Cape Schmidt

Russia / Chukotka / Mys Shmidta /
 cape (geography), interesting place

SCHMIDT Cape (North) - Cape of the North-east Asia (Russia), vdaetsya in the Chukchi Sea. Named after O. Schmidt in 1934, before that was called "Northern Cape", the James Cook in 1778.

In early October, Geographical Society of USSR, the Arctic Institute and the Academy of Sciences noted the 100 anniversary of the birth of a famous scientist, polar Yul'evich Academician Otto Schmidt.
Schmidt in German means «smith», «Koval». Therefore, in the domestic history of the famous Schmidt as Kuznetsovs, Kovalev and Kovalevskiy was done. For example, Yakov I. Schmidt (1779-1847) - orientalist, academician; Genrikhovich Karl (1822-1894) - chemist, academician, Alexander Alexandrovich (1831-1894) - physiologist, Professor Fedor Bogdanovich (1832-1908) - Academician, Geologist , botanist, whose name is called the Cape in the Kara Sea, the mountains on the island of Boiler in the Laptev Sea, cape on the island of Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk, Peter (1857-1906) - Lieutenant, revolutionary, headed a rebellion in the cruiser «Ochakov»; Alexander E. ( 1871-1939) - orientalist, Arabist, Academician; Yul'evich Peter (1872-1949) - Professor, zoologist, who concluded that the Okhotsk Sea is an Arctic ocean in miniature, a young radio Schmidt, who in the Arkhangelsk region in June 1928, the first received distress signals from an airship «Italy», which came under the repression of 1937. But among all Otto Schmidt Yul'evich was the Arctic and the Arctic.
O. Schmidt, born 18 (30) in September 1891 in Mogilev in the family trade servant, comes from the Baltic peasants. In 1909 he graduated with a gold medal of the Kiev school and enrolled at a local university on the physico-mathematical faculty. A young student characterized the breadth of interests, and especially the love of mathematics.
Already on the first year it was a list of required reading for literature. It became clear: to be a thousand years to learn everything. He recalled: «... I am a mathematician ... A thousand years can not survive. All it is impossible to know ... left only, without which thought itself is not the way to science. The newly calculated ... Turned for another 250 years! ».
In the quest for deeper knowledge Schmidt was persistent and nenasyten, mastered more than a dozen foreign languages. In the early work has shown outstanding ability. His student work on algebra in 1913 was awarded the gold medal of the university. His first book «The abstract theory of groups» in 1916 received an award named Professor Rakhmaninov a large gold medal.
In June 1917 he was elected a delegate from Kiev University in the All-Russian Congress for the high school in St. Petersburg. From that moment began its turbulent socio-political and scientific-research work, which he did, consistently engaging in the activities Narkomproda, Narkomfina, Narkomprosa, Gosizdata, Komakademii, Academy of Sciences and Moscow University.
Starting with mathematics, geography увлекшись deepen in geophysics, realizing that the Earth is an open space body, O. Schmidt, ultimately came to the creation of «kosmogonicheskoy theory». The essence of this theory was that the Earth was not a bunch of melted matter, but from a cold meteorite densities, followed by heating.
Yet the greatest worldwide fame O. Schmidt brought his polar research, he has devoted more than ten years of its most striking.
In 1929, expedition to ship Icebreaker «G. Sedov »under the guidance of Schmidt affirmed in our archipelago Franz Josef Land, based in the quiet bay of the most northern geophysical station. The expedition reached latitude 82 degrees, making the first attempt to penetrate the ice breaker in the oceanic area of the Arctic basin.
In 1930, in the same boat next expedition, under his leadership, investigated the eastern part of the Kara Sea. Swimming resulted in remarkable success - the opening of previously unknown islands Wiese, Isachenko, Voronin, Long, Home, west coast of Severnaya Zemlya. Latest new island in the northern part of the sea in the form of ice caps has been named chief of the expedition on behalf of the island Schmidt.
In the same 1930, the Institute for the Study of the North was transformed into the All-Union Arctic Institute, its director has been appointed O. Schmidt.
In connection with the Second International Polar Year in 1932, the Arctic Institute has organized an expedition to the Icebreaker ship «Sibiriakov». Under the guidance of Schmidt's vessel has been the entire Northern Sea Route for the first time in history for a navigation. The expedition proved definitively that the Polar Sea are suitable for the through transit. From the height of our years is only surprising courage and resourcefulness pioneers who ventured into this voyage for the first time in history, around the north Severnaya Zemlya above 81 degrees latitude, and then break off the screw into the ice of the Chukchi Sea below 68 degrees latitude, managed to reach the clean water with via ... sails.
According to Schmidt's report on the outcome of this expedition the Government had created in late 1932, the General Directorate of the Northern Sea Route - Glavsevmorput the challenge: «Get definitively Northern Sea Route from the White Sea to the Bering, equipped this way, keep it in good condition and to ensure the safety of navigation on the way ». Was appointed Chief Glavsevmorputi O. Schmidt.
Glavsevmorput played an important role in the development of the Arctic. Suffice it to say that for only three years - from 1933 to 1935 - the number of polar hydrometeorological stations and radio stations increased from 16 to 51. Glavsevmorput had its own economy, its own navy, aviation and science. What, unfortunately, at present, for various reasons, no.
In April 1933, from the rostrum the First All-Union Congress of geographical Schmidt, referring to plans for future Arctic research, prophetically warned that before attempting to create and organize new expedition, did not prevent a process and publish the proceedings of the old studies. He stressed that «in the geographer of our country is a big sin for deposits of unpublished material ... Where material the Great Northern Expedition ... Where material Vilkitskogo - expedition to «Taymir» and «Vaigach »?... Why are these precious materials are? Why do we have so little, so slow to publish the results of their work? This is unacceptable! ».
Time to answer these shmidtovskie «why». Sent special neglect their own stories costly to our country, and Schmidt himself in the same 1933. For example, we note that the author of these lines in an effort to remove the «sin» polar geography has made the publication of the expedition «Taymir» and «Vaigach» 1909-1915 years only in 1985, with the inevitable major censorship restrictions on the cases of more than half a century ago.
In 1933, Schmidt led the expedition to the legendary ship «Челюскин». It was to prove the possibility of sailing ships on the northern route neledokolnogo class. «Челюскин» fulfilled their task, came from the west on the Bering Strait, but was involved in a reverse drift and February 13, 1934 sank, crushed ice in the Chukchi Sea off the island Kolyuchin 60 miles from shore.
The heroic epic of Cheluskintsev rescue, evacuation of the polar «ice camp Schmidt» known. Okladistaya shmidtovskaya beard became famous beards Pushkinsky Chernomor, and the city of children start to play Cheluskintsev earlier than chapaevtsev. However, less known, even winter, O. Schmidt at the same time led the evacuation of people from Ships Second North-East expedition Narkomvoda «Khabarovsk», «Anadyr», «North», which wintered at the Peninsula Aachim 60 miles east of Pevek. Polar plane out to the North Cape. Since 1934, this cape was renamed Cape Schmidt, and now he is the center Shmidtovskogo district of Magadan region and Chukotka. The death «Челюскина» did not stop work on the development of the Northern Sea Route. It has contributed to a further development of technical equipment of the road, and expand research and forecasting work.
In 1935, O. Schmidt headed the interagency Office of ice forecasts, which brought together leading specialists from different institutions.
In 1936 O. Schmidt complied with the special task of the Government on the transport of the Archangel at the East courts almost the first EON (Expedition Specialist) within the starling «Litke», three cargo vessels and two squadron minonostsev «Voicu» and «Stalin». Given the bitter experience of «Sibiryakov» and «Челюскина», at this time, Schmidt sent a caravan in the strait beyond the southern Long shore and in the middle of the strait. Selecting this option will provide a quick access to clean water, avoiding the coastal compression. September 20, starling «Litke» and neledokolnye military court passed without serious damage to the Bering Strait to further appointment to Vladivostok for the replenishment of the Pacific naval fleet.
In May 1937, O. Schmidt led the expedition of the air, which dropped four papanintsev to the North Pole. For this action he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The last time he visited the Arctic in February 1938, leading a rescue expedition to the icebreaker «Ermak» to remove papanintsev with ice floes, which was made in the Greenland Sea.
By becoming an Academician in 1935, in the years 1939-1942, he was elected vice-president of the Academy of Sciences. Severe lung disease in 1944 forced him to depart from the institutional status and focus on research.
In 1937, Academy of Sciences organized the Institute of Theoretical Geophysics, and O. Schmidt was appointed as Director of its torus. The last years of his life, he worked at Moscow University, and died at the age of 65 years, 7 September 1956. O. Schmidt left a rich scientific heritage in the form of numerous works on mathematics, algebra, science, polar geography, geophysics, astronomy, cosmogony. In memory of the merits of the name O. Schmidt named already mentioned the island in the Kara Sea and the Cape in the Chukchi Sea and the peninsula in the northern part of Novaya Zemlya, and the peak of the pass in the Pamir Mountains. In the southern hemisphere on the Antarctic continent, the Soviet polar his name called a vast plain of ice on Earth Wilkes and British scientists have made his name rocky cape on the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.
In the Academy of Sciences in Moscow Institute of Physics of the Earth is the name O. Schmidt, and floats in the Western Arctic research icebreaker «Otto Schmidt».
Through transit, O. Schmidt, which establishes in the early 30's, every year, growing qualitatively and quantitatively.
Finally, want to make an informed toponymic proposal - to return the old Cape in the Chukchi Sea of the original local name. The fact is that this place is not a single geographic point, and two. This two-horned rocky promontory of relatively flat shoreline. In 1909, geologist J. Tolmachev these rocks gave the names of their satellites: Northwest - cliff Surveyor M. Kozhevnikova, the north-east - cliff surveyor E. Weber.
Prior to 1934, Schmidt was named head of North Cape, or Cap Nord, as it marked on their maps of James Cook in August 1778, found here a small Aboriginal settlement. Exactly 200 years ago, in 1791 Russian traveler Joseph Billings mapped in this area «village seating chukoch - Ryrkaypy», which means that in the hieroglyphic, many Chukchi language about «where-ends-pass-walrus». Traces of Neolithic parking Ancient marine hunter-age hunters in a few millennia and is now visible in the permafrost onshore outcrops, undermine the summer sea waves in the North Bay between two cliffs. Remains of ancient zemlyanok noticeable on the western shore at the foot of a cliff Kozhevnikova. At the top of the rock was Chukotka fortress where ancient hunters sought shelter from enemy attacks.
In 1823, F. Vrangel on their map placed the dual title of «Ryrkaypy - North». And this is perhaps the most correct name for a double cape.
Thus, without neglecting the merit O. Schmidt, but paying tribute to (the old - old, new - new), useful to the western part of the Cape from the cliff Kozhevnikova call Ryrkaypiem, the eastern part of the cliff with the Weber and located east of the town, port and airport - Cape Schmidt and all together - double the term Ryrkaypy-Schmidt.
The final transcription is useful to discuss with the Chukchi the intelligentsia, with local lore and old.
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Coordinates:   68°55'12"N   179°27'12"W
This article was last modified 2 years ago