Mount Mtirala (National Park )

Georgia / Ajaria / Makhinjauri /
 mountain, park, forest, invisible, national park

Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   41°37'23"N   41°46'29"E


  • Address of Mtirala NP Administration is 13 Chavchadze str., Daba Chakvi 6214. The phone number the the women that is responsible for contact with visitors is +995 577 101 889. The web pages are in reconstruction and unaccessible :-(((
  •  236 km
  •  343 km
  •  473 km
  •  485 km
  •  667 km
  •  793 km
  •  796 km
  •  820 km
  •  830 km
  •  949 km
This article was last modified 15 years ago