sree agneeswarar temple and sree varthamanEswarar temple, thirupugalur, thirupugaloor varthamAneeswaram

India / Tamil Nadu / Nannilam /
 temple, Shiva temple, thevara paadal petra sthalam

SCN075 - sree akneeswarar along with sree sooLigAmbAL thirupuhaloor 75th thEvAra temple of chOzha dhEsh(nAdu) located in south shore of the river cauvEri.

SCN076 - sree varthamAneeswarar along with sree manOnmani temple thirupuhalur varthamAneechwararm is 76th thEvAra temple of chOzha dhEsh(nAdu) located in south shore of the river cauvEri.Deitees alos had the name sree karunthArkuzhali, sree saranyapureeswarar and sree kOnapirAn.
BStarT Sathaya - birth star temple, temple to worship who born in sadhyayam star.MukT - sree thirunAvukarasu swAmy got mukthi here.AvrT - sree muruga nAyanAr's birth place.PT Wealth - parikAra temple for those want to become rich.SLKT - one of the four soolikAmbAL temples, which are very much effect for giving normal child delivery.
Location: while going to thiruvAroor from pEralam to take left cut at sannAnalloor abt 4-5kms to again left cut opposite to the arch 'thirukannapuram'from here abt 1km!
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Coordinates:   10°53'3"N   79°42'7"E


  • cld u pls add more details pls!
  • A more impartant information is that it is here that Thirunavukkarasar spent considerable period of his life and attained Mukthi. At the age of 81 Navukkarasar sang the last pathigam ,Ennukane, en solli ennukane..' and dissolved at the feet of the Lord !
This article was last modified 5 years ago