic 2.
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Coordinates:   25°8'51"N   89°33'42"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago