Washington Park Neighborhood (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

USA / Wisconsin / Milwaukee / Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Information from About.com (milwaukee.about.com/od/neighborhoods/a/WashPark.htm):

Milwaukee is an extremely diverse city, and nearly every neighborhood has its own unique atmosphere and look. This article is a simple profile and demographic breakdown of the Washington Park neighborhood of Milwaukee.

Washington Park Statistics
Population: 1,184
Median Age: 25
Median Household Income: $23,327
Average Home Price: $124,000
Parameters: Washington park is bordered by Martin Drive to the south, Uptown, Sherman Park and Metcalfe Park to the north, Walnut Hill to the East, and Washington Heights to the west. It's street-level borders are 35th street to the east, US-41 to the west, Vliet Street to the south, and North Avenue to the north. Sherman Boulevard and Lisbon Avenue run through the neighborhood.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   43°3'16"N   87°57'54"W
This article was last modified 16 years ago