
Pakistan / North-West Frontier / Chitral /
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Ayun (AKA Ayrun) is a small village ten miles down from Chitral Proper. It is the gateway to the Kalash Valleys of Bumboret and Rumbur off to the west. The entrance to Birir Valley is at Gabhirat about three miles south of Ayun. Birir is to the west.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   35°43'29"N   71°46'16"E


  • This map is wrong. This is not Ayun. This is Jinjoret and the house of Honzagool. Ayun is about 16 miles directly north of here. Ismail Sloan
  • There's a discrepancy with Mr. Sloan's comment. Note the names on the base map and see also the map attached to the Wiki entry for "Kalash tribe".
  • Unique CULTURED Pakistan community under threat http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/8083048.stm Dear editor, friends of Nature, HISTORY, ARCHEOLOGY, science, GENOLOGY, Mythology, DNA forum discussion on origin of civilisation and their Indian origin In site of DNA forum, Due to partial/incomplete and because of lack of full linguistic and archaeological experience, similarly KALSH CHITRAL - most of have not visited nor studied they are just reading from internet source. but need to understand all festivals, customs, language etc. I have pictures of INDRA carved in mountains if those KALASH VELLY. CHAUMAS - 4 months of farming. chitral is not written with "S" but pronounced "s" as "Shetral" mean FIELD in KHOWAR lenguage. they worship SHETRA pal as we do as KHETAR pal, geneticaly they are Indo Aryans & many more Civilisations of Indus and Saraswati did disappeared long before with the time but as some civilisation moved upstream of the Indus to survive from the attacks from outsiders. so they moved deep in Himalayan hindukush and khaibar valley areas. so they remained undetected and survived till today. Known of those are KALASH (KALASH - KUMBH ) valley civilisation and Chitral Culture civilisations in the area of NW frontier of Pakistan - in Hindukush valley area and khaibar valley area of the Himalayan region. both the valley area are on the tributaries of INDUS RIVER BASIN - traced on the satellite maps of Indus river basin and confirmed those are on the banks of tributaries of INDUS RIVER BASIN only. Satellite vies are in out library to explore. Though there has been effects of the Political and religious take over but as those are Isolated remote area of Himalaya valley are of Khaibar Ghat and hindukush valley of Himalaya they could retain the original traditions but soon will be lost if not supported. The Kalash community have their own distinct cultur Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) is today arguably one of the most dangerous places in the world. But while that may be true of regions where the Taliban proliferate, there are still areas of NWFP where life goes on as normal. The most prominent of these is the Kalash region in the northern-most district of Chitral. It is named after the Kalash tribe which has been settled here since time immemorial. The tribe, said to be descendants of Alexander the Great's soldiers, still practise an ancient pagan culture unlike any other in this part of the world. For centuries, the Kalash have been a people apart. In modern times, they have become a major tourist attraction, but in so doing have also attracted the ire of Islamic clerics. This has led to many of them derogatively referring to the Kalash region as Kafiristan, or "land of the unbelievers." Unique heritage Kalash valley The valley was at one point conquered by Alexander the Great But that is not the only challenge facing this dwindling community - many educated young Kalash men have chosen to convert to Islam. In doing so, they have abandoned the community to seek a life in the cities and a more upscale existence. Hundreds of years ago about 3,000 Kalash people made their home in the Birir, Rumbur and Bumburet valleys among the Hindu Kush mountains of Chitral. Generally speaking, the people of Chitral, Muslim or Kalash, are liberal when it comes to religion. "Chitral is one of the most peaceful regions in Pakistan," Abdul Wali, a local lawyer says. "All communities here have brotherly relations with each other. "People here believe culture has precedence over religion." Enthusiastic The Kalash in Chitral have four festivals to celebrate the seasons. Security forces in Kalash valley The area is becoming increasingly squeezed by the Taliban The summer festival is the most well attended with people coming from all over the country and the world. This year there are fewer foreign visitors, but they are present. Among them is Glasgow resident Patricia Fort with her son Leon. "This is the second time I have come here...this time to show it to my son," she said. Her son Leon is equally enthusiastic. "I got to know about this place from my mother, heard all the stories about the Kalash, saw pictures and knew I had to come," he said. "The scenery is incredibly beautiful, and the people are very friendly." The Kalash culture is increasingly under threat Checkpoints litter the road leading to the festival venue and local hospitals have been put on red alert. "We have been put on 24-hour emergency standby for as long as the festival lasts." The Kalash continued with their festival despite the dangers. In a region wracked by conflict, their simple ways seem like echoes from another time. Beautiful women adorned in black robes splattered with bright colours and with necklaces of sparkling stones dance to ancient tunes. The music is played by the men who occasionally break out in song. "They are singing of their happiness to God," says Munir, a Kalash man. "They are thankful that water is plentiful in the rivers and crops are ripening. By yours Dr.BHUDIA-Science Group Of INDIA. President:'Kutch Science Foundation'. Founder :'Kutch Amateurs Astronomers Club - Bhuj - Kutch'. Life Member:'kutch Itihaas Parishad'. http://uk.geocities.com/wildlifeofkutch/ http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/scienceclubofindia/ Do visit our ABOVE Clubs/Groups of Science club of India, Science Group of India.
  • Sam is wrong. Jingeret is about 15 miles to the south, near Damik.
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This article was last modified 3 years ago