Indonesia / Jawa Barat / Bekasi / Jakarta
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Jl. Pegangsaan Dua Blok A1, Km. 1,6 Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250 - P.O. Box: 1038/JAT, Jakarta 13010 - Indonesia
Phone: (021) 46830075
Fax: (021) 46826659

While it was founded in 1981, PT. Tri Dharma Wisesa was a Private Domestic Investment Company. In May 1996, the company signed a Join Venture agreement with Akebono Brake Industry Co.Ltd, Japan which changed its status into a Join Venture Company. Located in the area of 40,625 m2, the company now has 1,250 employees.

PT.Tri Dharma Wisesa is a manufacturer of Brake System, namely Drum Brakes and Disc Brakes for automobile, Master Cylinder and Disc Brake for motorcycle. Product capacity in 2 shifts production for automobile is 450,000 units per year, while for motorcycle is 1,450,000 units per year. The products are manufactured through various process such as Machining Process for Caliper Body, Mounting Support, Sleeve, Pin; Stamping Process for Backing Plate, Shoe Assy; Gravity Casting Process for Body of motorcycle Caliper and Master and also special manufacturing process for Disc Pad and Shoe Lining.

The company has 75% share of automobile and 40% share of motorcycle Domestic Market. It sells Disc Brakes and Drum Brakes Assembly of automobile and Disc Brake and Master Cylinder Assembly of motorcycle for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), while Disc Pad and Brake Shoes are sold to Original Equipment Services (OES) and After Market (AM).

Main Customers for Original Equipment Manufacturer include :

1. PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing
2. PT. Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java
3. PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
4. PT. Kramayudha Tiga Berlian Motor
5. PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor
6. PT. PT. Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
7. PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor
8. Perodua Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.
9. Akebono Brake (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Main Customers for Original Equipment Services are similar with the above list..

For After Market, Main Customers of PT. Tri Dharma Wisesa are:
1. PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk
2. Akebono Corporation Asia Ltd.

Based on the motto : We Do Better and Quality Is Our Success, the company commits to produce safe and reliable products for customer satisfaction.

Thus, PT.Tri Dharma Wisesa decides Company Quality Policy known as “CARE”, which stands for :

Commitment : to quality product
Awareness : to technology and environtment
Reliable : to quality of process
Excellence : in competence and teamwork

In addition to the accomplishment in acquiring Certificates of ISO/TS 16949 in 2007, ISO 14001 in 2001 and OHSAS 18001 in 2004, PT.Tri Dharma Wisesa was also succesful in the implementation of Akebono Production System (APS). From 2001 until 2003, the company became Model Line at Toyota Top Seminar for the implementation of APS in Disc Brake Line and Drum Brake Line. This success led to Zero Defect Achievement in 2003 and Supplier Quality Achievement in 2006 awarded by PT.Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia and Best Suppiler Delivery Improvement in 2008 awarded by PT. Kramayudha Tiga Berlian Motor. Of motorcycle products, PT.Tri Dharma Wisesa was awarded Delivery Improvement by PT.Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing in 2007.
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Coordinates:   6°10'29"S   106°55'6"E


  • kepada Yth.pimpinan manager HRD PT.TRI Dharma Wisesa di Tempat saya TRI WURYANI..ingin bertanya jika saia ingin melamar ke perusahaan anda..syarat apa saja yg hrus dilengkapi.serta mgirimkan lamaran tersebut lewat apa?saia harap,anda dpt membalas ea...saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak
This article was last modified 12 years ago