Istana Negara (Kuala Lumpur)

Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur / Kuala Lumpur / Lebuhraya Jalan Duta - Sungai Buloh E1
 palace, presidential palace

The new RM 400 million Istana Negara complex is being built to replace the existing Istana Negara at Jalan Istana. Construction commenced in mid-2007 and is expected to be completed by year 2010.[3] The old Istana Negara building is to become a museum.

The new Istana Negara complex will comprise the palace building, supporting buildings, housing for palace staff, police, security office, mini army camp and a double-storey entrance from Jalan Duta and a parking area. The complex will have a floor area of 75,000sq metres, excluding the parking area, and will be divided into four wings.

The existing forest in the surrounding will also be retained as a security zone. The forest reserve will developed into a garden and will be opened to the public for recreational purposes.
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Coordinates:   3°9'34"N   101°39'53"E


  • does it hav to be so big? juz look at putrajaya...
  • Is the site for Istana confirm? it is huge. Will this develop into a public park?
  • wasting rakyat money !
  • yes, is wasting money !!!!
  • U guys only jealous.. U Should proud coz we hav biggest Istana. Part of tourism and MY symbol(maybe)... ;) Whateva they do, this is also for us guys.. dont be so kiasu laa...
  • they destroy the green !! the existing palace was good enuf, no need to build new. !!
  • Berapa billion RM addition dier ek?
  • Dah buat billion-billion kosong, sebab roh Noritta Samsudin berlegar-legar kat sini, lagi rugi...
  • After measure by using google earth. This plot of land is bigger that KLCC !
  • how STUPID all of you...kita xpernah ada istana tuk agung yg selamat dan khas utknya..selama nie just tompang bangunan laen termasuk yg ada skrang..jgn nk blagak pandai dlm politik kalo setakat brani sebut jer..dia ketua..xder nyer pelacur @ maner2 org politik nak duduk sm dlm tue..JGN NK SEMPIT SGT OTAK TUE
  • destroy the green for our KING.....
  • uh ... yeke ... -.-
  • Based on some reports: The land was reserved for Istana fit for our King as "Paramount Ruler" since Merdeka by Tunku and the surrounding Jalan Duta was reserved for Foreign Embassies. The current Istana Negara was actually a tycoon's mansion purchased by the Federal Government as during Merdeka in 1957, the biggest palace was the then British High Commissioner's mansion, The Carcosa (later Carcosa Seri Negara). Somehow, most of the Foreign Embassies in Malaysia preferred the Ampang area and Jalan Duta did not evolve into Ambassadors' enclave it intended, and the Istana Negara reserve remains undeveloped until 2007.
  • Kenapa korang semua jelous....Lim Goh Tong tu buat Istana besar gabak kat Genting Highland boleh pulak? Atas tanah kerajaan lagi tu, Pusat Perjudian kat Gunung hutan belantara korang tak heran pulak....Lagi merosakkan alam sekitar...
  • Duit Rakyat berapa percent saja.....yang banyak bagi cukai kat Kerajaan Syarikat GLC lah beb, Petronas dan macam2 lagi....setakat cukai yang korang bagi setahun entah berapa sen tu.....tak payahlah nak memekak kat dalam ni.
  • rm400 juta? tak perlu lah bazirkan duit buat istana,kan dah ada istana negara,baik buat projek lain yang boleh attract tourist datang malaysia then dari situ boleh jana pendapatan.
  • duit petronas tu adalah duit rakyat la... cuma org keje gomen je tak kena cukai, istana ni dibuat bila ada org banding istana mamak tahi tu lebih besar dari istana negara, istana yg ada sekarang ni pun kosong je sejak dari sultan johor dulu
  • takpa, nanti depa roboh yang lama tu buka commercial building lah. Dapat cover balik, apa nak heran? Tengok macam penjara pudu, tutup then bina balik building lain. Esok2pun airport Sungai besi pun nak tutup juga, so istana pun mungkin sekalilah. Firasat akulah.
  • anyone know where to find a satellite image before the development?
  • Istana Negara Jalan Duta.... lambang keagungan & keutuhan institusi Raja Berperlembagaan di Malaysia... rasanya,bukan satu pembaziran kalau dibuat untuk kedaulatan raja-raja kita..siapa lagi yang nak mendaulatkan institusi ksultanan kalau bukan kita,rakyat Malaysia ,kan...Renung-renungkan ya...
  • Ish korang ni.. Istana Negara lama tu pun bukannye istana. tu Rumah siapa ntah(rasanya chinese) yang diorang beli masa merdeka dulu.. Korang cakap dalam istana negara tu mewah.. korang penah tengok ke? dewan untuk pertabalan n pemakaian darjah kehormat tu, lagi kecik dari dewan serbagunakeramat tu. memang tak muat orang nak masuk. He is the ruler, so he deserves what he gets. Korang dapat duit pun sebab dok kat negara yang dia perintah. Kalo rasa taknak jejas satu sen pon duit korang, g buat negara sendiri. Cuma, aku tak suka kalo harga asal RM 400 mil, pastu tiba2 jadi RM811 mil sebab ada kroni2 amik kesempatan mark up. yang tu aku pon xtahan.
  • wow i think its bigger than the white house of america.. but i still think it does not have historical value...
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This article was last modified 6 years ago